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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. bjornpdx

    frog guiro project

    Very cool video and song. Not sure how you got those celebrity cameos in there - oh wait you live in LA. ?
  2. bjornpdx

    Sweet Afton

    Sweet Afton https://soundcloud.com/orygun/sweet-afton I wrote this a couple of years ago to accompany a video about a trip to Scotland that I did in 2012. What better source of inspiration than to look up some Robert Burns poetry? This song is inspired by one of those poems, Sweet Afton written in 1791. The lyrics are on Soundcloud if you want to sing along.
  3. bjornpdx

    Hard Love

    I agree with the other comments about that distorted whatever sound, but not such a big deal to me. Your songs always sound so good because of that great country voice of yours. I guess the only suggestion I have is to tweak the chorus a bit and give it more of a hook and make it stand out more.
  4. Really like what you did with the song, Will. You have a talent for arrangement not to mention playing that guitar.
  5. I like what you did with a rather straightforward video and a few effects. The music is top notch. Didn't see a connection with the title of the video, but that's okay.
  6. Very nice song, David. Seems like you can create in a multitude of styles.
  7. I have two albums with CDBaby that I did about 8 years ago. It was fairly painless to set up and it wasn't that expensive. At that time they insisted on physical media so I sent them 5 home produced CDs of each album. Not sure if they require CDs now. They arranged the digital distribution so my albums can be found on YouTube, Spotify, Google Music, iTunes and other places. They have a pretty good accounting overview which I check out now and then. I get one of two cents (or less) when listeners stream one of my tracks. I wasn't looking to make money doing this, it was just for the experience and fun of it. You'd have to really market yourself to get any kind of income through CDBaby or the other distribution companies. It is kinda cool though to see your music listed on iTunes and Amazon.
  8. It has that end of the year holidays sound that made it seem familiar at first, but no I haven't heard it before. Add in some lyrics and you've got a future holiday standard here.
  9. I listened to a few of your songs. Really well done, very engaging lyrics and melodies. Reminds me a bit of John Prine, not the vocal so much but the songwriting style.
  10. Wookie, Will, Amicus Thanks for the comments.
  11. Thanks Lynn! Glad you're still up for the Arvin project, but no rush of course.
  12. John The best way to honor someone's memory is with a song and you did a great job.
  13. bjornpdx


    That's really nice! Beautiful song, beautifully played.
  14. bjornpdx

    After the Snow

    Dan This is one of those songs that just sounds like the title/subject. Really like the strings coming in (cello?) at around 1:00 which brought in an ominous feel, like a cold dark day. Didn't care for the drums coming in around 2:17. I don't know, just seemed like a departure from the mood or maybe just too loud. What I noticed most of all is how you handle the instrument dynamics so well. A very enjoyable listen!
  15. Space Music FX video http://www.bjornfredrickson.com/p869285128/hc18b3a20#hc18b3a20 Playing around with Hit Film Pro and applying effects to NASA space images and some of my photos. Obviously I'm not proficient at this so this is a work in progress. Fun to do but a real time sucker. The sound track is two songs that I've submitted before
  16. Definitely a better version, Lynn, tho I think the vocal could come up even more to catch the lyrics better. But that could be a problem with my ears (just ask my wife) More drums would be good and some more harmonica too. I liked the background vocal, but it was too left and then too right in the stereo field.
  17. Larry, I don't think I've ever heard the original version of the song. Yours has that sound typical of the era - the Phil Spector touch - which always takes me back to those times. Nicely done. And thanks for posting the link to all the helpful drum programming techniques, something I've been getting into lately. I guess I didn't notice anything that stood out in your drum track.
  18. "don't understand how it happened when I feel so young inside" This^^ Outstanding lyrics and performance. Must have taken a while to find all those video clips but they were perfect for the song! (You really should take your statin in the evening though.)
  19. Hey Lynn The link doesn't work for me, takes me to a general bandlab page. I found your song by doing a search. I like the song but I had trouble understanding the lyrics mainly because the vocal is too low. Glad to hear you're back in the studio!
  20. I went a little nutso (and I don't think I was the only one) and bought Cubase, Studio One and Reaper last year. And Samplitude just to get SpectraLayers and Sound Forge. Cubase - never warmed up to it so I sold it after a month. Reaper - I just can't get my head around midi editing in Reaper. Except for that I really like it. Studio One - SO is becoming my main DAW. I find the chord track and Notion very useful. I just started learning about using LUFS in the Project section and that's been very useful too. CbB - I still use it but not as much. I find myself starting new songs in Studio One more and more.
  21. bjornpdx

    Jingle Hell

    I like it! Funny stuff for sure. Clever lyrics. Low budget video but very well done. I like the processed cheese bit. ..might have to resort to that myself.
  22. Nice one Wookie. Really liked the guitar especially.
  23. I've bookmarked the new forum and will obsessively check it out every hour or so. After seeing all the familiar names coming onboard I'm optimistic that this new forum will be as good as the old one.
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