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Everything posted by bjornpdx

  1. Thanks tom and David David, I just found out what 1312 was all about and now there's 322 ?
  2. It does sound like a journey, almost like a military march. Very nice driving beat to the dramatic ending. I like it.
  3. Gary Somehow I missed this the first time around. Powerful stuff here! Your voice is exceedingly good and I like the real emotion you put into it (maybe inadvertently when caught up in the lyrics?) The piano (by Simeon - excellent) and strings, the chord changes all of it merge to hit that emotional spot inside.
  4. Another day of noodling with synths. Also I have a bunch of swooshes and sweeps lying around the desktop so I put some of those in instead of actual musical content. Omnisphere Air Loom u-He Diva and Zebra Alchemy Z3TA2+ Thanks for any comments/crits.
  5. Very nice. The vocal styling is good and I like the synthy doodles here and there. About the only thing that stood out to me was that some track levels were a bit too loud and kind of stifled the voc. Good job on this one.
  6. I'm not only impressed by your playing but also how you structure your songs. I'm guessing you've had some formal training in music?
  7. Rex You have such a pleasing voice that it's a treat listening to your songs. Saying that though, I thought the voc stood out too much in spots or maybe the instruments need to come up some. The lyrics are good but they got too repetitive IMO. Aside from those nits I did enjoy listening to the song.
  8. This is one of those instruments you might use one time, but still it's kinda cool. Introductory offer $69 until Aug 18 then $99. Kontakt player. https://soundiron.com/collections/new-releases/products/didgeridoos
  9. bjornpdx

    My Better Days

    Very well done. Sounds professional to me. I see that you used Izotope Nectar and Mix Assistant which I have but haven't used yet. Sounds like it worked very well here. Gonna try it out next project. I like the guitar and organ accompaniment and the emotion behind the words. The song is kind of laid back until ~4:45 when the intensity notched up. I was expecting that a bit earlier. Just my preference. I'm a lyrics guy and pay attention to words. Excuse me for asking, but what were the lyrics ~ 0:40? "<something> much for nothing" It's so satisfying to create something and love the way it turned out like you've done here.
  10. Well I'm a casual fan of Genesis so not familiar with this piece. I didn't get an impression of the drums so much as the keyboard playing, which is excellent. Will be great to hear the full version.
  11. bjornpdx


    Yep, something sinister going on here. I think it works, but maybe too much going on in a couple of spots? I picked up Spitfire BBC orchestra recently and thinking about doing a project like this. Wondering if you can suggest any resources to get started? Thanks.
  12. Not a video but seeing pictures of this rock climber gives me vertigo https://imgur.com/gallery/3dKGUm3
  13. I really like the melody and the sincere lyrics. You're going to have to top yourself every anniversary from now on you know. ?
  14. bjornpdx

    Pandemic Blues

    For a blues song, you had me smiling throughout. You have a truly unique voice that fits the genre well. Not sure if you've posted in the songs forum before, but would be cool to hear more from you.
  15. >>screw it, I'm just going to call it done << This is how I finish most of my songs. The pedal steel was a really good choice I like the upbeat lyrics which are clear and distinct in the mix. The bass seemed a bit "rumbly" in headphones and I thought the drums could use some fattening. Good job on the song. I enjoyed listening to it.
  16. Nice one, Jesse You made me do the math. Looks like I'm in late September/early October. Yikes.
  17. Man I love this blues style especially when played so well as you've done. I've been teaching myself some Mississippi John Hurt songs (My Creole Bell, Satisfied and Tickled Too) and struggling a bit. You've given me some inspiration!
  18. If you're witnessing an active shooting, a major fire, explosion, train wreck or things like that, would you please rotate your phone 90 degrees for your video? The horizontal orientation looks much better on my computer monitor and TV screen. Thank you.
  19. I took these photos about ten years ago at the Tualatin River Natl Wildlife Refuge. It shows a Bald eagle hunting a Canada goose and the inevitable result. I made a very short slide show from the images and wrote the background music. This segment was part of a 20 minute DVD I made for the Refuge visitor center store featuring several photographers' images and music I created in Cakewalk. The photos here aren't all that great because of the distance and the tall grass obscuring the scene. I've seen bald eagles snatch ducks and fish from waterways and fly off. In this video the eagle stands on the goose for a while and drowns it. Nature isn't kind nor is it cruel. It's just the way it works.
  20. Daryl Cool song. Really like the chord changes especially in the chorus. Reminds me of pop songs from the 60s
  21. Tom I think you should change the name of the song to Road Trip, you know like when you're traveling and you try to find something good on the radio and you hit the search button and you tune in all kinds of different genres. Well anyway cool and very fun song. I like the transitions from one genre to the next.
  22. After two years of collecting new inspirations, Delight 3 is here for the lovers of lyrical, ethereal, mystical, emotional, evolving, soft, airy and transparent pads, strings and voxes. You'll find thick, dramatic and warm analogue synths, basses, leads, plucks. There are playful and magical keyboards, arpeggios, basslines and BPM synchronized pads, plus useful drums, transitions and soundscapes. $35 but $6 off with promo code Intro http://sound.artenuovo.com/omnidelight3.html?mc_cid=c01e86df48&mc_eid=2a14d9c2cd
  23. Freddy I had not heard about Elwin Wilson before, much less his relationship with John Lewis. That is a powerful story and I thank you for telling it.
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