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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. OK then. Vinyl has a dynamic range of 70 db. CDs have a dynamic range of about 90 db. Or am I misunderstanding what you are saying? I suspect there is a certain amount of bias confirmation from the vinyl sounds better brigade. That's not to say there aren't examples where it is true. And if all you've got are really shitty master tapes in the first place, ...
  2. A second one because of an association on band name and song name.
  3. The unicorn is Scotland's national animal. They need the drugs to cope with the weather.
  4. I would imagine that's quite a narrow field.
  5. How do you know you didn't tell her? Not all communication is verbal. That's why we have double-blind testing (sorry, I was a statistician in my past*). But I'm not disputing your findings, though. It's a very long time since I've listened to any vinyl. My CDs rarely get an outing these days either. Most of my listening is of MP3 files and youtube videos on my computer, through a cheap pair of headphones. I really enjoy those occasions when I do listen to CDs through my hi-fi. It's good to get a bit of air moving. But due to just single brick walls between my neighbours on either side and I, those occasions are ( in the interests of fostering cordial relations) kept to a minimum. I still have not met Jumbly Grindrod though.
  6. Is it to make them go away as quickly as possible?
  7. Many people feel a bit of hiss and crackle can give music more of a vibe. Hip Hop sample packs quite often have loops of vinyl hiss and crackle to add a bit of dirt back into otherwise over-clean beats, The real test would be a random double blind test of a pristine vinyl version and a well-mastered CD version of the same album. If you are interested in a bit of light reading, there are some articles here on vinyl and CD comparisons and in the differences in the way they are often mastered: https://productionadvice.co.uk/?s=vinyl
  8. It's a shame that Morrissey is such an unbearable tosser nowadays. Not that he wasn't always a bit of a tosser.
  9. I prefer the first version. Or is it just a really shitty quality upload of the electric version.
  10. Cakewalk users, me included, are reliant on the goodwill of a billionaire. That's a formula for success.
  11. I can go both left and right. I mostly stick to going left though, because although two wrongs don't make a right, three lefts do.
  12. Parcel is still sitting forgotten like a pining Squarepants.
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