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Everything posted by NOLAGuy

  1. Appreciate some help in understanding the licensing use of these IK software products. If I have say Sampletank4 loaded/registered to my studio PC, can I have it (a copy) also loaded to my development/learning/testing PC (same house, same IP address, about 30' apart) or on a travelling laptop,under the single IK license? Most all of my other products and software allow use on a second PC which might be a test/backup/live-play machine on the same license, or in some cases through the keeping a license on the cloud or an iLok USB key to share across machines. The underlying concept is to not be using multiple installations at the same time for different purposes.
  2. I thought the Counter was in error, until I read the Group Buy details. No benefit at 24,000!
  3. @telecode 101 Thanks for the tip. I have the AT5 SE version, so it's not included like in the AT5 full version. I'll check the available GB Amplitude Collections and see if maybe that's contained in one of them. Otherwise, a possible future gear credit option.
  4. I acquired a bass guitar and own the SVX and SVX2 Amplitude products. Having a few extra GB freebies, are there any of the Amplitude Collections options useful for just bass players? @Bapu ?
  5. Started cleaning up my disks and finding files that I don't use but wonder if they are useful. This file is related to an old Sonar X1 installation, and appears to be a set of sounds/samples linked to the install and an included version of GuitarRig 4LE? Since I don't use GuitarRig, although I have versions 5,6 of the product, checking if anyone has used this file and found it useful in their CWb work? I plan to delete it as it is 1.4Gb in size, but if anyone interested, I can pass it to you. Here's from the ReadThisFirst.rtf file in the Zip. Floating_Cori_Yarckin_v2.cwb 01.28.2011 Issues Addressed in this Update: The original version of this project was unintentionally shipped with clean guitar tracks. Each track in the “Gtr” folder had an instance of Guitar Rig 4 LE running but did not have any patch loaded. This update addresses those issues by including the intended patches for their respective tracks. Before Opening this Project: An issue with some versions of Guitar Rig 4 LE would cause all modules to become unavailable to the user, rendering any instance of Guitar Rig 4 to appear empty. To address this issue, make sure Guitar Rig 4 LE is updated to the latest version: 1. Install Guitar Rig 4 LE from the SONAR X1 installation disk 2. Open the Native Instruments “Service Center” application 3. Click the “Update” tab at the top of the screen 4. Select “Guitar Rig 4” 5. Click “Download” Once Guitar Rig 4 LE has been updated, it is necessary to “Scan for new Presets” before use: 1. Open the Guitar Rig 4 standalone application 2. Click “Options” at the top of the screen 3. Click “Scan” Once Guitar Rig 4 LE is fully updated all presets and projects should load properly.
  6. This issue has been resolved. Some Promo lines allow for seperate selections for each Group Buy when at different price levels. That explains why the "Available" count appeared to be incorrect, i.e. one Promo line = Two promo selections!. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a possible problem in using the Available Promotions options on the IK "Promotions" Page. Since I had two Group Buys, each a different price level, I tapped an "Available" Button to get to the next page which shows the max price for selections available. Without making any selection, and thereby obviously not "Confirming" a selection on the page that would follow making a selection, I backed out back to the Promotions page, and quickly noticed that the "Available" button on that line did not reset, but showed "Downloaded". I had done this once before on my first Group Buy, but didn't notice Available did not get reset because of all the other Promo lines. However, when I did the same process today, I counted the number of Available buttons before tapping one. Then when I backed out, it was not getting reset! I just filed a Support request to IK-US Sales/Promotions team explaining the possible problem in detail, and asking if they can provide a reconciliataion between the Promos made available and which products were selected (or downloaded/registered) I did a reconcile against the "My Products" page and correcting for the Original products ordered on the two Group Buys, indeed finding I'm two products short. If anyone knows ( @Peter - IK Multimedia ) of a better way to reconcile Promos to actual products ordered, please post, otherwise need to wait for a response from Support.
  7. If That's the case, then I will file a problem Support Ticket with IK Sales/Promo Support Team. I will do a seperate post here to alert to a problem.
  8. Yes. Now the wait until the new Promotion "Available" buttons show up to select the freebis(s)! Given it's a Sunday, by tomorrow?
  9. Yeah, I think I bought it in 2013, but the box could have been built 1-2 yrs before being purchased. I got messaged by another poster that had the same problem in not checking the Specs on MODO Drums and unable to use it. The Installer routine flags it right at the start of the install, so you don't get remnants of an uninstalled program on your PC, which is good. Personally, I do not know how to check a PC to see if it has AVX , so would be helpful if IK would offer a link to a routine to check for it in the Specs tab.. Not sure if MODO Drums is the only instrument that requires AVX, but IK does highlight the requirement in the Specs tab. Unfortunately, some of us get overenthusiastic in taking advantage of the Group Buy, and just want to start downloading those goodies!!!
