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Everything posted by paulo

  1. I quite like the distinction. One is for no nonsense straightforward answers if you actually know the answer No discussion required. You either know the answer or you don't. I think of it as the scook section. Saves wading through pages of conjecture when all you want is a simple answer. The other is more of a discussion/suggestion/opinion place for those who choose to participate in that.
  2. I'm still hoping that Software and Techniques subsections will find a new home here somewhere.
  3. Thanks for reply Canopus. I'm not installing chrome just for that reason so I guess they'll just be fancy looking links for me then.
  4. In the songs forum when people show the link to their song as the bandlab version of the soundcloud type player are they supposed to work right there in the post like YT videos do? I can only access them by clicking where it says bandlab which takes me to another page or is that how it's meant to work and what looks like a player is just a regular link by way of an image?
  5. Word is that he's off to the back of beyond instead.
  6. I have S1 Pro 3 but never use it because I don't like looking at it. Tried Reaper, Samplitude X3 and Mixcraft. None of them made me want to change. The menus in Reaper are too are messy, Mixcraft just seemed like a kids toy version -of a DAW to me. I was hoping Samplitude 4 would bring an updated UI and then I might have been tempted, but that didn't happen. Had a version of Cubase years ago and the customer service was dreadful, so I wouldn't go there again. Bitwig/Ableton/FL have no appeal to me. If Logic was available to PC users I think that might be tempting. For the "industry standard" Pro Tools seems to be quite some way behind the curve at times and seeing as I'm never likely to be in the industry not having it is not a hindrance to me.
  7. I thought it stood for Ball Achingly Persistent Unfunnyness.
  8. Yeah, some of them are a bit "look at me" for sure, but as I've just discovered the hide signature button then I guess it's not really a problem as such.
  9. Further to above some indication if the user is currently present or not could also be useful, but again leaving up to the user if they wish to indicate this or not.
  10. Mostly to remind myself why I'm not a multi-millionaire rock star. ?
  11. What I like best about the deals/software forums is that you can get honest opinions about products rather than a review by someone who is trying to sell it. Techniques was often an interesting read too. It would be a shame not to still have something like that IMO.
  12. Thanks for the heads-up on the update. Can't see me using that new UI though.
  13. Sometimes it is useful to know what timezone somebody is in as it can give some indication if they might reply any time soon or are already tucked up in bed and dreaming of fluffy bunnies, but I think it should be user optional as to whether it is displayed or not rather than as a default.
  14. I like the look of it. Here's hoping it's the start of something special.
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