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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. You didn't see the edit I did instantly ... ... but my comment was regarding the other forums, not this one. My apologies for not making myself clearer.
  2. I thought that was down to whether someone else had viewed the post or not.
  3. That means he really will be a silly English kerniggit.
  4. cclarry can be found here: http://beyondmydaw.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=6
  5. There seems to be a distinct lack of becan in these parts.
  6. Cakewalk is the only DAW I use. I'm not sure that what I use it for is entirely legal ...
  7. It was a toss up between this and a bit of Kylie, but it's always a toss up when it comes to Kylie. ?
  8. I rely on a nice Jamaican gentleman for my deals.
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