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Everything posted by TheSteven

  1. Ink Vocal is nice. It's a different flavor than other voice libraries. $13.66 with code.
  2. If you feel that the plugin is lacking a feature or something could be better implemented drop him a line. The dev actively supports the plugin and responds to bug reports and general feedback.
  3. Not ignoring your post just have no idea. Only item I'm missing is, as you put it, is the 'acid crap'. Intro price for that (which I thought was overpriced) was $49, now they want a lot more. So still passing on that.
  4. I thought I could just paste in the info and then realized how much detail didn't get copied so I started pasting in images not realizing how many there were...
  5. Downloads at https://youlean.co/download-youlean-loudness-meter/
  6. Youlean Loudness Meter – V2.5.5 BETA Update by Youlean - Julijan Nikolic | Nov 22, 2023 | 14 comments This should be the last update before the official release, well, I hope so. ? This update mainly improved the stability of the meter. I have fixed some crashes; hopefully, they won’t pop up this time. Changed BETA label Let’s start with the most critical change you’ve requested. The beta label will now include your license type as well. Here’s how it looks: Old Look: New Look: Now seriously, some of you had some confusion about the license so I changed that, but you must admit, it is a pretty nice feature. ? Added more channel configurations Oh, this was a tough one! ? Up to 5.1 channel configuration, situation is kinda OK, but once you go to 7.1 and up, it starts to be really messy. There are a gazillion versions of how channel names and channel orders are handled. Why can’t our industry just agree on how 7.1.2 channel orders and names are handled?! ? Anyway, 40 papers and links later, I managed to make a list with channel configurations that this version will support. If you feel some channel configuration is missing, please let me know. ? In this version, you will have 49 new channel configuration options. The meter will now support these channel combinations: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, and 24 channel audio. https://youlean-129cf.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Recording-2023-11-22-134019.mp4 What’s really cool is that plugins will now have an auto channel configuration selection feature. That means that the plugin will detect the bus channel configuration and it will automatically select the correct one. This works in most major DAWs that people usually use to work with multichannel audio like Nuendo, Pro Tools, Logic Pro X, etc. If this is not supported by DAW, the plugin will use the stereo channel configuration by default. BTW, all possible channel configurations should be supported in Pro Tools, Nuendo, and Logic Pro X. Pro Tools supports up to 9.1.6 Nuendo supports up to 22.2 Logic Pro X supports up to 7.1.4 Here’s how this looks in practice: The (A) will indicate that the channel configuration was automatically found. If you don’t see it, you will have to manually select the configuration. This is such a time saver and helps prevent user errors such as selecting the wrong channel configuration, so I am super excited about it. ? Normalize will write BWF metadata I have added an option to add BWF loudness metadata to the normalized file. Here’s how it looks: Multi mono normalization improvements If you normalize multi-mono files, the normalization will produce the multi-mono files back. You can also force multi-mono output for multi-channel files. Copy measurements summary to clipboard Since we already have a text summary export option, I thought it would be nice if you could copy the summary of current measurements to the clipboard. You can now do this by clicking on this button: You will then get this copied to the clipboard: Youlean Loudness Meter 2 – V2.5.5 14:39:54 11/22/2023 Channel Size: 2 Channel Layout: 1. L 2. R Timecode Start: 00:00:00:00 Timecode End: 00:00:21:45 Preset Name: DEFAULT Integrated = -14.3 LUFS Loudness Range = 9.2 LU Average Dynamics (PLR) = 13.5 LU Momentary Max = -10.8 LUFS Short Term Max = -11.3 LUFS True Peak Max = -0.8 dBTP Auto resizable peak meters Believe it, or not, this was hard to implement and I wasn’t excited to work on it, but this was the top feature request from the previous beta version, so here it is. ? Meter bars will resize based on the channel configuration selected. Here are a couple of examples: You must admit, the 22.2 channel configuration does look a bit ridiculous, doesn’t it? ? You have the option to select automatic resizing, but you can also set the meter to have a fixed number of channels shown. This can be particularly handy if you are not sure how many inputs you have and you want to monitor all channels at once. Here’s how you can set that up: For example, if you set the meter to always display 10 channels, this is how it will look: Updated window scaling Some of you had a problem where the meter interface appeared super small, so I took a look at the code and found that some stuff can be improved there. There was a bug that caused window scaling to reset to the minimum on macOS, which should now be fixed with this update. Also, I took the opportunity to update the Windows scaling. The meter now supports per-monitor window scaling in DAWs that support it. I’ve also added support for HiDPI for some DAWs that require the plugin to explicitly signal its HiDPI compatibility. Hopefully, plugins will now always open in HiDPI. Here’s a look at how it appears in Bitwig with 150% Windows scaling: It’s finally clean. The only downside with this update is that window scaling will be reset to default, but you can always change it in the view settings: The final BETA I know that I am boring with these BETAs, but it was important to test these updates publicly as there were so many changes added to the meter. I’m hoping this will be the last beta update. No more new features until I release a stable one. ? Please let me know what you think, and let me know how window scaling and channel configurations work for you. Download V2.5.5 BETA Changelog: – Added 49 new channel configuration options – Added a button to quickly copy current measurements summary in the clipboard – Added a system to check if audio input is detected, and host playback is paused preventing measurements in Elapsed histogram mode – Added ability to analyze up to 24 channel audio – Added ability to register the PRO version from the command line tool – Added option to always show all channels for peak meters – Added option to force multi-mono export for normalized file – Added option to hide full file paths in exports – Added option to write BWF metadata to normalized files – Drag and drop file info text will show file name only – Fixed crash when GPU acceleration is disabled. – Fixed message box showing the same messages concurrently – Fixed resetting bug when rendering in SADiE – GUI scaling was reset to a default value – Holding CTRL + ALT on Windows, or Command + Option on macOS and dragging the resize corner will scale the meter interface – Improved compatibility with SADiE – Improved design for standalone app preferences – Improved general stability – Peak meters will now automatically resize based on the channel count. – Plugins and standalone app will now automatically select the best audio channel preset for you (if the feature is available in the host) – Updated GUI scaling code. Windows will now support per-monitor DPI scaling – Using multi-mono files for normalization will now export multi-mono files instead of the single file – You can now analyze and normalize 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, and 24 channel audio.
