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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Damn, I was going to post White Narcissus ...
  2. To be honest, most of the other libraries are of zero interest to me. I'm trying to be good and only install stuff that I'm likely to use (probably a futile endeavour). Even though I barely spend any money on plug-ins, I still have a hard drive littered with freebies and mega-cheap deals* that no matter how good or bad they are, I'm never going to use. * For which this place is, in no small part, responsible. As well as those newsletters that keep arriving in my inbox.
  3. Massive Attack - Black Milk (featuring vocals from the wonderful Liz Fraser) - Mezzanine is a brilliant album.
  4. I'm trying to resist the temptation to post an Orbital track here ... ... it didn't work. Orbital - Dwr Budr (that's Welsh for "dirty water")
  5. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country" But here is a link for us UK viewers:
  6. I've not yet bothered to sign up with Spitfire Audio LABS yet. The London Atmos library looks interesting. Have you tried that one? Any thoughts? Cheers Wibbles
  7. Why not make that an air guitar? And while we're at it, make it an air bass, air drums, air keyboards, and then just not bother filming it. Sorted.
  8. When you are as different as he was, fear doesn't come into it. You is, what you is.
  9. The Michael Jackson gloves are a bit worrying.
  10. The fat from the becan will glue it back together again.
  11. That's fine. I'll just ignore it and go back to the previous one.
  12. Dunno 'bout Notes, but I enjoyed this one.
  13. ... something we've been able to do with Rapture for over a decade.
  14. I hear there's a huge pile of becan that needs eating.
  15. They definitely still had it 3 years ago.
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