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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. What DAW is that? I always assumed your avatar was a smiley face captured from an EQ plugin. Edit: reread your post...
  2. If you like your VST3 plugins put in a custom location e.g. something like "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\Tracktion" you can do that when using the individual plugin installers but there is no way to do that with the Tracktion installer. The issue is that if you use the individual installers and install to a custom location - some remember that location (like F'em) and other don't (like Love). For the ones that remember the Tracktion installer will install them to the remembered locations while the rest will be installed to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3".
  3. Experience? Mostly positive, it usually works as it should. In this case with F'em quickest way to update it is: Delete F'em plugin from your VST3 folder. Update it or reinstall from Tracktion installer (installer will fail if you haven't deleted or renamed plugin) Go into your VST3 folder and rename the new "F-em (64 bit).vst3" folder - get rid of the VST extension so it's just named "F-em (64 bit)" Then run Cakewalk VST scanner, or if you have it set to autoscan you're done. The above assumes you're running Windows. I don't know if this nonsense is happened with the Mac version. Edit: I opened a support ticket with Tracktion on this issue (folder with VST3 name) and also created a post on the Cakewalk Feedback forum about this because this issue should not be tripping up the Cakewalk VST scanner.
  4. VST scanner fails to register plugin when VST3 file is located in a folder by the same name. For example when someplugin.VST3 is located within a folder name someplugin.VST3 C:\PROGRAM FILES\COMMON FILES\VST3 └───F-em (64 bit).vst3 (directory) └───Contents ├───Resources └───x86_64-win ───F-em (64 bit).vst3 (file) Seeing more of this happening lately. I'm thinking that some programming SDK (maybe JUCE?) is creating that kind of folder structure when compiling a plugin and the developer instead of extracting only the VST3 is copying the whole folder structure (that includes the plugin) into their installer. While this is stupid - the issue with the VST scanner failing to register the plugin could probably be avoided if the scanner would verify that *.VST3 is a file and not a directory.
  5. re F'em - multiple issues I couldn't install F'em with the Tracktion installer - had to go to download folder and manually run installer. Then Cakewalk VST scanner wouldn't recognize VST3 because installer had put it in a folder "F-em (64 bit).vst3" renaming the folder (deleting the extension) is one fix the other is moving the VST3 file and deleting the folder (had to rename it first before I could move VST 3 file). Edit: see my subsequent post below on installing for better detailed instructions. all good now.
  6. Dawesome Kult has been updated too (or at least since the last time I checked).
  7. PSP Audioware - update/fix for NobleQ/NobleQex VST3 (not a deal) ES NobleQ 1.8.3 & ES NobleQex 1.8.3 FIX: 1. V5T3 format only:: HP filter doesn't work correctly - fixed Login to your PSP account and go to MY Plug-ins section to download the appropriate installer.
  8. Upgrade from 9 is $79. https://www.steinberg.net/spectralayers/ Waiting for a sale / significant discount as I rarely use it.
  9. Perfect mic for creating libraries like this:
  10. Has anyone bothered to compare the savings of getting synths piecemeal (as they become available) or by waiting for a new version of a collection? I suspect that there's some savings but on the other hand you have access/usage of them in the meantime.
  11. Arggg - Best Service price went up. It's now $ 135.66 Edit: Once you figure BestCoin vs VirtueCash - looks like Best Service now saves you maybe somewhere around $2 On the other hand Plugin Boutique is the better deal if you want/need the bonus free app.
  12. FYI Currently sale ends Sunday Sept. 3rd.
  13. From KVR Audio Weekly Newsletter: GPU Audio have released a FREE Impulse Response pack, featuring 50 of the top entries from the 200+ entered for their IR Competition. Download the free pack by signing up to the GPU Audio website here - you'll find it in the 'Impulse Response Packs' section. Note: I have not checked these out myself, just passing on the information.
  14. I'm using a Quantum 2 with an Apple thunderbolt 3 to 2 adapter and as Jim states I can get a great low latency latency @ 96k using a 32-sample ASIO buffer size. I can get close to 1ms latency if I turn off all the various processes running on my mixed use computer (OneDrive, etc.) and if I'm going light on plugin use.
