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Everything posted by paulo

  1. Its only one chord different to the rest of it.
  2. If I feel the need to do that I usually just freeze the synth then copy/drag the audio into the track pane and it creates the new audio track automagically, then mute/hide the synth track. Always seemed to be a quicker process than bouncing tracks to me.. Mostly though I don't bother and just treat the frozen synth track as my audio track.
  3. Shure SM58. More only than favourite. I mostly only record myself so always figured that there was really no point in having anything else because garbage in will still equal garbage out however much the microphone cost.
  4. paulo

    Input Echo Latency

    Your image is not very clear but you seem to have a lot of instances of Neutron going there. It's quite cpu heavy. If you turn Neutron instances off and then it works ok then that is your answer. I've found most Izotope plug ins to be like that and don't use them when tracking. - just for mixing. If you want to record to a mix that has whatever they are bringing to the mix party applied then bounce the entire mix to an audio track and use that to track so that you can bypass all your plugins (E) when recording.
  5. You have Noel's attention in this thread - help with Cakewalk doesn't come much better than that.
  6. I tried that, but just got a message saying information submitted too many times - try again in a few minutes, but 3 attempts later still the same message.
  7. Site won't let me even register an account. Bored of trying now.?
  8. Because very few of my projects are ever actually completely finished (serial tweaker) what I did when I moved from 8.5 to X3 in my case was to do a save as called (project title) X3 and leave the previous 8.5 version as was so there was always that to fall back on if any incompatibilities arose or I managed to mess it using features that were not backward compatible.
  9. Only two Monkees left now........................
  10. Just the one? Mebbe you should seek medical advice.
  11. I doubt that it was Noel who moved it. BTW I think you might have dropped something just there?....
  12. I've never had this issue on regular closing (Platinum) but I have seen it when it decides to crash for some reason and even using task manager to end the process will also be ineffective. Although I do use 32 bit plug-ins in 64 it also happened in 32 bit Platinum, more often if anything, so I guessed at an audio issue. More often than not for me opening another audio program like Audacity will clear it, but there have also been times where only a reboot will do it. On more than one occasion I've had the situation where even the shutdown/restart would hang and I've had to force it. I've always just put it down to one of those computer things that you just learn to live with like when windows tells you that it's going to do something that you really don't want it to do and your only option is to agree that its OK.☹️
  13. I guess it's the reference to the R word that they don't like.
  14. Just a heads up to anyone tempted by this and unaware that Melodyne 4.2 version is problematic in Sonar/Cakewalk. Ask Celemony to provide a 4.1 installer and then it seems fine. To be fair to them they were very quick to respond in my case. There has been another recent update to 4.2 but AFAIK people who installed that still had the algorithm issue.
  15. Is that why you feel the need to shout your name?
  16. You can just direct the midi tracks output to the soft synth question, but as to whether it's quicker than a copy/paste to an instrument track, I'm not sure. Personally though if the midi is going to end up driving a soft synth I prefer to record it using that soft synth as things like velocity, note length, modulation etc will sound different.
  17. paulo

    SampleTank 4 is Out

    <awaits "here's Sampletank 4 for next to nothing deal" in very near future>
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