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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Take lanes was essentially built on top of the layers infrastructure. "Rebuilding layers" automatically happens behind the scenes and is no longer required as an explicit operation. The main reason why Take lanes was built was to provide an actual UI dedicated to take management. Lanes allowed you to do that but had a lot of manual requirements operations that were non intuitive to the main task of take management that many other platforms offered. Hence we had to make changes. I do agree that take lanes was a change of workflow for people who were used to simply recording lanes and manually comping them later but it was a trade off we had to make to add tools that were more current. And it would have been way too difficult to maintain both the old layers workflow and take lanes simultaneously in the UI. We'll try and improve on this feature in the future. The next release also has a small tweak to take lanes...
  2. Its actually much preferable to do a clean install of Win10 rather than an upgrade of Win 7. It will still recognize your license but will start without all the baggage and cruft from Win7. I've seen weird behaviors where the search bar was not fully functional after an upgrade install. Much easier to troubleshoot as well when you don't have mixed components and a registry upgrade from an old OS.
  3. Its now added to the help menu in CbB
  4. As Bill indicated one reason is to allow an easy full reinstall of Windows even if hardware changes. I think using a MS account creates a "digital license" that allows easier authentication in case of disaster recovery.
  5. You are right @Craig Anderton. So technically the Korean book is the second book. Changed title to reflect this Was aware the book of tips, which is a set of techniques rather than a full guide to the product.
  6. If you have benefited from Craig's efforts here over the years do support him and buy his excellent book of tips.
  7. Yes this is what the Microsoft rep told me too. Although he claimed that even without a digital licence it would know that it was the same PC. I haven't tried the latter theory though since I used a microsoft account.
  8. Yeah despite what the ad says about extending a subscription I had to use a different e-mail address since I had an account already. I've used it a bit since there is definitely an improvement in quality over Spotify with some material. The bummer is that the app is limited so I'm forced to use it via desktop if I want to play HQA. I'm not sure ill renew the subscription if they don't address that since I use it too infrequently to justify the cost.
  9. https://tidal.com/us/holidayoffer-2018 Pretty good deal to get Tidal HiFi for $1.99 which has the MQA quality audio if you are interested in that. 31'st Dec is the last day for this...
  10. Wishing all our users a brilliant 2019. May the creative force be with you all! We have a lot to be thankful for and its great to see another fresh start with Cakewalk. Onwards!
  11. I've not seen any decrease in performance with Win 10 only improvements. That said my DAW PC which was originally upgraded from Win7 developed some bizarre issues and couldn't be updated any more. After MS support couldn't figure it out I did a clean install of Win 10 and its fine now. Unfortunate but sometimes Windows will get corrupt. Your issue with playback not starting properly looks like its hardware related however. Make sure your drivers are all up to date. You can also try a different audio device (like the onboard audio) to see if its related to the current driver.
  12. CbB should be way faster loading projects than Platinum. We've benchmarked it and just last update I made several changes to improve load time. A huge project that used to literally take an hour to load now loads in just over a minute. If you have a demonstrable case please upload a project file that exhibits it.
  13. You also haven't covered duper swapper a mythical feature that only cakewalk insiders know about Be warned its like the bird cage though!
  14. Templates do not enforce the sample rate. When you create a project from a template it inherits the sample rate set as the default for new projects. (unless you override it in the new project dialog) I just tested the basic template with my default rate set to 48k and the project properly came up as 48k. Is it possible that your audio device is refusing to be set to 48K for some reason? If so it will fallback to 44.1. Some devices only switch through their control panel... Which driver mode are you using?
  15. The typical load time of CbB even on a fully loaded system is just a couple of seconds for most. Questions and things to try: Which version of Cakewalk are you using? Are you opening just the program first or trying to load a project or template by double clicking it? Check your VST settings and ensure scan failed plugin's is not enabled. This can slow down startup if you have a lot of plugins in your path that wont scan properly. You can try turning off scan on startup to verify this. Do you see any toast messages on startup - if so which messages show for the longest time? It could also be related to an audio device that is taking excessively long to initialize so try disabling or changing the audio device in preferences. You can also experiment with different driver modes to troubleshoot if its related to your audio device.
  16. The fundamental purpose of the comping feature is to create a comp track from all the take lanes that has no overlaps. So leaving the prior take alone wouldn't be appropriate here since it would overlap with the new take.
  17. Mix recall will only recall changes to EXISTING tracks and buses from the mix scenes. i.e if you added new tracks or buses to your project and load an older scene the new tracks will be unaffected. And vice versa if you load a scene containing tracks from a newer project into an older version, the new tracks won't come across. Mix recall is designed to handles changes that affect the mix. It won't add or remove core tracks or buses or audio data itself.
  18. If you added tracks you should save a new scene. Older scenes won't affect the newly added tracks although you can still load them to affect the previous tracks.
  19. Loading effects isn't a problem with mix recall. In most cases it takes about a second to restore a mix including effects. The exception is for cases where you have instruments with large sample banks in which case it can take longer to restore. Its still way more efficient that loading different versions of a project to A/B.
  20. AFIK the Generic Low Latency ASIO driver comes from Steinberg software. I had nightmares with this driver since it causes some ASIO apps to crash. (not CbB) I had to hunt it down in the registry and when I found the dll I simply renamed the DLL to remove it. I didn't find it in my add remove programs so I assume I got it from an older Cubase install at some point. ASIO drivers are COM objects so if you find the ASIO driver CLSID you will find the dll listed under its inproserver32 entry. For me it was here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{52EBAE30-47E4-483F-B87B-770314306005} c:\program files\steinberg\asio\asioglld.dll The main ASIO reg key is here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO
  21. Its not necessary. If you don't want effects to be saved and loaded in a mix recall preset just deselect FX in the Mix recall settings. When you do this it will skip attempting to restore effects. Its completely configurable.
  22. Its in the plugin browser since that's the repository of all plugin related assets. Also we automatically enumerate them as opposed to requiring you to browse to a folder. We could potentially allow dragging them from there but its not where most users would go looking for them.
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