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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. didn't watch the vid but i'm guessing high flying birds, plus liam?
  2. vlc also offers conversion during "save as" - does a bunch of video formats as well as audio https://www.videolan.org/
  3. and, to be clear, we're now a part of bandlab's customer base, the cakewalk devs are just their employees, they have no influential say in this matter
  4. they did this with project5 and i was told to just get over it 🤷‍♀️ they're a business, they're not gonna support a product for free
  5. if you click "switch to..." what folder does it open?
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_in_the_room you're welcome
  7. larry is currently posting at a different forum but we're not allowed to share that link on these forums p
  8. legacy won't get code updates, and if it's a version that requires the online authentication/activation then that (auth) will stop soon if you like sonar then go for the current version 🤷‍♀️ /goodluck
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