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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. more than that, 20+ posts in one post, less clicks less hassle 👍
  2. THE STAIRS - Woman Gone And Say Goodbye
  3. here's all the the plugin boutique deals https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals/
  4. pwalpwal


    just a screenshot to help (i hope) you understand how your posts, that i'm sure you mean in good will, come across as spam 👍
  5. pwalpwal


    @Living Room Rocker
  6. please just share the general sale page at pb, otherwise it comes across as spam or your wanting to be larry 2.0 (who wouldn't do that) 👍
  7. me too, but i checked some of the others and didn't see it so more likely to be with email/user-sharing tracking
  8. are you getting commission from pb?? ffs stop with your spam
  9. if you want so see a band you like, but that band is just a product, they'll pay the prices 🤷‍♀️ if they liked less known bands then they wouldn't have to pay those prices 🤷‍♀️ "the masses are asses"
  10. people aren't getting the option to not pay inflated prices right now, which i think was the point of that vid, but that's because most people can't see (hear) beyond what's played incessantly on the radio/tv/shop - how many people actually spend time searching out new artists? if they don't make an effort and think for themselves they're just open to exploitation 🤷‍♀️ i'm waiting for the hoo-har when oasis cancel shows on this latest money-grab
  11. deux points pour Amon Tobin - Let's Fight
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