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Everything posted by paulo

  1. But you'd get fingerprints all over it.....
  2. paulo


    That's a cheep gag.
  3. Cool. Worth having for that reason alone IMO.
  4. paulo


    That really would be the ulitimate in computer abuse of privacy, not to mention dangerous.... "Sorry love, I'd really like to come and see your mother with you, but I'm snowed under with work" comes out as...." Look, I don't really like the old bat and she hates me too so what's the point?"
  5. paulo


    Stoopid loud keyboard?
  6. paulo


    Oh man, did I say all that out loud......?
  7. paulo


    Me: I can't believe you went there....... Me: I pushed too far didn't I? Me: Yes, not all Welsh people are fond of sheep Me: Yeah, but I did the other stereotypes, so I had to do that one too, right? Me: Your trouble is that you never know when to shut up. Me: You shut up Me: No you shut up, who asked you anyway? Me: You did. Me:Oh yeah, I did didn't I? Me: Yes you did. Me: Sorry. Me: That's ok. Me: Don't mention it. Me: But I..... Me: Shush now......
  8. paulo


    Do you want some gravy while you're thinking?
  9. paulo


    shear indulgence Phew. I thought that the previous occupant might have left some.....y'know rabbit maltesers behind. 3 days is a long time to hold it in....... no I thought that you were a northern family. It's a well known fact that people in the north have gravy on everything. Unless you go too far north in which case it gets deep fried.
  10. paulo


    Did you have gravy on that?
  11. paulo


    So if the egg is the symbolisation of the empty tomb, what are the chocolate buttons?
  12. paulo


    Now I'm imagining a chocolate bird of prey that swooped down and pecked the eggs open just because it felt like it...........
  13. paulo


    Also not sure about the murdered looking eggs. Doesn't really seem in keeping with the implied fluffy bunniness associated with the easter egg. WTF are chocolate eggs all about anyway? I'm reading to much into all this, aren't 1?
  14. paulo


    In that case, the good news is that if you had one I wouldn't be asking you to share it with me.Way too sickly sweet looking for me. I'd rather have a bag of crisps.
  15. You could give me the best golf club in the world and I still wouldn't hit the ball straight - assuming I'd hit it at all.
  16. Looks interesting Panu. The CW theme editor is way too complex and deep for the casual user IMO. Was it duckbar that added a solo button to the prochannel eq? I saw something about that somewhere, but can't remember where now.
  17. paulo


    When you look at that image it's hard to imagine how anyone first thought that it might taste nice.
  18. I sometimes have a problem splitting some audio clips using the scissor tool so I have to position the now time marker at the appropriate place and then right click on the clip and select the spilt clip option and then it works. No idea why it happens, not locked clips, but when it does this is how I get around it.
  19. The clue is right there in his name...........big M, small organ.
  20. Tbh, as long as just clicking another tab makes it work then I can't really be bothered to get into it. I've been waiting three days now for someone to get back to me regarding an account log-in issue I was having, so I'm not hopeful that the customer support is up to much.
  21. I have studio one and the main reason I don't use it is because of the ugliness of the UI. I like the browser with the ability to show a snapshot of the UI of the various plug-ins, but other than that I really don't like looking at it at all. Amongst the ugliest of all the alternatives IMO.
  22. paulo


    I'm not sure which is which.
  23. In case this info is ever useful to anyone else....... When first opened on the section that it defaults to the chord detector part doesn't work. Switch to one of the other modes and then go back and then it does.
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