  10. Just another FYI to check the Specs/requirements when selecting products during this 25th GB. MODO Drums needs support for AVX instructions. I was too anxious to use some of my 40 group buy freebies and didn't check the Specs tab for MODO Drums until I tried to install it and got the error messages that my computer (AMD 6-core I5 w WIN10-64) doesn't support AVX instructions. So, stuck with one product that will have to sit on the shelf until I'm able to upgrade computers. Also check specs for minimum RAM if you have less than 16Gb.
  11. I use Kontakt5 and ST4 (full edition), having using both through earlier versions. One nice thing about ST4 is you can use it to play all the Syntronik synth modules if you're so inclined or need to use up your freebies. I used one of my the 25th Anniv Buys to stock up on most of the ST4 sample packs, with the intention of playing with them over the next several months to find useful ones.
  12. I'd like to hijack your post and also ask on how to have (previously non-saved in CW) MIDI files expand to fill the screen when loading. CW used to do that, but somewhere in the updates or setting changes I may have made, loading a existing MIDI file that I hadn't previously saved, opens in a compact size, so I have to expand the screen manually.
  13. That's interesting that CW is not flagging it. I definitely downloaded latest version of Freak, since the NI Installer only downloades the current version.. UPDATE: Now running CbB 2021.09 Build 120 on Win10 Home 21H1, and CW as Administor. Deleted references to NI Freak on the system and used Native Access Installer to reinstall Freak. Rescanned Plugins using Utility option in CW. And same error message as before. So something odd with my CW setup I would guess. Unless you find Freak to be of some value, I'll call it quits on pursuing getting it to work. Many thanks for testing it on your system, which limits the issue to my configuration.
  14. Native Instruments has a free plugin called Freak. I used the Native Instruments Installer application to download the plugin, register it, and do the install, which complteted successfully. However, when using the CW (latest update/version) Utility to rescan for new plugins, I got the "Main Call" error as shown in the screenprint. I did a reload of the plugin using the NI Installer, but same result. None of the first three possible reasons listed in the error seem to apply, although there could obviously be something in this plugin that CW doesn't like. I did try the option to Enable the plugin, but when I tried to use it in a CW project, it aborted CW. Checking if anyone has also downloaded the Freak plugin and successfully is using it in CW? This is only an attempt to see if any value to this free plugin, so not worth a support request.
  15. Yes there is a "repair" option on Waves Central. I have used it a couple times if a problem with a Waves Plugin arises as the first troubleshooting step.
  16. FWIW... I own Waves Tune, Waves Real-Time Tune, and Melodyne5 Essential. Each has certain benefits, so I experimented a bit. When recording a vocal, the first FX plugin is Waves Real-Time Tune, which does a credible job of pitch-correcting a voice, especially if you pay attention to all the options available and tweak them as needed. When editing the vocal, I use Melodyne5 Essential (which was a free upgrade from the Sonar Platinum non-trial version of Melodyne) and use the automatic options for correcting pitch on the whole track. The Waves RT Tune did the heavy lifting on pitch, so Melodyne's auto-correct editing works well, except for the vibrato and certain sliding notes as mentioned in an earlier post on this thread. After committing (rendering) the Melodyne adjustments on the track, I suspend Waves RT Tune and Melodyne, and add the Waves Tune plugin which allows for pretty complete editing of the pitch including vibrato and sliding notes, and offer more useful/powerful editing options than Melodyne's Essential product. I have also simply stacked Waves RT Tune plugin first, followed by Waves Tune. That saves some time on editing, but doesn't have the neat automatic pitch correction option(s) in Melodyne5 Essential that one can apply to the entire song at once. DAW CPU impact of running these multiple pitch-correction plugins on a track is reasonably low, and you would add additional vocal shaping plugins as desired after the pitch meets your needs, then you can bypass the pitch-correction plugins after committing the pitch changes (and Saving). As far as cost goes, The Waves regular price reductions typically offer Waves Tune for under $35 and Waves RT for around $40, plus buying them both yield getting another plugin free, although their hottest/newest plugings are generally not available as the freebie. Seems to work well for me now that I'm practised in using these tools. Allows for some very fine detail tweaking of vocals for around $75 given my free Melodyne license from Sonar Platinum.
  17. As a habit, when planning to Export to Audio, I go to Track 1 and double-click on the Track number, which selects all tracks and the Length Marker(s) to the whole song. Then I do a Save, as a precaution, and use the Control panel Export option. Always captures both the entire mix and the full song length.
