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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Brings price per pack down to $15 (as Yan noted in OP). Last time these were this cheap (50% off) was last BF (but they were also being sold at JRR which knocked down the price around $2). Tracktion does gives you $1 credit ( 'Tracktion Cash' ) per library usable on your next purchase. Might be your last chance to hit this discount level before next BF.
  2. I'm surprised that you really would expect anything different. If you accept their offer they can re-enable your codes/downloads, if not they've minimized (as far as they're concerned) the damage. That they shut down the download before you could take advantage of it? well them's the breaks...
  3. @Grumpy Monkey welcome to Cakewalk Forum (Deals section). I was checking out your web site. Looks like you have some interesting utilities.
  4. This is old news for me... Already had the plugin updates back from Jesse's original notice but the SSL 360 is not showing in my SSL Download Manager - unless I'm completely blind (wouldn't be the first time). check the version #'s in the download manager (click on the 'i' icon/button by 'Up to date' label ) - you might have already installed these updates.
  5. Between my shoulders like always... Signing off - time for the evening consumption of mass quantities.
  6. Bitwig Studio 5.0.3 - another prerelease... Probably why it doesn't show up as an update within my 5.01 but shows up on web site.
  7. Whoopie! These apps should serve as an object lesson to developers of how NOT to design software!
  8. Both the Native Access app and Kontakt 7 are horrendously slow on my system.
  9. Version 7.5.2 2023-07-20 Bug fix. FIXED : Creating a new resource container did not work
  10. Hmm, not showing up as available for Bitwig 8 Track 5.0.1 wonder if it'll pop up later or if they've decided to stop updating it.
  11. Tonex has been updated to 1.21 Looks like the 1.21.update fixed the online issue with 1.20 (at least on my system). Click on the ToneNET label on the upper right hand side: and it now logs in
  12. ToneX updated to 1.2.1 1.20 update just came out yesterday. Note looks like they copy most if not all the change list from the 1.20 Changes from version 1.1.7: TONEX Collections Introducing over 100 Partner Collections available for purchase. Added the new "Vintage & Lo-Fi" Factory Collection, which is free for all TONEX MAX users. This collection features the Fender Bassman '53 and the Maestro Fuzz Tone. TONEX Player Implemented drag & drop for importing Presets. Added two new Tone Model skins. Tone Model skins can now be updated via edit window. Added 10 new DIs. ToneNET It’s now possibile to replace Tone Models previously uploaded to ToneNET. The "Restore purchases" feature now downloads all purchased Collections and Tone Models to the local library. Added new options for sharing Tone Models' and Authors' URLs. Enhanced ToneNET browsing when scrolling through Tone Models. General reliability improvements. Changes from version 1.2.0: Fixed a bug that prevented Tone Models from being saved at the end of the modeling process. 1.20 update just came out yesterday and reportly had issues. Looks like they fixed the online issue with 1.20 (at least on my system) that was mentioned in thread posts.
  13. Zynaptiq does a crap job of notifying us of updates. They have (tardily) announced plugin updates on KVR for a couple of their plugin: Adaptiverb v1.80 https://www.zynaptiq.com/adaptiverb/adaptiverb-downloads/ Morph v2.5.0 https://www.zynaptiq.com/morph/morph-downloads/ PitchMap v1.9.1 https://www.zynaptiq.com/pitchmap/pitchmap-downloads/ >> updated June 2023 But it looks like all of their plugins were updated on December 15th, 2022. I missed it, guessing most of us did. All of these are significantly newer than what I have installed. I am not going to post ALL the details as this post is already taking too much work but here are links to the various download pages: https://www.zynaptiq.com/intensity/intensity-downloads/ https://www.zynaptiq.com/unfilter/unfilter-downloads/ https://www.zynaptiq.com/unchirp/unchirp-downloads/ https://www.zynaptiq.com/unveil/unveil-downloads/ https://www.zynaptiq.com/wormhole/wormhole-downloads/ https://www.zynaptiq.com/unmixdrums/unmixdrums-downloads/ >> updated June 2023 Details on some of the updates... ADAPTIVERB Version 1.4.0, December 15th, 2022: ADAPTIVERB now supports Apple Silicon natively on the Mac for AU, VST 2, VST 3 and AAX Native. This update resolves VST 3 compatibility issues with various hosts, most notably Ableton Live 11.x, on Mac and Windows. The macOS installer now allows choosing which plugin formats to install, and sports improved Dark Mode support. The About screen now displays the CPU architecture (x64/Apple Silicon).The latest version of the plugin ships as 64-bit only from now on. Previous versions with 32-bit support are of course still available. Morph2 Version 2.5.0, December 15th, 2022: MORPH 2 now supports Apple Silicon natively on the Mac for AU, VST 2, VST 3 and AAX Native. This update resolves VST 3 compatibility issues with various hosts, most notably Ableton Live 11.x, on Mac and Windows. The macOS installer now allows choosing which plugin formats to install, and sports improved Dark Mode support. The About screen now displays the CPU architecture (x64/Apple Silicon). The latest version of the plugin ships as 64-bit only from now on. Previous