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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Unfortunately I'm not that person. But until you do find someone, it might be worth checking out the Tutorials section of this forum. In particular there are a load of videos on the very basics in the Getting Started thread. There are more here on Creative Sauces' YouTube channel. Welcome to the Forum and good luck with your search.
  2. Bad planning, good idea. (Bad planning, good idea).
  3. My product is compost. Is that close enough?
  4. That's firmly in the category of Not Food.
  5. I was going for: Brothers to Sisters of Mercy to ...
  6. Nothing to worry about. It's just that most chippies (fish and chip shops) also sell mushy peas and pickled eggs. Some people like such horrors - I don't. The more usual choice of fish to have with your fish and chips is cod. Although haddock and other fish is normally available too.
  7. Sat Nav not required. But not in one easy step.
  8. ... although this "Unbelievable. Simply Unbelievable" seems to be a recurring theme.
  9. I think it must have been the "haddock" thing.
  10. True. Here's three from Fluke. Musical cousins to Underworld, even though you might not have heard of the band, you'll probably heard some of their music - in adverts, and film and video game soundtracks. From 1990 - Philly (Jamorphous) - definitely not a club mix. It's a mix for sitting in a comfy chair and listening to on some half-decent speakers to appreciate the full swirliness going on: From 1993 - Slid(Glid) - a groovy little number: From 1996:
  11. It takes me back to my Goat Boy days ...
  12. @pwalpwal re Super Furry Animals - The Man Don't Give A ***** I always feel a special connection to this track. As you may know the cover to the single features a picture of Robin Friday, beloved by fans of both Cardiff and Reading alike (I am neither). Once described as "the greatest footballer you never saw" his Wiki page is worth a read. My connection? I shagged one of his daughters.
  13. October song anyone? I'm not going to post U2. Autumn* then: * It could have been The Fall ...
  14. This: Not the band. I try very hard, not always successfully, to not comment on the music posted here - no matter what the provocation.
  15. Well, the donkey may have been expecting the kiss, but it wasn't expecting that!
  16. "We wanted to learn the lost techniques that were being used on some of the best analog recordings from hip hop and electronic artists over the past few decades ... ... If you want to hear for yourself you can download Eternity for free now!" https://cymatics.fm/pages/eternity-sample-pack Note - The zip file download is 822 mb.
  17. It's a cute donkey, but why would I want to kiss it?
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