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Everything posted by Promidi

  1. Soon as I heard of potential issues with Onedrive, I banished it from my PC. I also backup certain Cakewalk registry entries using a batch file that gets run daily. That way I have a granular backup of of various Cakewalk settings. My regular backup also includes other Cakewalk specific setup files. This backup includes all files located in folders listed in the following reg keys . Note: This is for CbB. Other Cakewalk versions will be in different locations. If you know your way around the registry, these locations in the registry should be easy to extrapolate using those below. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\ContentLocations HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Core\UserPaths
  2. It's either that tool or edit the registry. I am pretty sure there is no other tool around to do this. Even if there was, it would still need the information that this tool asks for. If this is over your head, then you might want to get someone who knows what they are doing to do this for you.
  3. Wait for the 50% off sale......
  4. Yes. Bounce to track. Under the “Format” drop down, select “Split Mono” see: http://legacy.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=0x20105
  5. See: (Search for Utilities) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eiVH_I1clbbRtWFh4-3Mo7HANjCxR8SwqHJtYXy19gw/pub
  6. DLL files are not VST3 plugins. If these DLL files are plugins, then they will be VST2 versions. VST3 plugins have a VST3 extension.
  7. Which Browser? Cakewalk’s documentation page is accessed via a secure page (starting with https). The images themselves are not hosted on that actual page. The images are hosted on an http page (sans 's') . Most modern browsers will not display components if the parent page is hosted on an https page and the content in linked to an external http address. What you need to do is adjust your browser to allow mixed content. (http ant https) Here are some instructions that covers most modern browsers. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/target/using/experiences/vec/troubleshoot-composer/mixed-content Note: On my Firefox, when I go to Cakewalk’s online help, images are displayed correctly. With my Firefox (in about:config), instead of setting "security.mixed_content.block_active_content" to False, I have set "security.mixed_content.upgrade_display_content.image" to false instead. That way, it affects images only.
  8. I would be logging a ticket with the makers of Auto Tune Artist. If you can, include the crash dump file (zip and DropBox if necessary)
  9. You haven't accidentally activated the loop markers have you?
  10. Works ok here in a system configured as per my signature.
  11. Have you updated your Vdist runtimes? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-au/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170 I am assuming your “NTKDaemonService” service is running.
  12. Ah, is that why Eventide’s Black Hole Emmersive does not present its multiple surround outputs when loaded as an effect in Cakewalk or Sonar.
  13. ASIO does that. ASIO bypasses a lot of the Windows audio subsytem - including any components responsible for “Windows Audio Enhancements”. So, if you are using ASIO in any DAW, lot of the Windows audio subsytem is bypassed. Think of ASIO as a batphone to your audio interface....
  14. Could "taskkill /im Cakewalk.exe /F" save a reboot? (or replace "Cakewalk.exe" for whatever exe has hung)
  15. @Marco MarujoHow many ticks are MIDI events shifting in the resultant MIDI files. Also does this value vary between saving as type 0 and type 1 MIDI files?
  16. The reason for the SHIFT, in this context, is to tell the Key Binding mechanism that the note you are sending is intended to perform the keybinding function, rather than the MIDI mote being treated as a note in Cakewalk. For instance, if you set CC119 as the SHIFT, your MIDI controller has to send CC119 > 127, then the note, then CC119 > 0 (all in a single data set). This is how I have set some buttons on my PCR-800 to operate the transport buttons in Cakewalk (Play, stop record , rewind).
  17. I have every confidence that the Cakewalk development team will be able to produce a DAW that can compete well with other DAWs on the market.
  18. Thinking outside the square, and depending on your MIDI controller programmability, yes Is it possible to select specific track from MIDI controller. Though this depends on how programmable your MIDI controller and what you can program the buttons to actually send. Your MIDI Controller buttons needs to be able to be programmed to send custom MIDI Events. I do this with a Edirol PCR-800 for play /stop and record and it works fine. Create a CAL script to select a specific track and save it in the folder specified in Preferences - File - Folder Locations. Will need multiple CAL scripts , one for each track you want to select. Something like this: (do (TrackSelect 1 x) ) Where x is the track number you want to select minus 1. So to make a script for track 1, x = 0 Then in Preferences - Customisation - Keyboard Shortcuts (Advanced) create a mapping from a MIDI note to that script. Remember to set a Controller number to define the “MIDI Shift”. I use CC119 Using CC119 (or 77 in Hex) for MIDI shift send the following sequence of MIDI events: B0 77 7F 90 03 DT B0 77 00 Breaking this up. B0 77 7F is pressing the MIDI shift. 90 03 DT is the note on/off message. (03 being the note number. DT being the button state from 0 to 127)) B0 77 00 is lifting the MIDI shift.
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