versions with 32-bit support are of course still available. PitchMap Version 1.9.1, June 29th, 2023: Fixed an issue with MIDI control of the VST3 version of the plug-in in Ableton Live. Version 1.9.0, December 15th, 2022: PITCHMAP now supports Apple Silicon natively on the Mac for AU, VST 2, VST 3 and AAX Native. This update resolves VST 3 compatibility issues with various hosts, most notably Ableton Live 11.x, on Mac and Windows. The macOS installer now allows choosing which plugin formats to install, and sports improved Dark Mode support. The About screen now displays the CPU architecture (x64/Apple Silicon). The latest version of the plugin ships as 64-bit only from now on. Previous versions with 32-bit support are of course still available. Changing the pitch map now marks the currently loaded preset as modified Unveil Version 1.9.0, December 15th, 2022: UNVEIL now supports Apple Silicon natively on the Mac for AU, VST 2, VST 3 and AAX Native. This update resolves VST 3 compatibility issues with various hosts, most notably Ableton Live 11.x, on Mac and Windows. The macOS installer now allows choosing which plugin formats to install, and sports improved Dark Mode support. The About screen now displays the CPU architecture (x64/Apple Silicon). The latest version of the plugin ships as 64-bit only from now on. Previous versions with 32-bit support are of course still available.
  14. I gave up on it & uninstalled it a while ago and don't remember if I upgraded beyond what I had installed (v1.20). I just installed (v1.8.4) but don't have time to mess with it right down.
  15. Odd, if I download ADSR Sampler Manager from my ADSR account v1.2.0 download. If I re-purchase it and immediately download the purchase (or download it from purchase receipt) I get v1.8.4. I had so many issues with old version never completing scans, I'll check this out later (like next week) and see if things are now working.
  16. smart:gate by sonible - the content-aware gate - 30 day trial https://www.sonible.com/smartgate/ Same here - about $45 if I don't get dinged with conversion fees. Don't know if I need / want another gate... especially since I've got the Fabfilter one and that I rarely do anything creative or fancy with them. I'll have to demo it at some point.
  17. Upgrade is free if you see something like this saying it's included in your plan: otherwise the message is an advertisement to upgrade. Bitwig installs each version in a different folder. At least the Windows versions do, so I assume the Mac versions do as well. Older versions remain on your system till uninstalled. To run an older version of Bitwig in Windows you'll need to create shortcut for it. If you haven't installed the newer version yet - copy the current shortcut and rename it to, for example, "Bitwig Studio 3". Otherwise the current shortcut gets overwritten with each install. If you've already installed a newer version then you'll need to create a shortcut to the older one from scratch. Here's a screenshot from my system with the shortcut properties shown.
  18. Indeed it is... You're right 8 track to full Studio is $259. Don't know what the heck I was thinking... (multitasking mental error) Still better than $299 non-upgrade price.
  19. Want to save a couple of bucks with Bitwig Studio? Get an 8 track license, register it, then upgrade** to Studio - $129. Edit/Correction $259. If you can't get one from a friend - search KVR https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=43 for "8track" or Bitwig - you might score a free or cheap license. Note if you install 8 Track version of Bitwig - you'll get version 5. It's still 8 Track (not Essential version) but aside from missing unlimited track it looks like has all the v5 features. **Looks like upgrade price is valid till July 21st.
  20. I have heard good things about it, here are a couple of reviews from good sources... https://soundbytesmag.net/review-impressor-and-saturator-from-psp-audioware/ https://www.mixonline.com/technology/reviews/plug-ins/psp-saturator-impressor-plug-in-review I haven't checked it out yet myself, got too many irons in the fire at the moment. 30 day demo available: https://www.pspaudioware.com/products/psp-impressor
  21. 2 things dissuade me from even checking Avenger out. 1) the Tracktion synths are much, much cheaper (especially if you can pick one up on sale) and each wonderous in its own way. and there's reason #2... Odd that it comes with a 1,000 presets but you still need to invest in expansion packs... Couldn't they have dumped the canned presets and just included the good stuff instead? LOL, Being a bit of curmudgeon here, apologies. If this synth sounds good to you. you can justify the costs and does what you need then more power to you. Hopefully you'll have room in your audio garden for this new rabbit hole.
  22. Kontakt 7 is a big Irish Setter with that lustrous long red hair that your significant other would kill for - it may be beautiful but it's still a dog, a big dog. It still takes longer than any other plugin or DAW to load on my system - over 5 minutes each time; must be scanning every drive on my system every time it loads. I previously complained about this on a NI thread opened by the developers and aside from some hemming and hawing (it shouldn't do that...) from devs got nothing but snarky replies for other users.
  23. Depends... did you take the red pill or the blue?
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