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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. What @Colin Nicholls said. This is a known issue and we have plans of gradually addressing it. Its not impossible but its a significant amount of work for the UI to fully handle DPI scaling in the app. Today we let windows do the best it can - hence the somewhat fuzzy images.
  2. I gave Joni some troubleshooting steps and hes unblocked for now...
  3. @Matthew Sorrels we'll look into the string issue. Thanks for the report.
  4. 1. You can use the downloaded installer but you must activate on all PCs you install it on. 2. Activation is per PC 3. Starting ba doesn't do it automatically. However you can reactivate anytime in advance and renew the lease that way.
  5. Is the driver from the manufacturer or a third party asio driver like asio4all?
  6. You should use shared mode if you want to hear YouTube when using Cakewalk. Also check if your interface has a native asio driver some that will give you better performance potentially
  7. Some misconceptions. Cakewalk will never get deactivated mid performance. Activation does not require updating the software. You can choose to activate directly from bandlab assistant now from the menu next to the Cakewalk button without installing a new build. Activation is not required very frequently and you will get a reminder weeks before it's required giving you sufficient notice. There playlist has been greatly improved and many issues fixed in the latest 2019.11 release, so it's a lot safer to use live than older versions.
  8. Some questions. Which plugins are you using in your project? What is your audio driver mode set to in preferences / audio / playback and recording? If you want to share YouTube while playing in Cakewalk you may want to set it to wasapi shared. Which build of Cakewalk are you running? Have you installed the latest 2019.11 release?
  9. Yes that wasn't intentional. Its been fixed for the next drop.
  10. @deepseasquid Sent you a message with a link.
  11. @Heinz Hupfer you said it worked before - hence my response. We'll fix the documentation, thanks. Effects settings should be saved in track templates. Those do not have anything to do with mix scenes. >>Also the Drag and drop mixscenes into a new project doesn't recall ProChannel settings like EQ or Comp! Keep in mind that mix scenes are tied to the project that they originated from. If you drag and drop into a project that was not derived from the same project there is no guarantee that the settings will be recalled because the track ID's may be different. However if you drag a scene into a project that was saved from a version of the original project it should recall fine. In the future we may allow importing scenes from other projects and allowing you to match settings from tracks and buses.
  12. It should only stay if your mouse is over the toast message. If you move the mouse away it should disappear.
  13. @deepseasquidTry logging out of BandLab Assistant and back in. Then retry and see if it works. Its possible that the change could take a bit of time to propagate over the web. Where are you located?
  14. @Milton Sica I sent you a message with instructions to troubleshoot further.
  15. @siordanescu just PM'ed you to try and get some more information.
  16. @tecknot Can you describe what problem you are running into with the current performance module? It supports displaying up to 32 cores.
  17. @Heinz Hupfer we investigated this. I think you may be confusing project templates with track templates. Mix scenes do indeed save properly with project templates. Track templates on the other hand do not save mix scenes.
  18. This isn't a problem with Cakewalk. Its poorly written drivers that don't flush their state on abnormal termination. Cakewalk already attempts to shut down drivers whenever an exception is detected. Not all crashes can be caught by the app so this is something that has to be handled by drivers themselves. Most well behaved drivers can survive the program being force closed from Task Manager as well.
  19. It should be fixed now in BandLab assistant as well if you retry. Sorry about that.
  20. The hotfix has been officially released now so you can get it through BandLab assistant if you don't already have it. The build is
  21. @Martin Vigesaa Yes is the correct build. Are you setting the latency from the slider in Preferences or by opening the manufacturer's ASIO panel (Click the Asio Panel button)? You should be able to set the latency from the ASIO panel. Please don't use the latency slider since it would appear that your driver has bugs handling it.
  22. Hi @Olaf I'm sorry to hear about your issues. Even though it may seem that its related to the .11 release I suspect that they are coincidental, since many of the areas you had issues with have not changed in this release. Whats possible is that your audio setup got reset when you installed 11 initially and your audio settings changed. Other than that there are no changes to audio latency esp for ASIO. I suspect most of your issues may be related to your audio device if that is the only device you are using. The Audigy 2 is an end of life old device with no current Win 10 drivers. What version of Cakewalk were you using prior to this update? If you send me a link to your minidump files (as listed in your screenshots) I can see if the crashes reveal any further information for troubleshooting.
  23. Thats great. If they need any assistance from us let them know they can contact me.
  24. In newer builds you can directly drop multiple wave files into take lanes and it will create new take lanes as necessary.
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