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Everything posted by NOLAGuy

  1. @rfssongs ... I've been trying your arranger track tip, but with no success. I'm likely not doing something correctly. If you get time, would you provide a step-by-step instruction on setting up the arranger track the way you were able to make it work? If I can get that to work, twould be a real timesaver.
  2. @bitflipper First of all...Thank you for taking your personal time to review the problem project I uploaded! I had never used Slip Editing before, but with your discussion and the entry in the CW Reference Manual beginning on p518, it appears to be a very straightforward solution to the issue that I raised as well as potentially useful to keep in one's toolkit relating to clips. Your explanation also provides a reason why neither standard Track editing nor Ripple Edit worked on these tracks, which is also useful to understand. With the earlier suggestions from @scook and others in the Forum on better alternatives to use of the CAL "Split a combined MIDI drum track into seperate tracks", I will be able to avoid the process that led to the strange drum track lengths. Now, on to making the described modifications to the full audio and plugins version of the simplified project I submitted for analysis.
  3. No, have not. I'll try and see if that changes anything different from the Select All then Bounce to clips.
  4. Folks... wanted to update you on the "Bounce to Clips" solution. Itried it on the test file I sent y'all and yes it both shortened the tracks and also set the project endpoint at the end of the longest desired track. That test file was only MIDI. I then tried the same on the original project with the audio files and plugins. The "Bounce to clips" again shortened the too-long tracks to the desired length, BUT it did not set the Project endpoint at the desired length. A CNTL-END takes the top green marker section all the way to where the original way-too-long track ended. I manually reset the song length (green shaded area in the timeline) to the desired length, saved the file, and did an export to Audio (WAV) file. The exported file, as before, ignored the mannuall set song length and the resulting WAV file was over 5 min long instead of 2:58. So I'm back to correcting that issue using various workarounds which I've done before, because of the often discussed issue on this forum of not being able to set a "hard stop" /project-end marker in Cakewalk. So again, thank you for all the help and providing the "Bounce to clips" solution for shortening tracks, which I've now added to my bag-of-tricks.
  5. I looked at the project and it can stop at Measure 98 (3:00). Yes, the longest track is the Split Note F#3 track ending at ~5:27.
  6. Thanx... Not at home right now, but the first couple tracks define the song and I think the longest track in the first 4 tracks was around 90 measures. Yes... All the tracks labeled "Split Note XXX" are the tracks generated from the CAL routine, and those were the tracks I needed to shorten. Earlier, a solution was offered to select the too-long tracks and "bounce to clips". Haven't yet tried that myself but the poster said it works. Again, the core problem is why neither the EDIT Menu Delete nor Ripple Edit seems to not work shortening those "Split Note .,.." tracks.
  7. Sorry... That would be "Let Me Be There", recorded by several artists but my fav was Olivia Newton John's recoding. Here's a Utube vid of her performing... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UcTCYmoQTQ
  8. It's actually an oldies tune that I found a MIDI file for. My hobby is enjoying creating vocals around oldies songs, and modify the MIDI's to add dynamics and customizations using synths and audio plugins. Sorta my personal "karaoke" backing-tracks! I also use Band-In-A-Box to develop new backing track styles totally different from the original songs, especially with their thousands of available styles recorded using real musicians., and ability to completely customize the results. I believe the music jargon is creating "covers" for these songs. Being retired and single, I got way more time than money, so spend hours in my music studio tinkering with songs and vocals.
  9. Gentlemen... Thank you both for the help in reviewing my problem and providing a solution that I was unaware of! I guess sending this project file to Cakewalk Support would still be beneficial for them to check why Ripple Edit does not (appear) to work in shortening these generated Cakewalk generated tracks. Given the power of Ripple Edit, I can't be sure if it's something in my CW (or project) setup preventing RE from reducing the length of a track, my limited experience with using RE, or a possible quirk in Ripple Edit.