  18. Just purchased Ozone 9 a week ago on the summer sale and I've been using the standalone version heavily the last few days against a collection of CW WAV output files for the Mastering step. After reading the above posts, I'm confused as to how accurate the "loudness" LUFS metering in the Maximizer module is as compared to other metering products like YouLean et al, prompting the addition of metering plugins into the Ozone chain. Would the recommendation be to insert the Youlean (or other similar) plugin into the standalone Ozone 9 sequence because the Maximizer metering is not accurate? Trying to learn the best approach from y'all experienced Ozone users. Note: I've been using the free YouLean product in CW, so I'd need to purchase the upgrade if the suggestion is to drop the mastered WAV file into YouLean and compare the results.
  19. @John Vere I agree that there are more than adequate free or low-cost plugins that can match Ozone 9, but as you say, not as easily novice-friendly as an integrated mastering product. And that is what I'm searching for... an integrated mastering product that others have successfully used and continue to use, which can help my understanding and learning curve in the Mastering process. There may be a much more useful product than Ozone 9 Standard for that $50 level or less that would fit my needs. I'm not a professional musician and started doing vocal recording and building background tracks to support the vocals, in Dec 2019, having been a user of Cakewalk to build MIDI tracks since it's very early days. I've made it my main hobby and being retired can devote many hours to building recording/mixing/mastering knowledge and skills. So any suggestions, guidance, or cautions which any on this board are willing to offer will be greatly appreciated. Meanwhile, I'll stick to the simple mastering basics of using EQ, Compression, and Peak Limiting.
  20. @MarcelloI just got a notification yesterday from PluginBoutique.com (a legitimate site handling only legal versions of plugins) with an offer for customers of PlugIn Boutique to get Ozone 9 Standard for $49 (80% off) as part of a Summer Izotope sale on various products (Only good until August 1st). You can sign-up with PlugInBoutique today and "may" be able to take advantage of the offer by looking around the website for Ozone 9 offers. I am an owner of Ozone Essentials, but that does not appear to be the criteria for this offer. Be aware that sometimes, not always, such large discounts may be related to a new version to be released, but I think the current version of Ozone 9 Standard is quite powerful and very usable (from my use of the demo) being a novice user, and I am going to purchase it. If you register on the site and don't find this offer, send me a note, and I can forward the email info I received.
  21. @Noel Borthwick Thank you. I do have the Melodyne Essential Serial Number. I was concerned that since I had used the trial version as supplied in Bandlab CW, because I didn't realize a non-trial version came with Platinum, I may have messed up my ability to activate the Platinum version.
  22. @Noel Borthwick or any CW (ex-)Sonar Platinum user... After finding this post from last year that says Sonar Platinum users had a copy of Melodyne Essential included in Platinum (not just a trial), I went looking for the Celemony directory for Melodyne to take advantage of the free license, since I own and still have Platinum installed. The directory I found had Melodyne.exe file dated 6/08/2017, along with a PDF file and a DLL file for Rewire. I had never "activated" Melodyne on Sonar Platinum and can't recall when Bandlab issued their first release of Cakewalk. Can anyone tell me if the 6/08/2017 Meleodyne.exe file is the one supplied with Sonar Platinum? If so, I'll pursue trying to get it activated with Celemony. Not sure what their system looks for to confirm that I have Sonar Platinum installed, but matbe can still get a non-trial version of Melodyne4, which could also be upgradeable to Melodyne5 per Noel's post if that made sense. Fingers crossed that I might have an additional benefit from my "lifetime" Sonar Platinum license!
  23. Yeah, I typically do the clip volume decrease either directly in CW, so I can tinker with the vocal track going forward, or use Audacity if I just want to alter a WAV file before uploading or burning on a CD. If there's a trial option on Melodyne 5 and it proves useful in general, might have to fork out the $100 for the basic version. I already used up the trial on the Melodyne that came with CW, and I use Waves Tune plugins for vocal work, which work well for pitch correction, but don't do note volume control.
  24. Thanks for the detailed response, which should be helpful in this forum where folks are seeking solutions. I will first try using your suggested dynamic EQ as a solution. Looks like I recently missed a Meldaproductions sale event.
  25. Just found this forum, so looks like the right place to ask.... I have a low Bass voice, with an effective range that extends to Note E1 (8 notes below C2; 20 notes below Middle C). When recording, I have a problem in that the lower notes come out stronger/louder than other parts of the vocal. I've tried to control my vocal on the lower notes, but it's hard to do and sound pleasing. I guess the underlying problem is that the voice puts out more air on low notes, which results in more volume(?). Trying to avoid editing the wave file to "soften" the low bass notes, in favor of a plugin solution if there is one. So, looking for the preferred technique(s) of reducing the volume of these lowest 4-5 notes without affecting the rest of the vocal. I've been playing arounf with an equalizer, but I'm a novice in effective EQ use. Tried low-shelf curves, but not getting it to reduce the volumes correctly. I typically set the High-pass filter to 60. Perhaps, an EQ that has narrow specific freq range settings? (need recommendation). Also wondered about if compressors that can target a specific freq range might work. Also would need a plugin recommendation. Appreciate any advice and suggestions.
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