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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. But in the UK we don't need it to be a special month to use sarcasm and irony - it's what we have instead of sunshine.
  2. Inquiring minds can mind their own business. Shhhh. It's OK, he's just leaving.
  3. Probably my worst nightmare - hippies with drums. I with Cartman on this one.
  4. Have a smoke. No videos needed.
  5. I went on holiday very near to Bron-Yr-Aur as a kid. Beautiful scenery, but it rains... a lot.
  6. Symarip - Skinhead* Moonstomp. * As in Leonard Skinhead
  7. Using duct tape on my avatar would just leave sticky marks on my computer screen. Besides it's me that needs the running repairs, not the sheep.
  8. I managed to get it registered without any problems. It leaves me wondering what I did wrong.
  9. Vegans may be annoying, but that's no reason to turn them into becan.
  10. That would explain why I'm falling apart at the seams.
  11. I live on a crunchie/becan diet. I'm sure it must be healthy.
  12. A bit of traditional German folk music from those Dadamnphreaknoizphunk boys:
  13. I see your beard's grown quite a bit since 2018.
  14. Er ... sorry, I feel better now after a bit of "a lie down".
  15. A guitar anthem transformed into an Acid House workout by Rabbit in the Moon.
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