  10. Always possible that I am indeed doing something wrong. To be clear, although the overall problem related to the song not stopping until the end of the longest track, which was about 90 measures beyond the desired end of song, the specific problem I was referencing was deleting the end parts of a single track (which was generated by a CAL routine). When I would highlight a section at the end of the track, the EDIT menu had the Delete options grayed out. Doing the same process with Ripple Edit turned on, I highlighted the same section of the selected track, and went to the EDIT menu, which did not have the Delete options grayed out, but selecting Delete (or Delete Special) did not delete the highlighted section of the track. The highlight went way, but the track was the same length as before. I have taken this project, removed all the plugins and audio sections, and have it ready to send to Cakewalk Support. But before I do so, however, I will try doing the steps exactly as you list and see if the longest track(s) get reduced in total. I will try using both the Edit Menu option and also using the keyboard Delete key, since your steps didn't specify which. UPDATE: Tried this and could not get it to work. If that works for the song, I would still question, though, why a section at the end of a track, (noting that I did not create the track(s)), cannot be highlighted and deleted using either the EDIT Menu Delete option, or using the Ripple Edit option. Thank you for your suggested sequence of steps. Always trying to learn the correct (and best) ways to use Cakewalk. I also need to learn how to capture a video of a sequence of steps in Cakewalk to help others find the problem. UPDATE: I have attached a modified copy of the problem project. Took out all the audio, plugins, and left only the MIDI. If anyone has the time, you are welcome to load the file and try to shorten the tracks that go out to Measure 170. If you get it to work, Please send me the step-by-step workflo, including menu options. I am using the Cakewalk 2021.06 Build 041 (64-bit) to try but also didn't work for me in the previous production 2021 build. Cakewalk End-of-track Delete Prob.cwb
  11. Hi scook. Always appreciate your experienced guidance, but could you clarify what you mean by " now with 2021.06, drum maps are history for simple note naming." Are you suggesting using drum maps instead of the CAL routine, or that drum maps, as well as the CAL routine, are no longer needed with new features of Cakewalk, given my desired goal is to use different audio FX plugins on certain percussion parts?
  12. I will submit it, if for no other reason than to see if it might be an odd bug. Ripple edit always works for me on other tracks that I created or recorded, but these tracks were created by the CAL split drum track into individual part tracks, and normally this routine ends the track at the same point the drum track ended. How it happened is not the real issue, though, I'm just frustrated that I can't highlight the end part of the track and use standard edit features to delete. When using Ripple Edit, at least the EDIT menu has the Delete options not grayed out, but doing the delete doesn't appear to work. Basic question is why the EDIT menu delete options are grayed out when any section at the end of these tracks is highlighted/selected.
  13. I can see the where the track ends and the end marker is the 4 hyphen doohickey symbol. The underlying problem is that when selecting the "blank space" at the end of the track, the EDIT menu has the DELETE options grayed out, so it's not recognizing the selected area. Ripple Edit on the blank space does have the EDIT menu DELETE options not grayed out, but choosing DELETE does not get rid of the blank space to the end of the track. Seems like there has to be a simple way to do it, and hoped the forum readers would offer the solution. But if no solution in another day or so, then I will forward a note to tech support on the issue. Could be a "bug".
  14. Tried to find help in forum answers or in the docs but no luck. If it's there somewhere, appreciate a link. Having a problem reducing the length of a track to eliminate unused part at the end. After using the CAL routine to split a MIDI drum track into each sound on seperate tracks, I wound up with several tracks that extended out atound 70 bars longer than the project end. I tried the standard mouse highlighting and doing the Edit Menu "Delete" but that is grayed out. Tried Ripple Edit Selection as well as Ripple Edit All, doing the same mouse highlighting, which the Edit Menu then has the Delete option not grayed out, but neither option eliminated the unused portion on a track. At the end of the track there appears the standard 4-hyphen end of bar marker, but could not figure out a way to grab that marker and drag it. My problem is that even when I set the green tabs length setting in the top bar marker area to the length I want to export to a Wav file, the Export option ignores that and records to the end of the longest track, which requires me to edit the audio file to shorten the overall length, but since this is a work-in-process project, it's a nuisance to do so after every export. Appreciate any tips, as I never had to "shorten" tracks before, only to delete end parts of content on the tracks. This has gotta be pretty simple, but obviously I'm getting senile and missing it!
  15. Reference Guide PDF now available [Updated 20-May-2021] Does this mean there is a an updated version of the 2021 Manual dated May 20, 2021? The version number listed is 27.04.00
  16. I agree for most basic MIDI drum tracks that come with free MIDI files, the copy/drag would work. The unique persussion notes, especially in latin styles, are the tough ones since you have to scroll across the song in PR view to find which notes are active and then do the same drag process. I support Cakewalk's keeping the Run CAL option available and supported.
