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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Yes @Winstonhulley88 please send a link to the dump file that was created ASAP so we can take a look at it.
  2. That is something you should take up with Waves support. They should be able to help you with this. Many issues with waves 12 are due to prior versions being installed at the same time which they do not support.
  3. Please try the 2020.10 EA release since there are some optimizations that improve performance when there are many take lanes with muted clips. Also list the dropout code.
  4. I don't see this issue. Can you reproduce in a new project? If so please post a video or some steps. Does it make a different if you are using a workspace or not?
  5. I've fixed it thanks. Just some new code that was supposed to operate on notes, not checking the data type properly. We'll post an updated build tomorrow morning.
  6. We can't edit the app since the user may have unsaved changes. So it prompts from the installer. We could prompt first from the app I suppose.
  7. Realtek works fine with both Wasapi Shared and exclusive. In fact on Win10 you can get very decent latency with it - it goes down to about 4-5 msec with no issues. You shouldnt have issues overdubbing from the line in as long as you are running at low latency. Audio quality should be acceptable as long as you don't have any electrical noise coming in from the MOBO when recording. If you have a line level signal coming in from a mic into the line-in input you may be surprised. Obviously don't use the onboard mic lol.
  8. You can get a free license for the Vienna Symphonic Library Big Bang Orchestra, which is powered by the Synchron Player here: https://www.vsl.co.at/en/BBO_Map/BBO They have an articulation map that you can download for it as well.
  9. @Cédric Lawde this behavior has been improved for the 2020.10 release. Simply adding a synth or loading a project shouldn't be triggering the creation of those files since they are only used during recording so that issue has been addressed. Some notes for others reading this topic later. With regard to the Allow Arm Changes topic please read the help for the Recording Options. In most cases you should always leave the two sub options "Only for Inputs in Project" and "Exclude Synth Inputs" checked because otherwise you can get a very large number of files created if you have many audio inputs available. This will make starting the transport sluggish. 3 files are created preemptively for every input on the system without those options checked. So if you have 16 hardware inputs and 10 synths in the project each with 8 recordable outputs, you will get a massive number of files created each time. 96*3 = 288 files! While these files are very small, file creation takes time and it will unnecessarily overload the system. By leaving "Only for Inputs in Project" checked this will greatly reduce the number of anticipated inputs and be much more efficient while still allowing you to arm on the fly. Another general performance tweak is to only select audio device inputs in preferences that you actually use and leave others unselected. This will also help reduce unnecessary inputs.
  10. Its not Cakewalk crashing its the UAD driver crashing. Bluescreens can never be caused by user mode programs, only kernel mode drivers can bluescreen. This is not a question we can answer, only UA can debug and solve this issue so I suggest contacting their technical support with the recipe.
  11. We need more information than that. What exactly are you selecting and copy pasting. Please post detailed steps or a video so we can evaluate.
  12. @Sascha Denda thanks for sending your template. I was able to reproduce the glitch when step recording. The actual issue is not performance related. Its caused because the step recorder by default auto advances by the step size after every note. When advancing the time, it was interrupting the engine so you would hear a momentary pause in the audio that sounds like the note is being cut off. If you turn off "auto advance" you will see that the glitch stops. I've fixed the issue so that it no longer interrupts the engine while auto advance is on. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
  13. Hide related VST2 plugins has absolutely nothing to do with VST scanning. It just affects what is shown in Cakewalk's menus and plugin layouts. Its completely coincidental that your change appeared to affect your problem.
  14. @Maestro We're not sure why you think its slower to work. In the PRV you essentially add the articulation to a row the same way. Our automation lanes are different and we didn't want to confuse them with MIDI articulations since its not the same thing as track automation. Can you make a video or explain what you are doing better?
  15. Thanks, I've reverted to the previous value of showing muted clips by default to avoid confusion. The option is still there for those who prefer not to show muted clips.
  16. There are no changes to this for the .10 release. Can you be more explicit about what why you think its faulty? How exactly are you doing the copy and paste.
  17. You imported all these maps into a single project? If so send the project file so we can investigate whats slowing it down. This is our first cut so I'm sure there are some improvements to be made. We can also consider importing folders rather than individual groups of files.
  18. @Matthew Simon Fletcher curious which company you bought that expression maps pack from. Thats a lot of files.
  19. Thanks. If you can reproduce it with one of the built in instruments even better. Just send me the project file and we'll look into it.
  20. We decided to default "Display muted takes in parent track" to off. The reasoning was: 1. It adds a lot of clutter on the parent track when you have lots of take lanes with muted clips. 2. It can get a lot more expensive to draw when you have lots of take lanes even when they are closed (although after my optimizations its about 20x cheaper) I'm open to changing the default back but I'm curious why you would want to see muted takes on the main track. After all the main track should contain what you are hearing. If you want to edit the muted takes then you still can by opening the take lanes. Let me know if I'm missing something.
  21. As mentioned in the release notes: Please note that the ARA/Melodyne algorithm picker is a pre-release feature and will only be visible if you are running a beta of the upcoming Melodyne 5 release. If you aren't a Celemony beta tester you won't see the new algorithm picker yet. They are yet to release their next update.
  22. I'm not aware of this issue with step recording causing clicks. Could you please send a project that exhibits this - can you reproduce in a simpler project or only in large projects?
  23. Thanks for the great reviews and for spreading the word.
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