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Noel Borthwick

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Everything posted by Noel Borthwick

  1. Who did you send it to? Can you forward the project file and minidump to me? PM me.
  2. I was able to reproduce it in the NFR they sent us so it happens in the latest plugin I had in July. I'm not sure if its fixed since then. Both @Jonathan Sasor and I were able to reproduce it.
  3. I was referring to double clicking in the clips view within the lane to select it. I was able to repro your issue. We didn't test importing from the file menu so missed that case. It will be fixed in the next update.
  4. Esc is used for other operations as well such as cancelling a mixdown, so it may be unexpected to make it cancel a selection...
  5. Seems pretty unlikely that this would be related to the driver unless some dependency for that plugin got removed somehow. Does the plugin itself scan ok? What if you switch to the onboard audio device (WASAPI) and try loading the plugin - does it work?
  6. @Christian Jones I think there may be a disconnect. Can you please notify the rep you are speaking to that I sent them very detailed technical information about this problem with BIAS FX 2. Yes it also happens in the new version. The information was sent on July 24 to Joe Kuo from support there and he acknowledged receipt and said it would be forwarded to their engineers.
  7. Reminder - last few days to apply for the Cakewalk and Synchro Arts competition! Winner will be announced around Sep 1.
  8. @RobertWS make sure that num lock is OFF before doing that. Its the "gray" num-5 key that unselects. I use it all the time.
  9. Dragging from the browser respects the drop location and will insert clips contiguously on lanes. If you drop on a lane that has data it will autocrop it like this. If you drag to to the main comp track it will drop starting from the first lane and crop any data that lives there. This is by design. If you want to insert new lanes just drop to the last lane or insert a new lane and drop there. EXAMPLE: Dragging MIDI and audio clips from Browser to add take lanes EDIT: I see you mentioned the import audio menu. Make sure that the target lane you want to import to is selected by double clicking the lane. I'll check if the import audio menu respects the selected lane position.
  10. Yes you can turn off the click behavior not the selection handles. See the feature overview topic. Regarding unselecting there are hotkeys to do that. Num-5 or CTRL-Shift-A will deselect.
  11. @Cosmo Kramer which behavior are you referring to? If its the click to set now time that is already configurable..
  12. It is indeed a melodyne issue and happens in all ara2 hosts. I reported this while we were working on ara2. I imagine celemony will fix it in a subsequent melodyne update. It's just a minor ui issue since closing and opening the view fixes it. Feel free to report it directly to celemony as well.
  13. Lol I just ran into this Ironic that I come to our forum to find the solution.
  14. Hi @Peter - IK Multimedia we've received a few crash dump files from users that confirm that the crash site is within the Modo Drum plugin. If you don't have a dump file contact me and I can send it to your developers. The problem also occurs in all prior versions of SONAR and is not specific to CbB.
  15. Revoice Pro and VocALign now support ARA 2 and work seamlessly in CbB through our partnership with Synchro Arts. To celebrate their latest update, together with Synchro Arts we’re giving Cakewalk by BandLab users the opportunity to win Revoice Pro and VocALign Project! These powerful industry standard tools for vocal production now work even better in CbB as a result of our ARA 2 integration.
  16. Revoice Pro and VocALign now support ARA 2 and work seamlessly in CbB through our partnership with Synchro Arts. To celebrate their latest update, together with Synchro Arts we’re giving Cakewalk by BandLab users the opportunity to win Revoice Pro and VocALign Project! These powerful industry standard tools for vocal production now work even better in CbB as a result of our ARA 2 integration.
  17. Perhaps the behavior of prefader sends being fully independent is too advanced for be a default behavior? The problem is if we change it some projects may sound different and unexpected for someone who actually has set up for headphone mixes. We could try and expose UI to select the pre fader send behavior...
  18. Thanks for the video @Gswitz The behaviour you demonstrate is expected. At 3:25 in the video the main reason why the export doesn't include the doubled reverb from the pre fader send is because you SELECTED track 2. When you do that the bounce is omitting track 1 completely from the mix as if it didn't exist. (Behind the scenes bounce actually makes a copy of just the elements of the project that are selected) If you did the export with all tracks selected you would get identical behavior to playback. The reasoning behind prefader sends working independently even when a track is muted (in this case as a result of another track being soloed) is rooted in use cases such as setting up headphone mixes. Suppose the engineer has set up prefader sends for headphone mixes to the musicians. i.e. In this scenario you don't want the act of soloing or muting another track in the control room to cut out the sound from the headphones. IOW the engineers mix needs to be independent from the cue mix. The ability to select elements for export is powerful but can be confusing if you don't follow the underlying routing.
  19. Bruce I really doubt this is a bug. Please send me an example project so we can see the routing in the project. There is no difference in this regard from any prior SONAR version.If you are hearing other buses when picking Master there is somehow something from those buses being routed to the master via a send or aux track or something.
  20. Hi @HappyRon Hill in the next update, it will now additionally set the playback position to where you click based on the Click setting. Note that if you want the rewind to start of clip behavior you will still need to shift click.
  21. @Bruce Searl and @Gswitz selecting a bus for export will include all other buses that send to that bus. This is by design and is not a bug. If you choose the Master bus in the export you are telling it to export everything that goes to the master including other buses that route to it such as the metronome or your reverb bus etc. The only way to exclude those is to mute them manually. In your example your phones bus will not get included in the mix unless you are also routing it to the master bus. To avoid this, route the phones bus to a hardware out rather than the master. The Export UI could be improved, but that would add more complexity to that already advanced dialog. >>I think i know what you are describing. In cakewalk, if you solo a track, other tracks mute but their sends do not. This only happens with pre fader sends and is because pre fader sends are computed before mute is applied. There is an ini setting that controls this called LinkPFSendMute in aud.ini. I suppose we can change the default behavior since some users find it unexpected.
  22. What if we never modified the project while playing from within a playlist? Would this solve the issue for you?
  23. Hi @Rogério Dec this would be a limitation of the Microsoft Media foundation video framework that we use so it could be tricky to address from our side. We haven't looked at video in a long time but we'll schedule some time to investigate again in the future. Thanks for your understanding. The root issue is that MP4 compressed requires prior keyframes to be decoded before the video engine can start streaming. In general most compressed formats including MP3 work that way and are not designed for editing. Some video apps decode to an intermediate format for this reason.
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