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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. This is a loaded question. There are some places where you might find some isolated drum tracks. This is useful for learning purposes to train your ear to hear what you need to in the mix. The danger is that you don't mix things in isolation and then expect them to sound good together. I think it is ok to listen to some tracks in isolation to get a feel for what a recorded or mixed track might sound like but then try to really understand how that affects the mix and other instruments. Also, be aware that isolated tracks might or might not include final reverb, eq, compression etc. With that being said I have at times used the Guitar Hero multi-tracks from the following to get an idea of what an isolated, mixed track might sound like. The downside is that they are not super high quality and you have to use a program like Audacity to open them up. http://multitrackdownloads.blogspot.com/2012/03/guitar-hero-multitracks.html Also, a google search of Isolated Tracks or Multi-tracks would probably give you some resources.
  2. A couple of existing threads in the forums:
  3. In order to see multiple tracks in melodyne at the same time you have to have the studio version of melodyne. If you have that version then you click on the little blobs in the top left corner. In your picture they would be LDL (2) , LDR (3) etc.
  4. The 'W' button does not get rid of anything. It enables or disables recording automation on the track. Stuff like volume or pan automation. There is something else going on. Please look through the documentation and then post a short video or screen capture(s) of your issues.
  5. Midi tracks will follow project temp so you can just slow or speed up the temp and it will follow. To get audio tracks to this you have convert them to groove clips, via the inspector, or use the audio transient toolbar to have them follow the project tempo. The quality of the affected audio varies depending on the material and how much you change the temp.
  6. Just brainstorming here, are the tracks all going to a bus? Is the bus getting muted? Can you hear the armed track (echo) what you are recording? Are these midi or Audio tracks?
  7. Does the m-track have an ASIO driver? If they do I would try using that instead of WASAPI. If you continue to have trouble please log a support ticket at support@cakewalk.com
  8. In your export settings are you selecting to export the Master Bus or are you exporting entire mix or what? Try to export "entire mix" and make sure that your HW outputs are selected. Or choose to export bus and select your master bus.
  9. This could be a audio device setting problem. What audio interface are you using and what driver type (WASAPI, ASIO, etc.)? If your using the built in sound card you need to make sure that the Cakewalk audio Sampling Rate is set the same for both windows and Cakewalk
  10. Yes, that looks like a muted clip. Use the Mute tool to un-mute it. The comping should not mute it like that. It most likely was accidently done by hitting a shortcut key to mute the clip.
  11. I don't know that details about the timing but I do think that it will save every X minutes OR so many changes. Maybe you are exceeding the number of changes before the set time. I have not tried it but if you set the number of changes to 0 it might disable the number of changes threshold and only use the time.
  12. Interesting. I looked at your image for a while and couldn't see anything immediately amiss. However, it might help if you told us what audio interface and driver type you are using. If your using the built in audio card then there is a setting for recording everything that is played out of the audio card in many of the drivers. This could cause a feeback loop possibly. Doe the meter go away if you disable the echo button? (The orange one highlighted on track 4)
  13. In HorNET land every day must be valentines day.
  14. If you get a crash then Cakewalk will save a crash dump that can help the developers figure out what might have caused it. See this post: In the meantime telling us a bit about your setup, computer, audio interface, audio driver, driver settings etc. might point out some possibilities.
  15. does the Qu16 have its own ASIO driver or are you using ASIO4All? Drop outs have to do with your computer, including the driver, keeping up with the audio stream(s). It could be a bad ASIO driver or some other process on your machine. Try running letencymon with your project open to see if there is anything on your PC causing this.
  16. You have to select all the audio and make them a groove clip by checking that box in the inspector or use AudioSnap as described in the manual
  17. I don't think that the mouse commands can be changed.
  18. It might depend on what kind of expression pedal you have. Most expression pedals are just a changing resistance and so you have to plug it into something that can interpret the resistance into a value. Multi-effects units usually have an expression pedal input. To get it into the computer to control a VST or other software you would need either a midi expression pedal, or a device into which you plug the expression pedal and then it converts the values into midi that could be used inside your PC.
  19. This is one of those time where sending your project to support might help them determine what is going on.
  20. In cakewalk the end is determined by the last event, node, clip etc. in the track view. Check automation for nodes past where you want the end. You can also try to select a bunch of time past the end of the project in the timeline and then select all tracks, while keeping the time selection, and hit delete. Check the event viewer as well for Midi or other notes past the end.
  21. I would expect that you would hook up your keyboard like you had it at first Keyboard out -> Uno In Keyboard in <-= Uno Out However, You don't really need the Keyboard in unless you are trying to trigger sounds on your keyboard. If all your trying to do use your keyboard to record midi in Cakewalk then that is not necessary. You did not mention any other steps that you followed. Did you install a driver for the Uno or make sure that it showed up in your OS? Did you setup Cakewalk to see the UNO and verify that midi data was seen? Check pp 64 of the Reference Guide for a step by step instructions on setting up MIDI in Cakewalk
  22. Do you mean latency with it recording midi? How bad is it? I have a Nektar LX88 and have not ever had this problem so I don't know how to help
  23. You can also directly drag, move, or cntr-drag, copy, a take to another track. Jut expand the takes and copy the one you want to another track.
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