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Everything posted by chris.r

  1. Anyone still having installer for Stratus the last version that still includes VST2 pleeease? Contacting support makes no sense as they only have let me know that because they are in the process of merging accounts with NI, registering Exponential Audio serials currently is not working and no mention on previous installers that I clearly asked for. The most recent version to download from the website is VST3 only.
  2. Right, I got so used to CbB free that I forgot it's gonna come to hurt our wallets again soon, at least for some of us. Also there's Garage band free. I'm having thoughts about starting saving for the one time Reaper fee or Studio One Artist if it's ever showing up on a sale. But of course I'm glad so see that Cakewalk is entering the Mac world, quite interesting times for us Cakewalkers on the horizon.
  3. Bummer.. almost like having the real, hardware thingy
  4. Inquired minds... inquired minds... Could it be that UAD is utilizing the softube software under own branding, like they used to do with a few other plugins?
  5. Exactly. The spam-IQ needs to be taught more on what means Larry spamming us with the best deals in universe
  6. I see how this can impact Larry beforemost.
  7. Wishful thinking!! give it another 2 months...
  8. I had to quickly google up for what means NDA. There was a link to Cakewalk Next beta posted by someone couple days ago, I can't find it anymore, most probably for that NDA reason. I instantly jumped on it out of curiosity without thinking, now I'm starting realizing that I got there through the kitchen, rather than the main door, LOL. Thanks for pointing out that it's covered by this NDA so I know it requires keeping silence.
  9. I read it's all due to merging their website with NI. Hopefully they will straighten everything down the road.
  10. The GUI looks so sweet. I feel the urge to lick my monitor screen
  11. Dang! Way too much stuff on it's roll when there's only so much monnies... Think I need to start planning purchases more methodically for a while, based on their sale end dates. Glad PB makes them clear and upfront.
  12. Is there any consensus on quality of sound vs price of these two? I'm mostly towards the drums.
  13. Great! I've been looking for a sale on this one.
  14. Any hint how long is the $39 intro? I'm not getting any newsletter. EDIT: nvm.. according to plugin boutique it's September 24
  15. chris.r

    Cubase 13

    LOL, they probably didn't want to loose sales on these seats!
  16. Ah, you're right! I think I was initially considering clean install of only CbB but soon I realized there's no other way than install all previous incarnations (Platinum, X1) first to bring back all the goodies. I invested in MWobble on a sale anyway, when I saw that there were no plans to reissue the Bifilter2. Thanks for the correction
  17. I read there is some capitalization planned... but not revealed yet
  18. Yup, less modules is what I mean. Also the Quadqurve EQ wasn't expandable. I don't think Concrete Limiter has been ever included in any of the trims, wish it was still available though. Exactly! ? Brilliant move from the bakers. After the re-introduction of Radius I was really only missing out on Bifilter2. Had to investigate for some replacement.
  19. CbB, when it was first released, had nearly the same feature set as Platinum but without bundled software. There were only 2-3 tiny features missing, like the Izotope Radius for one, that a bunch of us instantly started to cry out on for bringing it back, me included (because I find it sounding best for transposing complex audio), so they brought some of it back soon after - thanks bakers. I don't get it how many don't quite see where the $499 price was coming mostly from, and it's from the bundled software like Addictive Drums 2 (full, and iirc, it was the Custom Bundle so I guess it alone must have been worth the bigger part of the whole price), Dimension Pro, AAS Sessions, Truepianos, Boutique Suite, full featured ProChannel, Melodyne, Blue Tubes, L-phase EQ and multiband, Adaptive Limiter etc. Studio/Professional had only crippled Prochannel, crippled Quadqurve, only AD2 single version, Dimension LE and didn't have many of the smaller bundled software like the Breverb, Bifilter2, Truepianos, Sessions and alike. Feature-wise Professional and Platinum were nearly the same, except a few differences already pointed out in this thread. I see there are some people willing to pay this amounts again, well I can only wish to ever be in their position. I could only afford Platinum because previously I owned some $60 worth of X1 Studio that I found on sale (rare at this price) so when Gibson offered the infamous upgrade to Platinum liftime updates(!) for around $120, and I could get it from jrrshop for even less with the infamous code 'group' or 'forum', think ultimately it was somewhere around $110 for me. And that was supposed to be the final price for me, one in a lifetime... right? And even then I had to inhumanly stress my family with such one time price, rent-to-own wasn't an option. (am I going to collect bashes for sayin' that? ?)
  20. It was a combination of split, slip-edit/rearrange, sliding content of a partial clip, stretch a partial and possibly mute clips or selection, on a soulful guitar lick to adapt it to the song so it did sound as if it was another lick altogether after I finished editing. It did play fine with all the edits until saving and reopening the project. It did also bounce fine when I redid it second time. I'll try to find the recipe. For me it did happen in one of the previous versions, not even the latest stable. I installed the EA now in order to check if it plays fine on my system so I might try to see if I can reproduce the same bug with it.
  21. Please keep us posted with your findings. The crash mentioned above happens in Reaper, the plugin may be working just fine in a different DAW, who knows. It's an interesting plugin indeed. The only alternatives I can think of are from Sound Radix, and they are out of my price range
  22. Ach, sorry I had been so focused on trying to be as much clear in explaining the issue I'm getting here, that I completely forgot to start with a small detail that I'm talking about CbB, not Next. Jon's post was just what triggered me to go back to the issue and look at it from a different point of view. I might have actually found a bug then, will try to see if I can get the exact steps to reproduce. Don't thing there were any plugins in there, just edits on a wave file. If I bounce to disk it will sound as expected but when I tried to save project then something got broken as if one of the edits didn't save at all and that led to a mangled state on reopen. Had to start from scratch and redo everything then bounce right away, that's the only way.
  23. ^^^Absolutely agree! That's why I still have Sonar Platinum available on all of my systems! ... just in the worst case! I'm even more paranoid so I authorized with offline method and saved copies of responses on 3 different HDDs, just in case (even though no one ever said it will help whatsoever)! ?
  24. This got me thinking. Up until now I never gave a thought about how the project is actually saved, always have it taken granted as writing the actual state of project into some sort of bulk of zeros and ones, that can perfectly replicate on next reopen (please don't laugh I'm musician not programmer, lol). Now I'm starting getting it that since the project itself might have a format, this may be a culprit to the errors that I'm getting after doing a couple of different clip edits at once - cut, move, slide content, stretch - it all plays fine right until saved and reopen. Now I'm starting getting it that on saving, there is probably some part of the information missing hence the errors on reopening, some edits aren't saved correctly. Am I onto something here? If yes, then I should probably go back to that project and try to replicate exact steps to reproduce the error. Is that something bakers would like to look into it? (or maybe since we're under BandLab now, I rather should say alchemists, not bakers ) The only shame is that any eventual fixes won't find a way into CbB anymore.
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