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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Here is the thing. By exporting the audio output of a track AND all its routing through buses downstream its not sonically equivalent to stems. IOW if you export the tracks one by one this way and import the results into a new project its NOT the same as mixing all the tracks together. This is because when you have downstream plugins from the track the net effect of having multiple tracks mixed is very different since the processing will be different. This is why there is no macro to automate what you are doing. There is however a way to export a mixdown for each track, which captures the OUTPUT of each track. To do that choose source category "tracks" in the export options.
  2. For those who were complaining earlier - check out the external PlugIn manager tool. You might be pleasantly surprised by the performance improvements
  3. Thanks Scook. Yes lease was used in a technical context not monitory. Clearly there is no money involved anymore since Cakewalk is 100% free to use. The "lease" applies to the duration of the current authorization period before you have to renew it and update the software to a more current version. In SONAR previously the expiration of the "lease" meant that you had to purchase a new membership. Except now there is no purchase - it is free. Oh and 32 bit software is not coming back. We wanted to stop it due to the excessive support burden years ago. It would have been prohibitive to do with CbB.
  4. Noel Borthwick

    Demo mode. Why?

    It is not available and would require a bunch of work to do since the mechanics are quite different from C3.
  5. Noel Borthwick

    Demo mode. Why?

    The program has a lease that we set to about 6 months. It needs to be periodically updated to keep running. As mike mentioned, we release updates frequently so if you get updates you will normally never see this prompt. Also if you do run into it, simply logging out and back into BandLab assistant will give you a new lease. One important reason for a handshake with our servers is to prevent people from putting the app on mirrors where someone can get a virus injected easily. Its a small inconvenience to put up with considering that the app is completely free now.
  6. That's pretty bad. I wonder if it's due to undo history or memory leaks. Did you try clearing your undo history @Pete Brown Thanks for the details, appreciated.
  7. Must users use multiple instances of similar plugins. i.e if you patch 100 intances of an EQ or compressor this would count as 1. I think its very infrequent that anyone would run into a hundred unique plugins in a single project even if there are hundreds of tracks. Irrespective its a good fix to have since apps could load DLL's for other stuff that counts towards the FLS limit.
  8. Yes we'll contact anyone whos material we'd like to use. We have to since we need the project files
  9. Click the BandLab icon on the toolbar when editing a post. That allows you to embed the URL to the BandLab song.
  10. Hi guys if you are posting BandLab links please use the BandLab embed button on the toolbar to embed the link rather than pasting the link directly. It makes it much easier to check.
  11. Well I could probably compile 100 copies of a test plugin just changing the guid. I'm not in the mood to wait for 100 compiles today
  12. See correction to my post above. You may actually need Bapu. You must own more than 128 unique plugins to run into this..
  13. As long as you have rights to the material. This will be played in a public place so covers may not be permissible. It could also be featured in our NAMM feed. I updated the OP to indicate this.
  14. Please post submissions in the main thread only please. That would depend on if you have rights to the material.
  15. Hi folks, We're looking for some cool content to showcase at NAMM. Please link any of your music if you have potential submissions you would like to share in this thread. Thanks!
  16. Hi folks, BandLab is going to have a big presence at NAMM this year and Cakewalk has a dedicated booth where we'll be showcasing the product and new features. Generally for product demos, we have a few real world projects on hand that we use to show various features. I have a few projects that I had set up for the AES show but need a few more for variety. We'd like to put out a call to anyone who would like to have their project showcased as part of our materials. In the future we can also consider using some of these for downloadable demo songs (all with permission of course) To kick this off: If you have some great sounding projects that were produced primarily in CbB and showcases the application please post a link to the music in this thread with maybe a screenshot of the loaded project if possible. An easy way would be to publish a mix of your project to BandLab and embed the BandLab link. (click the bandlab icon on the toolbar in the post editor to embed) Important: We need a project file for a submission so please don't list songs that you cannot submit as a project. Also if you list something from a collection / album please indicate which song you would like to be considered. We won't have time to listen to albums and pick something appropriate. Requirements: - Since everything will be played from a Surface Book 2 with generally stock plugins (SONAR plugins are ok) tracks using 3rd party plugins would need to be frozen. - We're looking for some diverse material so things like modern electronic music, film scores, jazz, contemporary rock/pop are all viable. - Project's that showcase certain types of features would also be useful. e.g vocal comping, multi tracked drums, vocalsync, melodyne, advanced mixing, etc. - You must have rights to share the music and may need to sign a release form - If accepted projects will need to be uploaded to a shared folder For NAMM we just need a few more projects but feel free to submit any candidates since they might be considered for other uses as well. Time is short so we'll need these by mid next week to get prepped. thanks!
  17. If anyone is on the Insider program please try out that build and report back. The way to test would be to load up as many instances of VST plugins as you can in CbB. Try and load up 1000 or more instances <<see correction below>> A quick way to test is by adding an effects chain containing say 20 or so plugins (not important which ones) and then duplicate that chain several times in the track, and finally duplicate the track. CORRECTION: My original recipe above wont work. You have to add UNIQUE instances of plugins that specifically load a new DLL to run into the limit. i.e loading a 100 waves plugins wont hit the problem since they are all loaded from a single waves shell dll. Also loading the same plugin multiple times is fine since it all comes from the same dll. This is likely why most people never run into the 128 slot limit. Here is a much more detailed explanation from Pete Brown from Microsoft. So to test this you need more than 128 UNIQUE plugins installed and need to load them all into a single project to see if its fixed. Good luck
  18. Yes we got notification from Microsoft about this and will be testing this update. It should only affects cases where people were loading up hundreds of instances of plugins inside the DAW. You could hit the ceiling if the plugins were built with an old VC runtime or if they were statically linked with it (static linking is not ideal since every plugin instance has a duplicate copy of the runtime so takes more memory) No other functionality should be impacted. Its good that they fixed it however.
  19. I think I misspoke you can manipulate clips envelopes on individual clips from the context menu on the envelope but you cannot add envelopes to a clip that doesnt have them from the menu. Sorry for the confusion. The only way to add clip envelopes is via the edit filter. Also I think there is a bug when there are multiple clips on different lanes with envelopes like you see. I can activate it but its not allowing editing. We'll bug this up and fix it for a future update. Thanks!
  20. Thanks The GR-50 was ok for its time but it was terrible as an external controller. Much better stuff now with fishman et al. I no longer have it. I have a GI-20 that I havent used in years. These days I stick to guitar when I have the time to play. Check out this album which I recorded around 90. It is almost exclusively using the GR-50 (all internal sounds no MIDI). Not my cup of tea any more but I was into it in the day
  21. Very nice! Now this is more up my alley lol. The bass has a nice groove there. Great guitar solo too.
  22. Something that may be of interest. You may might notice that the way notes are articulated is very different from how it sounds when played from a keyboard. I mentioned earlier that the Roland controllers generate pitch wheel events to do slurs, hammer on's and pull offs from the guitar. These are typically instantaneous pitch bends, something you physically can't do from a keyboard in real time. Synths respond to this is quite differently than how they would when notes are played consecutively and it gives it a nice legato feel. I got interested in this back then and wrote a CAL script called bend.cal to do this with normal MIDI parts. It can be quite effective to create more legato sounding lines. Check out the attached file if you are interested. This is what got me interested back in the day to write music software Some pretty dense CAL code there! Ha my email address in there is from my old job before Cakewalk. BEND.CAL
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