  7. Wow, I just checked the FabFilter site and the Pro-R2 upgrade price (for me) has dropped another $15 since I last check it the other day - now it's $44.36
  8. The Unfinished BF Sale 2023 https://www.theunfinished.co.uk/store/ from email: The Unfinished Black Friday Sale 2023 November 24th - 26th Save 40% Off Synth Sounds For just three days only, you can save 40% off all my synth sounds* and sample libraries (*apart from the freshly released Omnisphere Amara II). Use the discount code SYNTHNOIR23 in your shopping cart to save on lovely Omnisphere, Zebra, Diva, Serum, RePro sounds and many more goodies. The sale runs from November 24th to 25th and also sees the return of two limited edition sound sets that haven't been available since last Black Friday: my Autumn Collection and my 10th Anniversary Collection. All the best, Matt
  9. 50% off of Helix Native https://shop-us.line6.com/plugins/helix-native/ or up to 50% on other Line 6 products https://line6.com/holiday-sale/
  10. 50% off sale directly from developer website. https://www.pspaudioware.com/ further discounts if you already own any PSP plugins or buy multiple items.
  11. Also available directly from UA and will stack with any UAD Thank You coupons
  12. Have you tried running & activating it within one of the free mini hosts that are available? Such as SAVIHost, Image Line's Minihost Modular or Tone 2 NanoHost Back when I use to have issues like this all the time. Now I always activate my plugins in one of the first 2 before running a plugin in any DAW and it avoids so many issues.
  13. Just got an email... "For all Melody Sauce 1 owners, this HUGE update represents a massive overhaul of the popular original Melody Sauce. Create melodies for specific genres, play them using internal instruments and much more!" Melody Sauce v2 upgrade at PB $9.50 Note if you don't have v1. On sale $29 at PB: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/93-Music-Theory-Tools/8877-Melody-Sauce-2
  14. Make sure your system supports 4TB chips! I found out mind did not after buying one on a previous sale. Thankfully New Egg refunded my purchase.
  15. The possibility of a royal flush? ahem... found this online... "ACE and Bazille are completely different beasts. ACE is a modern take on a vintage analog modular, whereas Bazille is a modular approach to FM and phase distortion synthesis." ACE has it's fans. That being said while I plan on picking up Bazille today or tomorrow, at the moment I have no intention on getting ACE even if it's only $32 at PB.
  16. If you own one the following and want both - don't bother with the upgrade options as the upgrade prices are not BF discounted. Just buy the other plugin at the BF discount.
  17. To all my fellow BF turkeys - here's hoping that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that we all get pardons from our loved ones for our audio obsessions and excesses.
  18. @Bapu - I've never seen your living room before, but it's pretty much what I expected.
  19. God I love it when you're cynically sarcastic! If I had a daughter I'd be sending you an offer you couldn't refuse & a dowry. These 25% off WUP sales happen 3 or 4 times a year - why waste your limited BF financial resources by picking this up now?
  20. Not a bad idea but if it was going to be it probably should have launched on Nov 1st... I'm thinking that many if not most of the better deals have already landed or even passed as developers/retailers scramble to bleed our wallets before we run out of cash. Some of the items I had considered investing in (lol wrong phrase for $ spent on plugins) spending on during this BF season such as Liquid Sonics are pretty much off my menu due to such tactics.
  21. Their website lists it for $299 Not my cup of tea but I must admit it's cool.
  22. Just a reminder in case you missed this. Soundtoys Little Plate - still free till Dec 1st. https://www.soundtoys.com/product/little-plate/
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