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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. I much prefer physical copies of books and magazines. For a start it's much easier to take them into the loo than sit there balancing my laptop on my knees. And they don't need batteries.
  2. It's Remembrance Day in the UK and Commonwealth. My thoughts are with the fallen who gave their lives in wars not of their making.
  3. Time spent in the Coffee House isn't wasted ... ... just me.
  4. Elbow - Fly Boy Blue/Lunette: Album version if that link doesn't work:
  5. No, it's £2.95 including VAT. Maybe Donny's slapped an import tariff on it.
  6. That's showing as only £2.95 in the UK. Sorry.
  7. Now there's a band who've been making the same album their whole careers.
  8. You have too much stuff. Burn it, burn it all.
  9. Probably the second greatest cover version of all time, with one of the most poignant videos of all time:
  10. Well that's ruined strippers for me.
  11. ... a couple of minutes research reveals the hips belong to Morgan James and she likes singing in her underwear. Damn you Notes! Look at what you've made me become.
  12. I was starting to get seasick watching the hips on the right.
  13. ... the last time I tried, I nearly broke my f*cking back.
  14. If I could lick myself, I'd never leave the house again.
  15. The Chems have nicked all of my best moves ...
  16. - Which plug-in is good for ... - ALL OF THEM!!! INSTALL EVERYTHING!!! - NOW!!!!!!!!!
  17. I was listening to that only yesterday. David Cameron claimed it's one of his favourite songs. As Paul Weller said - hasn't he listened to the lyrics? Tw@t.
  18. "Random noise" pretty much describes my ... er, music .
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