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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. This is likely because the EA is not fully localized yet. You may need to run in english for now.
  2. It will update in place to the final build. >>Why is folder nesting taking so long? It's a relatively simple feature that has huge benefits to usability and workflow. Folder nesting will have to wait until we do further work on the user interface. Its not as simple as you might think
  3. Are you running the latest version of CbB? Please post a video or screenshot of the problem. Also check what your picture cache folder is set to and find and delete all files in that folder. If something is blocking generation of the pictures or you have HD problems it could cause this problem.
  4. There are no changes in this update that would affect this. Please troubleshoot your latency settings. Also list the dropout code that is displayed when it drops out.
  5. Can you share the project and audio with us please? Upload it and send me a link.
  6. We tested the VSL maps and the Vienna folks have had early access to this build of CbB for some time as well.
  7. Cakewalk by default auto scans only newly added plugins and is typically very fast. Of course for shells like Waves it has to load the shell to check that. As scook mentioned you can disable the auto scan if you prefer to manage it manually.
  8. Glad you like it. A lot of effort went into this feature and we wanted to get it right from the get go. @msmcleod did most of the articulation maps implementation so he can comment further. We plan on making a subforum for users to share articulation maps if there is interest but you are welcome to start a thread. Any Cubase compatible map should import into CbB. We already tested the Vienna Ensemble maps and they work fine.
  9. @sreams glad you are seeing noticeable improvements. Curious in what specific area you saw this - is it larger projects or just something that previously had issues?
  10. @Lynn WilsonIts normal for the project to close and the start screen to come up. I'm not sure what you mean by "The start menu appears, but the background (rest of the app) disappears. " I don't see anything abnormal here. What crash are you referring to? Are you still seeing a crash? If so please send me a link to the fresh dump file with this version and I'll look into it.
  11. PS. It will even batch import multiple maps at one time. Just multi-select in the import articulation dialog.
  12. Error 13 has nothing to do with your system directly so you are troubleshooting the wrong area potentially. "ASIO subsystem signaled a dropout due to a state change." This means that the ASIO driver itself requested the application to stop. What should be investigated is what is causing the driver to signal the state change to the host. Typically this happens by changing sample rate or some property like that from the driver panel but it can also be caused by another application accessing the driver unexpectedly.
  13. What is the dropout code you get? CbB has a mechanism for dropout diagnostics now.
  14. >>System: Windows 10 1803 I may consider it just because of this lol.
  15. I've reactivated the KVR page and updated some of the information. We'll post regular updates there going forward.
  16. We'll consider allowing section export for a future release depending on how much of a can of worms it ends up being
  17. Glad you were able to sort out the issue. Focusrite interfaces works fine with cbb. I have a 6i6 here that I use daily.
  18. Have you reported this to the plugin vendor yet?
  19. I am able to reproduce this and have been passing on information to Steinberg. It appears to be a problem with Syncrosoft copy protection. Interesting that an earlier version solves it for you. I will pass on this info.
  20. Windows has built in Bluetooth MIDI support (no custom drivers supported) and Cbb supports it via the UWP MIDI driver mode. I don't know anything about this Yamaha device, but some vendors also release custom MME drivers that support bluetooth. You can talk to Yamaha support and ask about that. The bluetooth UWP MIDI stuff works pretty well, I used it in a very crowded space for a demo at the Microsoft build conference with Pete Brown (thousands of people with bluetooth on phones and other devices) and was surprised that it stood up even at a range of about 20 feet away. Let us know how it works out if you do get the Yamaha interface.
  21. It looks like exporting from a surround bus (when category is set to buses) broke sometime in an early SONAR version. We'll fix it. For now export the "surround main" by setting source category to hardware outputs or entire mix. There is no requirement to actually have multiple hardware outputs.
  22. @Max Arwood can you send me the project that was silent?
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