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Everything posted by Rikfr

  1. Rikfr


    Bump before I throw the acetate away ?
  2. Hi Mark, nice, enjoyed it very much.Nicy groovy tune and excellent tones. I'd turn up the electric lead a bit ?? Rik
  3. Rikfr

    Beautiful Beautiful

    Hi Rex, listened again, like it. Please don't read to much in my "fake guitar"comment. English is my third language and maybe fake wasn't the right word. I did place an emoji behind it.? On a more serious note, as a guitarist of over 50 years, the guitar part sticks out because it is to perfect, every note is the same and perfect in tune and in time, guitarists don't play like that , even if we tried ? Rik
  4. Rikfr


    Hi Freddy, I would actually turn up the guitar where you have the background vocals. Nasty guitar tone ? Rik
  5. Rikfr

    Beautiful Beautiful

    Hi Rex, nice one, excellent vocals. I would loose the fake guitar. ? Rik
  6. Hi Steve, nice one, interesting tune I never heard before, well done. Rik
  7. Hi Steve, thanks, I played nylon strings for years and the g string is always a proplem. Now I've had to switch to electric and that damn thing still won't stay in tune ? Rik
  8. Hi Tom, thanks for the LONG listen ? Be careful what you wish for ? Credit where credit's due, it was my dad's standard answer when I thought I had it bad as a kid, when I was your age...fingers to the bone.... in driving rain..headwind both ways.... on a bicycle with wooden tires , yes dad ? Rik
  9. Hi Freddy , thanks for listening, glad you like the guitar work and at least you appreceate my background noises ? Rik
  10. Hi Nigel, humble opinion ?Soupcon ? Mr. fancy pants rockstar ? I'll have you know, I literally spend minutes making this drone. Copying a short loop, by hand till my finger bled ,mind you, for minutes in driving rain and headwind, both ways on a bicycle with wooden tires ? Rik
  11. Hi Nigel, wish I'd listened to youtube, i'm way to young( 58 ) and impressionable to watch this, that scary clown with a sledge hammer is going to give me nightmares ? Lovely tune though ! Rik
  12. Hi Herky, Thanks , glad you like David Gilmour ? Rik
  13. Hi Wookiee, more movement ? I was getting sea sick already ? Rik
  14. Hi Mikael, thanks, glad you like it. Yes you're right the high notes on the distorted lead are a bit strident ? Rik
  15. Hi BB, interesting tune, lots of twists and turns. Every time I here a tune of yours it reminds me of Steve Vai's "Flexable, very well done. Nice tones from that Strymon, I just bought a Simplifier dlx, great fun to turn it up late at night ? Rik
  16. Rikfr


    Hi Mikael, yup , much betterer? Rik
  17. Hi Jeroen, mooi stuk, goed gedaan, nice piece, well done. Rik
  18. Rikfr


    Hi Mikeal, nice one, like it. In the section from 2:08 to 2:58 there are a couple of "cello "notes that clash with the piano, imho. Nice uplifting tune. Rik
  19. Rikfr

    Don't Say That

    Hi KSband, nice one, funky, nylon string sounds a bit dry next to the sax, maybe a little bit of reverb, imho Rik
  20. Rikfr

    The Love

    Hi Jack , nice tune, cool intro. Rik
  21. Hi All, I was going to call it "Status Quo" , but I was two chords short ? As the title says not a lot going on, guitar is in tune though ? Rik
  22. Hi Nigel, thanks for listening, glad you like it. I've tried melodyne last night but didn't like the result. Because of nerve damage and muscle dissease ,I really only can use two left hand fingers so I developed a way of bendin g ,sliding and tapping notes I can't reach. According to the squigly line inside the blobs, stop me if I'm getting to technical ?, I can't play in tune anyway. ? Rik
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