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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. I would have picked the ones I had.
  2. The only plugin I've got my eye on is Kylie (no VST adaptor required). The software will still run on my ageing mainframe.
  3. Metallica issues? The issue I've always had with Metallica is that they're shite.
  4. Being broke not only cures GAS, but there's also no chance of being able to update your computer. If anybody needs help curing their gas, please contact me for further information. I can help you on the road to recovery*. Results 100% guaranteed. * Side effects might include a nice holiday for me.
  5. But it's also full of Liverpool fans - so it's best avoided.
  6. Did they use their feet or was 3 hours of headbutting each other like usual?
  7. This works in most circumstances.
  8. Just ask him for a lesson about the correct use of the apostrophe. That's always good for a laugh.
  9. Perhaps 2 weeks too late, but have a watch of this review: https://youtu.be/XX74Z6-fv1A The video doesn't allow embedding, but the link should work. The reviewer isn't terribly impressed.
  10. Not exactly an accident but not old age either. This is a bit nearer the mark :
  11. But Wiggles was my name before the accident ... now the hips don't move like they used to.
  12. Yours for £15.95/$19 at Plugin Boutique: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/4-Synth/2632-WIGGLE
  13. Here's a link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE90EC6DE32E81D76
  14. I am aware of the concept of hemispheric dominance. But the idea of "Are you an accountant? Then you must be left-brained. Are you an artist? Then you must be right-brained " (as it is used in this thread), is nonsense.
  15. The left brain/right brain idea is a load of bollocks. Just google "left brain/right brain myth".
  16. It's some rather different sites that I use when looking for free photos.
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