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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Yeah it brings back a lot of memories from a different era. At the time I mixed the tracks via MIDI CC7 and then used a mackie 1202 to mix the outputs of the hardware synths to stereo and record it to cassette tape It would be nice to have a real drummer instead of the cheesy MIDI drums and a bass player as well. I might try and modernize it and try and actually perform it someday. Never actually did anything with that tune other than this scratch track although we were looking for a recording opportunity to do this and a bunch of other tunes. It never materialized though...
  2. That's an artifact of the early guitar synth pitch to MIDI stuff. It could be difficult to control. I was tempted to strip out the pitch wheel but I think it had a kind of organic sound so I left it there. But I did goof on the synth assignment - I think I have one instance of fabfilter playing two parts simultaneously on different channels. It doesn't appear to respect the MIDI channel properly so the wheel events are getting interpreted incorrectly when they are playing together. I should split it into different instances...
  3. They were moved because CbB has different plugins and the templates with Platinum have different branding. We didn't want to overwrite those
  4. BTW this tune was uploaded to BandLab directly from CbB using the new export toolbar. I exported the buses as stems. Try it out - its very convenient. All the song info text from the project info tab in the browser should also populate in BandLab.
  5. They should work on multiple instances. If you have a project that exhibits this please share it so we can take a look at why its not working there. Just the cwp file should be sufficient to replicate the issue.
  6. Yes I forgot to mention the shift modifier to constrain. That can be used whenever you copy data between tracks to retain position.
  7. What was cool was that I was able to get that project to play with softsynths since I'd originally used a hardware synth. There is a ton of pitch bend info on the synth tracks because it was all tracked with a guitar controller. The Roland controllers generate pitch wheel events to do slurs, hammer on's and even vibrato. So you can literally get hundreds of pitch events in the space of a measure depending on your articulation when you play. I don't use guitar synths these days but that was one thing I actually liked about the them, since they made guitar synth sound more organic than keyboard parts. However most soft synths don't properly track wheel events like this so they sound weird or glitchy. I found both the FabFilter Twin and TTS1 handle them perfectly though so I was able to fairly closely get a patch that was like the original GR-50 sound I had used then. I remember Cakewalk professional had a lot of issues rendering the pitch wheel events in this same project back in the day. When I was a beta tester in '93-94, I reported bugs where some events were being rendered incorrectly on playback. I remember Ron pulling out his hair trying to fix them since they hadn't seen many projects from MIDI guitar controllers.
  8. Its generally horizontal but yeah I like things to move around a bit even in this genre. There is some interesting symmetric motion in between the sys chords. I think I have the changes somewhere if you're interested...
  9. This is a jazz fusion composition of mine that I originally recorded and mixed in Cakewalk Professional 1.0 This was an all MIDI project at the time - no audio sequencers were around! I used the GR-50 synth to record all the MIDI and it was mixed using MIDI CC's alone. It's amazing that Cakewalk still loads the project file from back then without any problems. I just added a few virtual instruments and did a rough mix. Nothing fancy in the mix. I left it vintage sounding Noel Borthwick: Guitar Synth (GR-50) Ramona Borthwick: Electric piano Synths used: Fabfilter Twin 2 TTS1 Session Drummer SI-Bass SI_Strings Lounge Lizard
  10. Why not just Select and control drag the clips on to a blank space below other tracks? This will create a new track with the selected clips.
  11. Clip envelopes are per clip and have no relationship to lanes. As Keni mentioned only track envelopes are displayed in lanes not clip envelopes. If you move a clip its clip envelope is completely independent from any envelope on the track.
  12. Can you try and describe the exact workflow you accomplish with the old layers that you cannot do with take lanes? Maybe there is something we're missing here.
  13. Yes a clean install means it will reinstall Windows from scratch and all plugins etc will need to be reinstalled. That said, you also get a choice when doing a clean install to reformat the main system drive or not. In my case I did not and it retained a bunch of other folders other than the Windows folders, user documents etc. This can be useful but to be completely clean I think its better to reformat the system drive and let it install from scratch. Yes its a pita to reinstall your stuff from scratch but if you have an aging system doing this will potentially make things launch faster etc since your registry is clean. Also a good time to do some housecleaning and get rid of stuff you don't use. Before I reinstalled I made a copy of my application files and documents folder and took screenshots of all installed programs so I could see what I had earlier. Getting back wasn't as bad as i thought it would be.
  14. Take lanes was essentially built on top of the layers infrastructure. "Rebuilding layers" automatically happens behind the scenes and is no longer required as an explicit operation. The main reason why Take lanes was built was to provide an actual UI dedicated to take management. Lanes allowed you to do that but had a lot of manual requirements operations that were non intuitive to the main task of take management that many other platforms offered. Hence we had to make changes. I do agree that take lanes was a change of workflow for people who were used to simply recording lanes and manually comping them later but it was a trade off we had to make to add tools that were more current. And it would have been way too difficult to maintain both the old layers workflow and take lanes simultaneously in the UI. We'll try and improve on this feature in the future. The next release also has a small tweak to take lanes...
  15. Its actually much preferable to do a clean install of Win10 rather than an upgrade of Win 7. It will still recognize your license but will start without all the baggage and cruft from Win7. I've seen weird behaviors where the search bar was not fully functional after an upgrade install. Much easier to troubleshoot as well when you don't have mixed components and a registry upgrade from an old OS.
  16. Its now added to the help menu in CbB
  17. As Bill indicated one reason is to allow an easy full reinstall of Windows even if hardware changes. I think using a MS account creates a "digital license" that allows easier authentication in case of disaster recovery.
  18. You are right @Craig Anderton. So technically the Korean book is the second book. Changed title to reflect this Was aware the book of tips, which is a set of techniques rather than a full guide to the product.
  19. If you have benefited from Craig's efforts here over the years do support him and buy his excellent book of tips.
  20. Yes this is what the Microsoft rep told me too. Although he claimed that even without a digital licence it would know that it was the same PC. I haven't tried the latter theory though since I used a microsoft account.
  21. Yeah despite what the ad says about extending a subscription I had to use a different e-mail address since I had an account already. I've used it a bit since there is definitely an improvement in quality over Spotify with some material. The bummer is that the app is limited so I'm forced to use it via desktop if I want to play HQA. I'm not sure ill renew the subscription if they don't address that since I use it too infrequently to justify the cost.
  22. https://tidal.com/us/holidayoffer-2018 Pretty good deal to get Tidal HiFi for $1.99 which has the MQA quality audio if you are interested in that. 31'st Dec is the last day for this...
  23. Wishing all our users a brilliant 2019. May the creative force be with you all! We have a lot to be thankful for and its great to see another fresh start with Cakewalk. Onwards!
  24. I've not seen any decrease in performance with Win 10 only improvements. That said my DAW PC which was originally upgraded from Win7 developed some bizarre issues and couldn't be updated any more. After MS support couldn't figure it out I did a clean install of Win 10 and its fine now. Unfortunate but sometimes Windows will get corrupt. Your issue with playback not starting properly looks like its hardware related however. Make sure your drivers are all up to date. You can also try a different audio device (like the onboard audio) to see if its related to the current driver.
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