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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Because its up to the plugin to decide whether the host bypass is automatable or not. This is part of the VST3 specification.
  2. Its solved now please retry. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  3. Ah you mean control points on bezier curves. Yes we plan on improving the curve editing tools in CbB at some point. We already have this in a different product.
  4. If you are bypassing from a bypass button inside the plugin Window the host does not get any notification for this so its not possible. If its VST3 you can use the host bypass button, if available on the header at the top left in the plugin view.
  5. @Chevy please upload it to dropbox, google drive, One drive or any file share of your choice and send a link. You can zip the full project folder.
  6. Thanks for the links. Videos are very good. Perhaps hold off on a new video about this since I hope to set the automation resolution adaptively in the next update rather than requiring a tweak. That way the video wont get obsolete. You can mention the tweak to the settings in your video notes or comments however. Thanks for the suggestions. We are considering adding built in sampling at some point but no time frame yet. I'm not sure what you mean by Automation Curve Point. Re features, there is really no best DAW since every one has different workflows and preferences. Cakewalk has a massive feature set since we've been doing this for over 30 years. It really depends on whether the workflow resonates and lets you work efficiently. For the last 10 years we've been working on streamlining the workflow and of course improving stability. PS: Another tip - Even if you are working at higher latency you can improve the automation tightness at render time by setting the BounceBufSizeMs value in preferences | Configuration file to a value like 5. That will force it to render at 5 millisecond buffers even though you may be playing back at a higher latency.
  7. @Guillermo Torres Va and @e2studio it looks like we removed a file from the installer that is used by drum replacer. Most people don't see the issue since they already have that file from past installs but since you most probably installed for the first time you ran into this issue. Please use this link to install CbB again and it should restore the missing file. Let me know if it solves your problem. We'll also update the updater so other users dont run into the issue going forward. Sorry for the trouble.
  8. Have you tried it in an new project with just an audio clip? When that error fires it is normally specific to the project you are doing this which is why we need the steps and the actual project file.
  9. @AdK Studios thats great to hear! We’ll defnitely make this more seamless and adaptive since the end user should not need to adjust these settings. This is most noticed when you are automating for percussive timing dependent sections where automation needs to be very tight rather than typical mixing applications which is why this hasnt been reported very much. Of course in electronic music this is an important device so we’ll improve this for next release. Once I have a build with the improvements I can share it with you to try. There are also areas that we can further improved this to make it more sample accurate. BTW did you you try the change with sharp cutoffs like you show in your video? Does it resolve the issues you saw where mixdown would be different from what you were hearing as well? Let me know if there are any remaining problems you notice with automation. Again thanks for reporting these issues directly to us and working with us on a resolution. In most cases we’re able to address problems very quickly, because we have rapid release cycles compared to most other DAW’s. Having reproducible cases from users is key to getting a quick resolution since many issues can be very workflow or system specific. Perhaps once you get a build with the improvements you can do another video showing how you use CbB in your electronic music productions PS: Its good to see more Indian music creators/producers using our product.
  10. @AdK Studios I spent some time testing with your project. There are a few things I found that could lead to the inaccuracies you are seeing. The main source of problems in the test project is that when you have a linear ramp it is subject to how often the ramp is being sampled. By default Cakewalk is set to sample automation points from the ramp at a frequency of 50 msec. This is likely too low frequency for your use case. Please try lowering the AutomationDecimationMsec in prefs to something like 5 msec and try your test. For me it renders almost exactly like the other examples in your project. Of course there are minor differences in all the DAW's since the way they render automation is different. See attached screenshot with the setting. After changing it restart CbB and retest your project. You should hear that in during playback you won't hear aliasing problems with the filter sweep. This is also likely the cause of the accuracy issues you saw when doing rhythmic filter cutoffs in your video. Let me know your findings. I am also considering some changes that should make it independent of the decimation frequency for a future update.
  11. @Guillermo Torres Va the error typically means that the VST3 dll is not found or has not been scanned properly. First check if this file is found. c:\program files\Cakewalk\shared utilities\Internal\Drum Replacer\DrumReplacer.vst3 There should also be a Resources folder under that. If it is installed then look in your registry using regedit and find this key: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/Cakewalk/shared utilities/Internal/Drum Replacer/DrumReplacer.vst3 If that is missing or incomplete then its not scanned properly. Post a screenshot of your registry from regedit for that key.
  12. @CW P I'm unable to understand this report. Can you provide a step by step of what you are doing to create the template and also attach the template file.
  13. To add to this - the original crash issue has been fixed for our next release.
  14. As I said some people have found it to be useful in specific cases. Maybe certain hardware or drivers work better with it. From a technical point of view I see optimizing for background potentially problematic since it allows the OS to favor other programs. I wouldn't want Windows favoring the web browser or some random process over the current active process. So YMMV. I have never turned this on for any DAW I have had in the last 20 years and have never had an issue.
  15. You have never needed to do this. Its folklore propagated by some misinformed people based on very specific cases.
  16. You don’t need yet another wrapper. What is your audio device? If you send screenshots of the audio playback devices it may be more evident. Cakewalk supports WASAPI natively. Do you have an audio interface or are you using onboard audio?
  17. Then there likely is no major difference for your use. If you run a browser or other activity in the background and stress the system by activity you may notice that with MMCSS on there are fewer interruptions. In simple terms you can think of MMCSS as a layer of extra insurance against dropouts. Its OK to leave on even if you don’t have obvious issues which is why its recommended as the default in Windows audio applications. Windows 10 has improved over earlier OS’s where there are fewer contests for time critical threads but every system is different and has different processes running.
  18. Under ideal conditions no, but background processes such as network activity can also interrupt audio.
  19. There might be a temporary workaround. In the import audio dialog, try setting the import bit depth to 32 and see if that works. If not set it to 64 and retry. Let me know if that works.
  20. @William Burke I know right? It was a long year, hard to believe its over. I looked at your new dump and I can see the problem. Its a bug in our code that is leading to the crash. It happens with multichannel 32 bit wave files > 24 channels which is prob why we didn't catch it earlier. Your file has 32 channels. I'll fix it for next release. Can you please share one of the wave files so I can verify the fix? thanks for reporting it, Noel
  21. Multimedia applications use the "Multimedia Class Scheduler" service (MMCSS) to ensure prioritized access to CPU resources, without denying CPU resources to lower-priority background applications. This is a mechanism to allow realtime applications to have a degree of guaranteed performance even under system load from other background processes. This is on by default in CbB and when enabled all engine threads are marked as prioritized for Pro Audio. We also support custom MMCSS Task profiles. If you want to read more about it here is a thread from the old forum.
  22. @William Burke why are you running a build such an ancient build from Feb 2020? The Cakewalk version is which is not the latest release. Did you attach the wrong dump file by accident? The crash in your dump is not even in Cakewalk but your ASIO driver. [Frames may be missing, no binary loaded for AvidElevenRack_Asio64.dll] Annotated Frame > AvidElevenRack_Asio64.dll!00007ff97ad81f22() Unknown Non-user code. No matching binary found.
  23. Yes unfortunately the current implementation ties future updates to a unique ID for the cakewalk project. So even save as doesnt help. One workaround for now would be to create a new project and copy and paste the data from the original project to that and then save. That should now be treated as a fresh project as far as bandlab is concerned. This won't be an issue when we have the improved integration.
  24. Yes we plan on doing it when we have time. The thing is we don’t want people uploading thousands of duplicate dumps and we’d need to pay for server space to store them or infrastructure to dedupe. We had something like that at Cakewalk in the past and it was quite tedious to manage.
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