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Everything posted by reginaldStjohn

  1. Since Cakewalk by Bandlab is Free it all you have to do is download it and try it to see if it will work for your needs. The things that require processing power are not necessarily dictated by recording but by the amount of FX/VSTs you use in mixing or production.
  2. Make sure you have the following setting enabled. Then you have to make sure you don't have any data, notes, automation nodes, tempo nodes etc. after the end of your song. There are many threads on this exact subject.
  3. I think there are many users of Cakewalk who are successfully running Kontakt, including myself. I don't have the free player so you will have to test that one on your own but there should be no reason that you cannot run Kontakt player with Cakewalk. I would suggest downloading the free player and seeing if it scans and can be placed in Cakewalk then you will know it will work on your particular setup.
  4. This sounds like a sample rate issue. When Cakewalk opens the audio driver it tries to set it to the sample rate it wants. If the audio device is shared then that would result in audio being played back by other applications to be slowed down or sped up. Make sure that windows audio settings have the same sample rate as those in Cakewalk's project settings
  5. I would submit a ticket to support@cakewalk.com
  6. I am late to the party here but I have had mostly good success with the transient detection in Cakewalk but it depends on the material. Those example pictures above seem like they would be very difficult to find the transient, matter of fact, I don't even think I would say those waveforms have a transient. What I think you want is where the sound starts which is not technically the same thing as the transient or attack of a sound.
  7. If you use the snap settings you can do one of two things. Enable snap set to "snap to" set it to bars and then cntrl-click and drag your clip 16 bars down. In this case your clip has to start right on a bar boundary. You can drag the edge of the clip to the start of the bar then after the copy just drag it back out. Or, Set the snap settings to "snap-by" and then ctrl-drag the clip 16 bars down and it should be exactly 16 bars when you drop it. Or, set the snap to enable landmarks and set the now time cursor to the edge of the clip to copy and note the time where the now time cursor is. copy the clip, edit copy, or cntr-c. then set the now time to exactly 16 bars from your noted time and paste the clip
  8. When windows updates it could reset some settings that affect performance. Check that your power plan doesn't have things going to sleep. Check that your on-board audio, if using another audio interface, is disabled. Stuff like that can get changed with a windows update.
  9. You may not have intentionally used it is all I was suggesting.
  10. Cracks and pops can happen for many reasons. Do you have anit-virus software running? Have you tried to run the program "latencyMon" from resplendent software to see if there are interrupts or other system devices that are causing long delays? I had a NVidia video card that I had to get rid of because it and its driver were causing issues. I would start with Latency Mon and see what it tells you.
  11. A picture of your track view might be useful. It sounds like Cakewalk thinks you deleted the Audio from the tracks but not the tracks themselves. Do you have any hidden tracks?
  12. Bounce to clips should not render any FX that are placed on the track. However, it will render effects that are place directly on the Clip. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Mixing.31.html
  13. Shut down your computer and restart it. Turn off any anti-virus or firewall you may have temporarily. Try to start up Cakewalk. If it fails to start then contact cakewalk support at support@cakewalk.com
  14. Or RF interference has crept in somewhere and may be messing with your mouse. I recently had a wireless mouse at work that stopped working because of some serial ports I plugged in. Windows thought the serial port data was "mouse" data and would take over the wireless mouse. There are many moving bits between your hand and the screen that might not first appear obvious.
  15. Try a different driver mode like WASAPI for the built in Realtek card. the Realtek ASIO drivers have shown to be problematic.
  16. You need to have the "Input Echo" button enabled on tracks that you want to hear through Cakewalk (the speaker button right next to the record button). Can you hear your keyboard through cakewalk when you are not recording?
  17. I wish I could help you but I don't know what would cause this kind of issue. Some debugging things you could try: - Try with just an audio track. Does it happen with just an audio track and no VSTi's - Try with just one VSTi. If it happens try switching the instrument to a different one and se if they changes anything. - Try switching driver modes to WASAPI exclusive Just some thoughts.
  18. @alexfish You should be aware that ASIO4All is not a driver in itself. It merely wraps windows drivers so they look like an ASIO driver to the Host. It may actually be better if you uninstall ASIO4ALL and just use a native windows driver (WASAPI) in Cakewalk.
  19. Are you talking about a new audio device being added/plugged into your system? From your description it sounds like you are plugging some kind Amp with USB into your computer? If so, it could be a driver or device conflict even though the device is not being used. What driver mode (WASPI, ASIO) are you using?
  20. This is most likely a setting on your audio interface or monitors. All the DAW can do is output, at maximum, a full scale DAC signal. That would be your master output clipping. Then from there your audio interface has to convert it to Analog and then to your monitors. How loud it is is purely dependent on your audio interface and monitor levels. What audio interface are you using? Check its output level setting. Some have a mix knob that adjusts the playback level vs. the direct input level.
  21. I would recommend starting out with some of the Cakewalk Tutorials either on Youtube or through the Reference Manual. You mentioned Band in a box which is going to add another layer of complexity. Try to just get a simple instrument track with some midi notes on it to play back first. Check your audio input and output settings in the preferences to make sure you have your audio device (UA-4FX) selected using the correct driver mode, Preferable ASIO if your device has one,
  22. In addition, Check which driver mode you are using. Try WASPI exclusive or shared to see if you have any better luck
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