  17. I often use the Run CAL script to "Split notes into seperate tracks" on MIDI drum tracks. The split works well, but I then have to go thru several steps to then find out which drum note corresponds to which percussion insrument as the track names are not consistently correct. Most of the issues are with the specialized percussion instruments like claves, cowbells, and latin special types. As scook has noted in the above reply, I wondered if there also is an "alternate" solution available to change a mixed MIDI drum track into sperate tracks??
  18. Trying to cleanup Cakewalk-related files which are located in several places on my C:\ drive. My Cakewalk system files appear in two locations, maybe one of the locations is a remnant of Sonar days. c:\Cakewalk Content\Cakewalk Core\xxx c:\Users\Chuck\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk Core\xxx There are different subfolders in each of these locations, so I'd like to sync them and change my Cakewalk "Preferences" menu locations to point to just one location. Which of these locations is the preferred one to consolidate my Cakewalk files?
  19. Same here. Would note that after one of the recent recent minor Win10 upgrades, when I opened Cakewalk it had ASIO4ALL drivers showing in Options. I switched it back to the UMC404 ASIO drivers and all continues to work fine. Just pointing out that there may have been some "glitch" in recent minor upgrades from Microsoft that impacted Cakewalk, but for me not worth the time to figure it out and easy to remedy.
  20. Folks... several of us have brought up the "Project End" issue over time, for which allowing the setting of a Marker to indicate the Project End woulod be all that is needed. It seems like a fairly simple programminmg change, or a maintenance fix, since checking the "Stop at project end" box works inconsistently. lapasoa ... I commend your persistence. Hoping one of the tech folks at Bandlab can provide whether such a "Project Marker" addition is very complex or problematic, or agree that the Project End checkbox is not working correctly and agree to add it the list of "bugs" or on the enhancement list. I know I reported it as a "bug" two years ago, and in the various threads on this issue, adding the marker should also be on the enhancements list. Scook ... I understand your bias, just feel differently, but am continually thankful for your various workaround suggestions! Enough said... will continue living with the problem and enjoying all else Cakewalk offers me!
  21. @Colin Nicholls, @Starship Krupa The good news is I learned two ways to move bars across all tracks! Thank you guys for the help!!! Report post
  22. Colin Nicholls... Thanks for the suggestion, but I can't get that to work, so I must be missing something. I set the cursor to the "Move" icon; Enable Ripple Edit All using the Track-Options menu pulldown; Grab the left-most part of the first track and move it to the selected bar. Only the first track is showing being moved, all other tracks show no move. I opened the CW documentation which didn't add any additional guidance, basically what you said to do. I tried doing the above with Ripple Edit Selection too, no difference. UPDATE: All tracks moved correctly after I selected all the tracks! So with no tracks selected only the track in focus moved, but by selecting all the tracks they correctly all showed a move of two bars. Not sure if it's supposed to work that way, but I easily changed all tracks.
  23. Marcello.... I only have Ozone 9 Elements, but the Imager is included. Some of your questions are of interest to me, as I typically only use Ozone 9 on vocal tracks and at the Mix level, so i basically play around with the sliders till it "sounds" best to me. Please continue to post your findings as to the "right" approach to using the Ozone Imager, as they could be useful to know. BTW... are you the same Marcello that posts on the Cantabile forum?
  24. I have some older projects that start on Bar 01 Beat01. What is the best, easiest, or recommended way to move all tracks (including "takes") exactly two bars from the beginning of each track?
  25. Scook... Thanks for the prompt response. Maybe I'm having a different problem. I used the Drum Map in this project to alter the volumes of several drums. What happens is that as long as that drum track has Output= Cakewalk TTS it will play correctly and will bounce to a new track. However, once I change the Output to "DM1", the drum track plays okay, but when I try to bounce a set of tracks, the drum trach set to DM1 gets ignored in the mix. If I try to bounce just the Drums Track I get the error that says there is not Audio in the track. So I reached the conclusion that the problem was setting the Output to DM1 and the Input as Virtual Controller, which works fine as a MIDI track but won't bounce. Thought it might be an easy fix, but not worth the effort to make the Drum Map work like I hoped, since I really won't be using on other projects. I will simply use the regular drum track and not worry about the volume changes. Appreciate your help though.
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