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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Stick to the black notes and ignore the white ones, and that's two less notes to deal with.
  2. I've got a 400 page report to finish reading before I can get on to this document. Back to the Coffee House for me.
  3. If the people at the bottom of the ladder aren't living in misery, then capitalism has failed.
  4. Check your maths. As I post this: Cakewalk by Bandlab forum - 9,695 posts Coffee House + Deals - 10,342 Deals - 4,603 posts Therefore, Coffee House - 5,739.
  5. Here's a YouTube channel for CM plugins: Free CM Plugins Have fun.
  6. Mercuriall U530 CM is available in every issue.
  7. This joke is like Mary's little lamb. Whenever andy posts a track, this joke is sure to follow.
  8. Wibbles


    Is that the same cowpat picture, or do you have a folder of them?
  9. They wouldn't make the list of the top ten Canadian exports called "Rush".
  10. The Toybox FAQ says: "In-depth manuals for using Reaktor and Reaktor Blocks can be found on the Native Instruments website here." So, it would seem the answer is "yes".
  11. The updated version of TAL-Reverb-4 comes with a freshly designed user interface and implements multiple algorithm updates which were aimed at improving the sound quality. The plugin is now more flexible, providing direct control over multiple algorithm parameters like modulation amount and rate, reverb diffusion, and room size. This allows the user to customize TAL-Reverb-4’s plate reverb algorithm to better suit a wider variety of sound sources and mixing scenarios. https://tal-software.com/products/tal-reverb-4
  12. You're overthinking it. SERIOUSLY, you're overthinking it. Please remove that image from your mind, you naughty boy!
  13. I wish somebody would restore me to my former glory. (Kylie on her bucking bronco will have to do for now).
  14. Weddings must be very different in your part of the world to mine. Does that happen before or after the sacrifice of the chief bridesmaid?
  15. I had Marmite on toast for breakfast. I had Marmite on toast for breakfast yesterday and the day before that. Day after day, week after week, year after year. Marmite. On. Toast. Some days I wake up and think to myself: I really fancy a bit of Marmite on Toast.
  16. Those things only become an issue long after churches started putting up lightning rods.
  17. It probably counts as some highly toxic farts in the near future.
  18. I've always wondered why people who build churches have so much faith they feel the need to put a lightning rod on the roof. Ducks and runs for cover ...
  19. I second MSpectralDelay and Diffuse. MSpectralDelay is bonkers fun ... but I really need to read the manual juan of these daze. So ... many ... parameters ... Diffuse is so much simpler to operate but is capable of some wonderful sounds. I can see this being right up andy's alley, so to speak. I managed to pick up MSpectralDelay, Diffuse and Nebula as freebies, as I sure many here did. * * What's the correct emoji for "smug b@stard"?
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