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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. What audio driver mode are you using? If you are recording 36 tracks of audio you will want to ensure that your drive performance is good since you may be dropping out due to disk issues.
  2. That's good. If you see a difference and your are comparing the exact same settings on both let us know and we can investigate further. Make sure you are matching with the same driver and engine settings.
  3. CbB has ton's of optimizations compared to X3 so you should see overall performance gains. BTW if comparing X3 you can't just go by the CPU meter in SONAR since there were changes made (fixes) in subsequent versions to the meters themselves...
  4. Thanks the more information you provide the better
  5. I wonder if your focal 50 being plugged into your PC is causing a problem because that is presenting itself as an audio interface as well. Take that out if the equation and retest with asio mode and only the octacapture assigned as Input and output in cbb audio settings
  6. Your right it's seems to imply either or. The intent was to show the prochannel as a pluggable component before or after the effects bin in the circuit. Perhaps we can show it as a labelled component work dotted lines. @Morten Saether may have some suggestions.
  7. This the link to the most current Signal Flowchart for CbB.
  8. Right this is the essence. You can make a customized version of the program that shows exactly (well close to) the functionality you need for a specific workflow. While screensets are useful of course they are simply positioning or opening views. They do nothing with the control bar, track view and other functions of the app. With a lens you can change which fields are visible in the track view. For example when tracking you rarely need all the controls in the track view or all the editing features and busy control bar. This is specially relevant if you are using a laptop with limited real estate when tracking live. Here are two screenshots that illustrate how easy it is to set up a minimal view that is task focused. You cannot do this with screensets. Of course you can do this by manually changing things but its simplest to make a lens for this and switch to it. There is nothing more of a workflow killer than seeing a cluttered screen layout. This is why apps on mobile devices have become popular. They do task oriented things. Lenses are a mechanism to achieve the same thing.
  9. Hopefully the next update should fix that case then without you needing to turn off notifications..
  10. @Ronald Bakker thanks for clarifying. Are you using a control surface as well - if so which one?
  11. Its done from the plugin browser although you can also do it from the standard plugin menu's on tracks. This help topic describes it.
  12. Using clip automation as suggested is the simplest way to achieve this.
  13. If you follow Ben's steps and change the lenses as above and resave the lenses, the next time you switch they will not change your current screenset. To explain further, a screenset basically saves the "windows layout" and allows you to switch between different layouts. Lenses on the other hand include windows layouts settings among other things. So disabling this in the lens is essentially telling the lens manager to retain the current layout settings when you switch to that lens. To match the OP's workflow if you don't want a lens to affect the layout of windows you can simply disable this and continue to use screensets after switching to the lens of your choice. BTW in the next release we fixed a bug with lenses that could affect new projects created from templates. I recommend reading this help topic to learn more about lenses when creating your custom lens presets. There are a lot of settings beyond the simple view layouts that screensets store. For example you can set up a lens that shows customized controls in tracks, customize what toolbar modules are available and even customize what features are available. For example you can make a lens that is geared towards mixing and strip out all editing views. Rather than dealing with a single monolithic app with a huge feature set, you can bring in features only when needed using lenses. Settings that can be loaded by a Lens: Theme. Load the saved UI theme. Note: the Lens only saves a reference to the theme name, so the theme must exist in order for the Lens to load it. If the referenced theme file cannot be found, then the active theme will be used. Control Bar Layout. Load the saved Control Bar configuration. Window Layout. Load the saved window layout, including size and position. This option functions as a global screenset. Display Settings. Load global display settings that are specified in the Preferences dialog box. Keyboard Shortcuts. Load any custom keyboard shortcuts that are assigned in Edit > Preferences > Customization - Keyboard Shortcuts. Track Control Manager. Load the saved Track view control configuration (visibility of Volume, Pan, Mute, Solo, Arm for Recording, etc.). Track View Control Order. Load the saved Track view control order.
  14. The drop-down shows audio track names not clips..
  15. Is your default sample rate in preferences set the same as the sample rate used in the project? It's possible that your audio driver is not switching properly. You may be able to check what's going on in the driver control panel. Have you contacted lynx about this?
  16. Make sure you have an additional audio track available to use as a guide track. Otherwise the dropdown will be empty. VocalSync needs two tracks to work.
  17. You need to have another audio track to use as a guide track. If you don't have any other audio tracks the dropdown to select the guide track will be empty. I just tried it here and it works fine in CbB. Can you list the exact steps you are doing or post a video?
  18. @klbailey3 check your PM's for some instructions.
  19. You can also copy automation from tracks to buses (and vice versa) by setting focus to a bus before doing the paste special or choosing the destination as a bus in the paste special dialog.
  20. I pulled the 15 second mixdown ad injection feature that I was working on for the next update as well ?
  21. @klbailey3I don't follow. If you turned off all notifications you will see no prompt saying "creating UI". What problem are you seeing exactly?
  22. This is an often misunderstood feature. Lenses are a much bigger superset of screensets. They are not a replacement necessarily although for many users screensets are unnecessary since lenses can replace them. While screensets only store data about open views position and size, lenses control everything related to the presentation of the application, including what functionality is available to the user. It was the original goal to have lenses be the way to dynamically separate multiple sku's of the product. In SONAR imagine seamlessly upgrading from essential to Platinum just via an online unlock that exposed new features via lenses. Lenses can be used to switch between completely different workflows unlike screensets. Well look into your concerns.
  23. Glad you were able to resolve it. The OctaCapture should be fine to use. Just make sure you are running the latest drivers for it and your firmware is up to date.
  24. Try using Cakewalk by BandLab which is an enhanced version of SONAR Platinum. The WASAPI support is much better and you should get at least 10 msec with onboard audio like the realtek if you are using WASAPI shared mode. With WASAPI exclusive you should be able to go a little lower.
  25. Haha yes it is an error code (HRESULT) that is propagated to the UI from a failure at a lower level. The UI is just translating the error code to text so you get the bogus message. We try not to show obtuse errors but this is a catch all condition. Its not related to reference counting - any object could have returned that code. Likely something in the loaded project is in a bad state so when you went to mixdown something threw an error at a low level and it bailed the export operation as a result. Without a repro it would be hard for me to know what specifically caused the failure. If that happens reopening the project file normally fixes it. In short - its a poorly worded message and there is nothing catastrophic going on In fact the error code is a pretty generic one E_UNEXPECTED that generates that text. Here is a list of the error messages for those interested: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/com/com-error-codes-1 Another particularly confounding one to users is "One or more arguments are invalid" ?
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