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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. it was, we got paid in merch, beer and free gigs
  2. aarrrr, that it be, that it be
  3. oh, i can say dick but not ***** (pr!ck)
  4. ah local crew only, not the tour, and we didn't get any burning head ladies in northern england 😢 still, pf was a dick but the gig was great (i was also a big fan at the time)
  5. ah yes forgetting about this depends on the one you use, wetransfer is a decent freebie, or google drive or ms onedrive are trustworthy, also don't forget to have script & ad blocker extensions installed in your browser, general rule of thumb, the internet is much safer makes sense already! /goodluck
  6. they're just pub rock ripoffers with a couple of gobby knobends that make good press (imho haha)
  7. furry muff, monitor mix then - don;t forget they have a nice big soundcheck, in-ear monitoring, etc... pf was a ***** when i crewed them way back in the day, ritual de lo habitual tour, they had the most **** to decorate the stage with than any other band/artist i've crewed... mind you it was a great gig
  8. pf has had mental and substance issues forever, it's not just the usual "too loud" thing (altho maybe singers should sing louder haha, or attack the foh guy?)
  9. advisory circle - russian doll that's al the dolls i got
  10. Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians - Wax Doll
  11. bunch of great vids at that guy's youtubes, but here's one for @Xoo featuring a bob calvert hawkwind ffs!
  12. Cliff Richard & The Young Ones - Living Doll
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