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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. I spent my teen years in rural Northamptonshire, which is when the Jazz Butcher and Bauhaus first came to my attention. The rest of my immediate family live in and around Northampton. But I've been in Reading since I was 19. There's not a huge number of prominent artists/bands from Reading, but here's Mike Oldfield ... kind of.
  2. I came across this track because David J plays bass on a couple of tracks on the album from which it comes:
  3. If I was to start correcting everything that's wrong on the internet ... Both the discogs profile and the wiki entry associated the Jazz Butcher with Oxford. He/they may have played their first gig there, but it was definitely a Northampton band.
  4. David J was in the band, not a guest, for Scandal in Bohemia (that's why I posted Girlfriend). He was still in the band for the recording of S*x and Travel but left a few months after its release in 1985. Kevin Haskins does not appear on Scandal in Bohemia but he did provide drums on the single version of Southern Mark Smith and its B side, The Jazz Butcher Meets Count Dracula. I could go further into excruciating detail ...
  5. Pornography runs a pretty close second to Disintegration as my favourite Cure album.
  6. I spent Christmas up in Northamptonshire with my family. So for a Cobblers connection, here are three tracks by Northampton bands all featuring David J*: * and as @craigb knows, Daniel Ash and Kevin Haskins are in two of the bands. Northampton wasn't a very big town at the time.
  7. What they don't tell you when then sell you the books is that you need to learn a new language in order to read them.
  8. The original forum was closed at the end of 2016: https://forums.makemusic.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3232&sid=4b48e688f0d11048b6110a23ff179ffe Which leads to this: https://makemusic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/topics See: https://makemusic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/200575788-Garritan-General-Discussion?sort_by=recent_activity and: https://makemusic.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/200554377-Garritan-Feature-Requests?sort_by=recent_activity There isn't much recent activity though. Any help? Or am I talking about the wrong forum?
  9. That is a disturbing way of treating becan.
  10. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
  11. Barbarella - Barbarella (The Irresistible Force Mix)
  12. No. Maybe she heard the song in a different way than you intended.
  13. The Goodies - Funky ... , oh, that's a different thread.
  14. Beth Gibbons is such a remarkable singer. I can't imagine her covering "Happy Talk" though. And somebody should give the violinist a sandwich.
  15. I really need to listen to more of The Furries. The problem has been that I thought "Rings Around the World" was such a masterpiece that anything else was unnecessary. I can see I maybe need to readjust my thinking.
  16. The problem is that the sort of woman that would wear that shirt is unlikely to match the description. And she can't spell either.
  17. I would be interested if it was $500 off with $100 order.
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