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Everything posted by pwalpwal

  1. oi'll get orf yor laand, good luck to everyone
  2. Unless it's still relevant 🤷‍♂️ Same feedback from the bakers about what's coming Still, what's your take on all this?
  3. what's your idea then, what do you think is happening at blhq, other than ignoring us? you/we still can't get a perpetual license, even though we've been asking since forever without a clear response (other than "oh, we're considering it" for a long time now) it's the same as they did when they dropped project5 - how long will you give it?
  4. The Tell-Tale Hearts: "(You're a) Dirty Liar"
  5. for huge points, THE BEES - Voices Green And Purple
  6. you're not their target market 🤷‍♀️ but they don't have the guts to tell the long time users, your one-off payment means nothing
  7. they've been finalising this forever 🙄 imo there's no permi license coming, to bl as a business it doesn't make sense 🤷‍♀️
  8. i always wondered why they did that, even ms (used to?) say to avoid registry unless absolutely necessary, here's a decent overview https://stackoverflow.com/questions/268424/when-and-why-should-you-store-data-in-the-windows-registry
  9. i'm interested to know how a driver mode can affect an image being generated
  10. Guided By Voices - "Auditorium/Motor Away"
  11. (why's george the only one wearing a hat?)
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