  15. Hi Jim, What sample rate do you have to use to get that latency?
  16. Except in this case the Anniversary Bundle is no longer sold at United Plugins. Which might explain Larry's observation... All United Plugins bought from any source end up registered at United Plugins. Looks like it's more of a case where you only get the discounts if you bought the plugins through UP's website. I got most of mine through 3rd party vendors and do not see the advertised discounts for owning any pieces of a bundle set. UP probably tracks where you purchased plugins (like Melda does) and only dishes out discounts on home bought plugins.
  17. Best Service seems to having the best prices on United Plugins at the moment.
  18. https://www.bestservice.com/en/4th_anniversary_bundle.html $90.41 for 4 plugins. FireCharger - Charge your sound to max: Do your tracks sound dull or tired? They need energy. They need to get charged. FireCharger can get your mix or instrument recording to the next level touching just a few knobs (or just one in most cases). FireCharger is a universal processor with an intelligent algorithm for spectral charging and instant sound improvement, including emulation of an analogue tape and advanced exciters MorphVerb - I'm Every Reverb: What type of reverb should be used on my track? Shall I use the Chamber or Hall? What about something in between? MorphVerb is a magical tool providing a unique way to find the perfect reverb settings! Orbitron - The Revolution in Modulation: Simple modulation can be boring and tedious. But imagine you could fluently crossfade between four various modulation effects so that each bar would sound different. Or blend the four effects together to create something unique. That is the approach only Orbitron can offer. Verbum Entropic Hall - The Beauty Is in Chaos: The recent digital world tends to line up everything. That makes things predictable and... well, boring. The beauty of life is in chaos and randomness of unexpected. And Verbum Entropic Hall reflects that which makes it one of the most realistic reverbs out there. Larry mentioned a sale on MorphVerb earlier but this is a good enough deal that I thought it merited separate attention.
  19. If this deal sounds appealing you might want to consider https://www.bestservice.com/en/4th_anniversary_bundle.html for around an additional $12 ($90.41 total) you get 3 additional plugins: Orbitron - The Revolution in Modulation: Simple modulation can be boring and tedious. But imagine you could fluently crossfade between four various modulation effects so that each bar would sound different. Or blend the four effects together to create something unique. That is the approach only Orbitron can offer. Verbum Entropic Hall - The Beauty Is in Chaos: The recent digital world tends to line up everything. That makes things predictable and... well, boring. The beauty of life is in chaos and randomness of unexpected. And Verbum Entropic Hall reflects that which makes it one of the most realistic reverbs out there. FireCharger - Charge your sound to max: Do your tracks sound dull or tired? They need energy. They need to get charged. FireCharger can get your mix or instrument recording to the next level touching just a few knobs (or just one in most cases). FireCharger is a universal processor with an intelligent algorithm for spectral charging and instant sound improvement, including emulation of an analogue tape and advanced exciters. and as mentioned includes MorphVerb - I'm Every Reverb: What type of reverb should be used on my track? Shall I use the Chamber or Hall? What about something in between? MorphVerb is a magical tool providing a unique way to find the perfect reverb settings!
  20. Slightly cheaper than the Intro deal...
  21. You're going to the wrong web page. Next time go to https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/view-machines.html and you can deactivate all plugins assigned to a particular device with a click or two. Quick & easy.
  22. I just bought it and realize that it is NOT all their plugins. Not that they were trying to hide that, I just didn't bother to verify what wasn't in the deal, my bad. Looks like the Integral Studio Pack III is missing: BusDriver Garbage LSD (but it is on sale $19.90 @ Best Service) the Analog Studio Rack collection Drum Tools E Channel - Essential Channel Strip (everything in the Essential Studio Suite is there except this). on sale $5.99 at Best Service Magma 80s Spaces If is missed something on the list drop me a line and I'll edit it. While this is still a hell of a deal it would have been nice to have gotten some of the other pieces. Not sure why they omitted the Essential Channel Strip. (though it does look horribly dated) I already had BusDriver and the Analog Studio Rack collection so already had what I consider the 2 biggest omissions.
  23. Thanks for info. From web page: To get most of their plugins for $39 (with eventual updated DSP code & resizable GUIs) and get free updates to VST3 versions? Sounds like no brainer territory. Edit: corrected 'All of their plugins', its most of them not all of them. See following posts for more information.
  24. How would you rate this again XLN Audio's XO?
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