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Base 57

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Everything posted by Base 57

  1. There is the problem. Do not use .bun files to save your work. The bundle file is a dinosaur left over from the early days of Cakewalk's foray into audio editing. Save as a Cakewalk Project file (.cwp).
  2. That's because the Cakewalk Step Sequencer is MIDI only. It is not a sampler. Look into the Matrix View or use a third party sampler.
  3. For those of us who have never had the pleasure of working with FL Studio, please elaborate a little more.
  4. FWIW, I am using W10 -1903 and have no problems with either CbB 20-07 or Melodyne Studio 4.
  5. I have Studio 4 and it is working well in the EA 20.07
  6. The simplest way is to hold Shift and drag the edge of the clip.
  7. Scenario 1. It's always been like that. If you "dirty" the first project by moving a fader or adding a letter to the notes pane (or maybe a track template) it will persist after opening the second project. Scenarios 2 & 3 I cannot duplicate. Closing the projects does not close the app here.
  8. Let me make it worse. I have an Antelope Orion 32+. It has 32 analog ins and outs. It also has 16 channels of ADAT and (this is the bit that's relevant to this thread) it has 16 channels of FX processing using very well modeled versions of a bunch of vintage EQ's and Compressors. This totals 64 ASIO channels for the DAW with the Thunderbolt driver.. I would prefer to use the 16 Orion FX channels as External inserts. However because of the limitation brought up by the OP I can only use 8 channels for this. ???
  9. You can select all (Cntrl+A) and just drag them to move them. However that is not necessary. Export should follow the Selected time. So make sure your From time is set correctly.
  10. That is what he is saying and he is correct. Maybe would work but is a very inelegant workaround. Sort of defeats the purpose of having External inserts in the FX bin. Having external mono processing in front of the sends is what is desired.
  11. Digital Audio Workstation. Without hardware The software is useless.
  12. Well, I've been experimenting with this. With the Event List open and the first note in the list selected, Holding Cntrl+Alt and pressing Space repeatedly scrolls down the list of notes; playing each of them once. So for me, it appears to be working as described in the document that @scook linked above.
  13. Cntrl+Space = Stop with now marker Alt+Space = Preview arrangement These are default As for the OP, Cntrl+Alt+ Space doesn't seem to be assigned to anything by default and I don't see anything regarding play events in the Event List area of the Shortcut Preferences. There is step advance in the Step Record area. Perhaps that would work? There is also Shift+Space =Audition which plays whatever is currently selected in the Event List or any other view.
  14. It's not late here. I still missed it the first time.
  15. That is usually an Echoplex. So a tape delay type plug-in is what you want to try.
  16. I don't know about the LFO's but the delay does sync to host. Just toggle the button.
  17. Posting in all caps is equal to screaming. More people are likely to block you than help. But here goes. If you use Cntrl+Alt+V (Paste Special) to paste you will be offered several options. Paste into existing clips, paste as new clips and paste as linked clips are among them. I believe new linked clips are what you are looking for. Paste special settings are then retained for normal paste operations.
  18. The answer is yes. However you can't group all of the controls in your selected tracks into a single group (Well you can but the results will not be what you are expecting). Select the tracks you want to group then Cntrl+Right Click a control (like the fader or pan knob). Group is one of the options in the context menu. Group management in Cakewalk can be very flexible and powerful. For more information RTFM (again and again and...). * I think we are all misunderstanding what you want. *** @paulogot it Maybe you want to create a Bus? Then route multiple tracks to that bus? In Cakewalk the term Groups refers to control groups or clip groups.
  19. Wrong offset. At the top of that page under synchronization there is a MIDI Timing offset. It is under the Full Chase Lock (which must be selected). Just be aware that the offset is applied to midi out ports also. So if you have any hardware synths you can end up chasing your tail. I eventually reset the offset to 0.00 and went back to using nudge.
  20. LoopBe. Not a VST. But it is free. Just be careful not to create feedback.
  21. This part works for me. Make sure that all tracks, aux tracks and busses you want as part of your template are selected before you save it. However the hardware out is not recalled properly. Whether the track or the bus is routed to a hardware out it always loads routed to output 1.
  22. This is at least one of your problems. Any audio or midi devices you use in a project need to be connected and turned on when you start Cakewalk. Be sure to use the same port every time.
  23. Just to clarify, This is a problem with Track Templates. For me Project Templates are working as expected. The OP in this thread is using WASAPI but I have same issue with ASIO. As for the problems @chris.r is having. I read those threads and understood it to be a problem with Project Templates. I do have a question about that but will post it in one of those threads later.
  24. I can duplicate this. External insert routing is not saved at all*. Buss is routed to the first hardware output regardless of which output was originally assigned *The external insert is shown in the FX Bin but send and return routing are set to "none".
  25. In the screenshot it is the Event Inspector that incorrectly identifies the note as Eb1. The Staff View is displaying the note properly. I can replicate this. Apparently the PRV doesn't respect the Key Signature. With Key sig set to E (4 sharps) the PRV names D# as Eb. It is the PRV that is incorrect not the Staff View.
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