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Everything posted by chris.r

  1. Surfing with a GROUP should give more joy than surfing on the FORUM... or should it? ?
  2. I don't have the $25 Thanks coupon because for saving a few chips here and there I was always buying from discounters and not directly from UAD so for $39 I'm not going to buy this one. I could possibly shell out this amount (preferably less) for the Dytronics chorus even though technically it's not my preferred way to save a project with a cloud ilok plugin in it, nor with an unwieldy Amplitube, as it's still going to be a compromise for both scenarios. So anyway for now I'm staying with my Waves dbx160 that I got for free (FWIW)! Chris:UAD = 1:0
  3. I'm waiting for Dytronics Tri-Stereo Chorus!
  4. I only bought their Cello One and got it on a sale (or intro price) so the price was fine. And I like it, already used it in one project. I'm pretty sure it's not the best cello library in the universum but it does have a certain flavour to it and I'll definitely keep it for having that, yet another, color in the palette. It does have a nice legato and that was the main point for getting it for me, beside the affordable price.
  5. To support what's being said here, I just got this in an email from sonible: "All of the pure plug-ins are equipped with our latest neural networks and are designed with creators in mind." This is even better explanation of the series than what I said in my earlier post. Still apples to apples but two completely different varieties and that validates the presence of both, the smarts and the pures. I agree that some sort of compatibility/communication of settings/presets for both would be very welcome. EDIT: also agree with TheSteven that sonible could just include these 'creators' functionalities, as an additional mode in smart series, for those of us who paid the highest price for the top line. It's nice of them that they let us buy somewhat crippled, but still completely useful, versions for less money but someone who wants the best of both shouldn't pay twice.
  6. Well this looks like a cheap alternative to sonible smart:gate. Anyone know how long is the intro price?
  7. No comments on this? I have no experience with this particular gear in the hardware but the way they set the intro price makes me want to buy it! ?
  8. Meh. It only concerns MacOS plugins ? None of my over 2k plugins (half of them one-knoobs) is BS here on Windows, not even my precious Soundspots!
  9. Rudimentary - so simple to use that it didn't even require one knob. Smack it on your tracks and let yourself surprised with the outcome! Honestly, I don't see it as re-releasing same thing in new versions, but rather as stripped down versions with lowered price so that we sometimes don't have to pay the full price to get the tech. You don't have to buy them again if you already have the top... Smart version. Or do you?
  10. Unused code (from Audio Deluxe promo) for AudioThing Things Crusher free to take: AT39DX-6E4737C-3B18A8-275C50-ED47 please post if being used... enjoy!
  11. Thanks. I don't have it, but I've only seen positive responses so far. They could've been sponsored though, I didn't check that. And yeah, for it's price soothe2 must be in the top league I'm sure.
  12. Looks like I'm 12 hours late to the party... the club is empty! ? (so are a few wallets...)
  13. Don't update simple. You don't have to. But that's not how we read it. The wording suggests that all previous versions won't activate further once this final release is out. May be unintentional but anyway that's how it sounds: In addition they are clear about discontinuing this final version as well, eventually.
  14. Unless you can bend the timespace... like Larry does
  15. Fixes all bed wetting problems. I just play any random Barry White tune. No need for fixes
  16. I have learnt to snug the United Plugins' at their intro prices as they won't come back at that low quickly. I'm missing a multiband saturation in my toolkit and at the same time can't justify the over $100 higher price for an industry standard, I'm producing/mixing mostly for myself/friends. So it's Plamen for me I guess. And thanks for the Ohmicide tip! Yeah that's a good question, will have to check that too. But anyway, for mid/side saturation I already have the sweet sweet Vertigo VSM 3.
  17. Waiting for comparisons against Fabfilter Saturn... ?
  18. Something new this Sunday. Exactly! I could conform to it more easily.
  19. I had RX7 elements (and some versions prior to that). I don't recall them having the De-Reverb module before. They have taken away the stand alone version in this one but they added the Assistant function to the Plugin version. Based on the marketing the D-hum now has an adaptive mode. I didn't see much of anything else advertised as new. I bought it expecting a resizable UI update at this point, but if it exists - I don't know how to make it work. I too have RX7 Elements, it does have a Repair Assistant, fwiw. I was wondering about reasons for getting this RX10 Elements in my case. Let us know if you find a good reason!
  20. It's kids over the abyss!
  21. No, it was for the original poster of thread. Sorry for confusion!
  22. In any case, if you keep your past emails, you can always check for a proof of purchase then you can see when it happened and perhaps it will remind you more of how it happened. Also there's nothing wrong with publicly admitting that you've discovered that you've bought something twice. I already joined this 'premium' club at least once, when happily downloading a freshly redeemed ilok license for softube phaser I noticed a second one sitting there already! ?
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