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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. it's the end of the wad as we know it
  2. it's like the supermarket milk of bandlab, you have to get through all the other product offerings before you find the one you're looking for
  3. it doesn't seem to indicate which of "my products" has an update available? does it?
  4. The Minus 5 - Pink Bag for Rip Torn ·
  5. brian jonestown massacre - Fist Full of Bees -
  6. there were many happy users of this, inc me, and on the forums we got into a discussion with cake (dan was it?) about how it needed - and apparently would get - a x64 build, yada yada yada, then it just got dropped, no warning to users, such a shame
  7. tbf this is a user forum, so maybe nobody else noticed missing tooltips, did you contact support@cakewalk.com? /goodluck
  8. it's a fair question, mackie is "grandfathered in" like pro tools, but ableton and presonus are the only ones making progress with controllers these days, presonus because they also make the things, but there's no common standard ( i have an akai apc40 but ableton soon switched to their own push things, dunno who makes them, apc40 wasn't very useful with sonar, but is a joy still with live) i think cake missed a big opportunity when they partnered with roland (i also have a edirol ua-1000, decent bit of kit) but again it didn't happen, i do wonder why cakewalk couldn't make such partnerships work 🤷‍♀️
  9. back in the day cakewalk finally made their control surface sdk public, but i guess not many hardware manufacturers picked it up... i think @azslow3 has some experience with it? https://github.com/Cakewalk/Cakewalk-Control-Surface-SDK /goodluck
  10. so no then, he doesn't get paid 🤣
  11. i wonder how much he gets paid for putting his name on software? i wonder if he ever used software in any of his own stuff
  12. can you still do that? (the gobbler thing)
  13. aren't these, like, 20 yr old plugins? i remember, back in the day...
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