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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Let's hope they can find a way of making the Bramley-Moore Dock Stadium float.
  2. I reckon I'm almost as smart as Greta.
  3. Almost a certain after that above.
  4. Sorry you had to go through that.
  5. That's why it's eluded me then. I still have the burn scars from the last time I tried to enter a church.
  6. They would eat it too if you were to drop dead with them locked in the house.
  7. Another one to add to the list would be: choose a renewable energy* supplier if possible. * Wind turbines don't cause cancer.
  8. Number 2 should be: Walk you lazy buggers! To be honest, I'm already complying with nearly all the points in the list. No AC, no car, no dryer, no dishwasher, ... you get the idea.
  9. The cattle would come over whether he was burping or not.
  10. I've always wanted to live in a pineapple under the sea.
  11. You should try their new reverb "Lube".
  12. I'm looking forward to giving this theme a spin. Back in April 2018 I thought I'd give the Blue Aston theme a go ... I'm still using it.
  13. I'm sold. I'll have two of whatever it is.
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