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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. I've got that bloody tune stuck in my head now. I've just sent the last half hour humming it to myself without realising it. Thanks a lot Bob.
  2. I concur with that, but would add RXP into the mix. An amalgam of all three would have been a pretty useful bit of kit.
  3. I've not yet watched the video through, but could this the sampler/loop slicer that Cakewalk has been missing all these years?
  4. Why not start one? Even better "Now Watching". There was a "Now Playing" thread which got superseded by this linguistically awkward "Listening to this now" thread.
  5. The money would have been better spent on some new curtains.
  6. Use voucher code and save 75% BX-REF-4999 https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/bx_refinement.html
  7. I suspect that it's a copy and paste job from the old forum given the American spellings. "Humor" I don't think so.
  8. Audio-Assault’s RM-2 Analog Channel captures the warmth of an uncelebrated Japanese console, the Panasonic Ramsa WR-S4424. Praised for its tape-like character inherent in its preamps, the Ramsa WR-S4424 is all character. The RM-2 captures the character of the preamp section, while bringing a modern perspective to the user experience. With its included 3 band eq, which is very gentle and difficult to push too far, the RM-2 is perfect for broad tone shaping while warming up sterile digital tracks.
  9. The Coffee House works fine until some idiot comes along and tries to ruin it ... ... only succeeding in making themselves the butt of the joke.
  10. From a few years before they became shite:
  11. ... like they put all their effort into the album title.
  12. A cup of fried dogs' penises.
  13. I can't speak for Canada, but the becan in the UK doesn't. You can get American style becan in the UK - streaky becan - it's the cheap stuff, all fatty and horrible. The discerning gentleman will go for back becan.
  14. Or go with the darts motto: "Aim low, score high"
  15. We've all been there after a pint or two too many.
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