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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Its is completely unrelated to our update. If DLL's are failing to register its a windows permissions issue. Please reboot and retry the install. Make sure there is no windows update in progress.
  2. Please uninstall the generic ASIO driver. It is a steinberg driver that gets installed by some apps and if you have an older version it crashes many applications. Here is a thread talking about issues with the same driver. If there isn't an uninstaller for it try and find the name of the driver DLL then rename the file to something like genericasiodriver.bak That will stop it loading.
  3. Build 70 was the original public release. Did you not see the hotfix thread? We fixed that over a week ago and had a build for everyone who had the problem to try. It's definitely fixed in the final 2019.07 release build 79
  4. This was addressed in the early access release of the hotfix. Did you not install it? The final release is now available as well.
  5. If so this typically indicates a problem or race condition with the disk streaming code in the synth. There is no reason why a disk streaming synth should miss audio samples irrespective of how fast the bounce is. The synth should throttle the streaming until it has all the audio it needs. When bouncing there is no time limit since unlike playback there is no risk of a dropout. There have been various occurrences of similar issues with disk streaming synths in the past.
  6. Welcome @Boutbeats we look forward to your contributions here. @Craig Anderton if your waves plugins are not showing up its most likely due to an incomplete scan. Waves has hundreds of plugins in the waves shell and sometimes one of them will prevent the others scanning properly. Its really not something within our control. Another You just have to keep running the scanner until all plugins scan properly when that happens. The other issue that occurs frequently when scanning waves plugins is that some plugins will pop up a dialog in the middle of the scan stalling the entire process. Its easy to miss that dialog and think the scan is done when its not. If you capture a scan log by turning it on in preferences, you can see if the plugins missing were actually detected by the scanner which is helpful for troubleshooting such issues. I have the full waves plugins set for testing and see this issue occasionally when I need to do a full scan. Otherwise if you see missing plugins it could be an auth issue with your waves install itself. As far as reliability goes we've made huge strides to solve many long standing issues that affected some users. We're soon going to hit a milestone of a 1000 fixes since Cbb started.
  7. OK this is fixed too. Thanks for reporting it. Alright, no more bugs!!! We're shipping it now ?
  8. Cakewalk can't crash your laptop. Its more likely that your PC crashed As long as the audio files are on disk you should be able to regenerate the waveforms: Open the project Press CTRL-A to select all the audio Right click on any audio clip and choose "Associated audio files" from the context menu Choose "Recompute Pictures"
  9. I have a focusrite so I'll keep an eye out for that issue. If you can send me some steps for the clip disappearing issue I'll look into it.
  10. @Emiliano BrandaPlease see my explanation in the main feedback thread. The functionality still exists but you have to use the shift modifier key to do this. Looping to the start of the clip will happen if you shift click the clip while playing.
  11. @majorhon It was a change to facilitate editing and auditioning at the clip level which is a very common workflow esp for someone trying to align audio peaks to something else. It was not an unwarranted change. Additionally besides the new feature we added to the click behavior configuration, you can also shift or ctrl click and it will not set the now time while playing. >>I can't use my mouse to make a position to ZOOM in/out and edit my clips while playback. Can you clarify what what you mean by "use my mouse to make a position". Are you talking about lasso selection?
  12. @DCMG the single click auto previewing a clip shortcut was way too specific a shortcut to be the default behavior. For example you might want to isolate a clip ahead of time while you are playing and the time jumping would be very unexpected in that workflow. Or you may want to click to jump to a position within a clip in which case automatically jumping to the beginning of a long clip would be very inconvenient. As part of the unification and streamlining of seeking and playback workflow we changed that function to require the shift modifier key. SHIFT clicking a clip in a take lane will do what you want and jump to the start of the clip so there is no loss of functionality. Or use the speed comping shift spacebar workflow that Jon mentioned.
  13. Hi @Alan Tubbs nice to see you here and thanks for SOS's support for Cakewalk over the years! Thanks for your insights. I fully appreciate the logistics of balancing editorial content with readership metrics In case you hadn't seen it here is a link to all the new features that we've done in CbB. Due to the volume of fixes recently it might look like we've been only doing maintenance but that isn't accurate. We've added tons of new features over the year that fully justify calling it a new product release. Since SONAR Platinum we actually stopped doing "new" products as opposed to a rolling updates timeline. I understand that can make it harder to pinpoint one release as a major one but if you look at any 6 month snapshot you will see several new features added. Some of the notable highlights over this year have been: ARA 2 support zplane élastique audio stretching and pitch shifting BandLab import and export (preview feature) Multi-clip slip stretching Comping and Take lane enhancements Smart tool customization Selection markers VST Scan Sandboxing
  14. Normalization is a leftover from the early digital audio days when most processing was destructive. These days with clip envelopes and 64 bit mixing there is hardly any need to do normalization unless your audio levels a super low. Even so a compressor as a clip effect would do the job. Not to say that we shouldn't look into that issue.
  15. If it's not impacting you you can wait for the official hot fix which will be out fairly soon
  16. @Joseph Edward Youssef what are the steps to repro the split issue?
  17. @Blacksymphony don't bother reinstalling. Problems like this are not an install issue. Could you please upload a project that you use to repro the issue? Often its data related so much easier for us to troubleshoot with the actual project file.
  18. @Blacksymphony Is the clip selection issue still happening in the 07 release? I fixed a very similar sounding selection issue in 07. Regarding the transform tool: tempo is global and not per track so doing it in the clips view would not be appropriate. We do have plans for enhancing this in the future however.
  19. @Joseph Edward Youssef can you please elaborate, what can't you change? This is configurable in the hotfix in the click behavior. Also what are the steps to repro the split issue?
  20. We had that decades ago with the audio view. While editing and zoomed in I think its much more convenient to be able to seek right where you see the peaks of the audio rather than going to the time ruler. Most of the time when auditioning edits I tend to be doing things visually rather than looking at the timeline so its a time saver (pun intended)
  21. Thanks for the great feedback and reports all. We now have an early access hotfix build available that fixes known reported problems so far. If you are affected by any of the issues listed go ahead and install the build. Its identical to the 07 release with just these changes. We plan to release the final hotfix a little later after we address a few more issues. Please continue to give us feedback on this release in this thread. New option to enable/disable setting the now time during playback via Track View Options > Click Behavior > Set During Playback @Walter Treppler and @btbrock this new option should allow you to switch back to your workflow.
  22. Fix coming up for that Keni. Its related to having the option on for only opening a single project at a time.
  23. Noted. I can see the case where in live use you might want to favor safety of not changing playback. Editing workflow can be different which is what I was focusing on here.
  24. @pax-eterna thanks for your report. We were able to repro it and I have a fix. The problem only occured when "Allow Only One Open Project" was enabled which is why it wasn't spotted. We'll send out a build with this soon for you to try out.
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