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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. Best track in this thread in a long time.
  2. You should try a Yamaha TG77/SG77. I came up with a patch* on my TG77 called "MushyHead" - hold down 2 or 3 keys and that's it for the next half an hour. * I refuse to call it a preset because that's what it isn't. Presets are the patches the machine comes loaded with ... just showing my age.
  3. Was last year really only last year? It seems much longer.
  4. I think that all $200 will buy you is $200 worth of disappointment.
  5. Careful. You might cause the internet to implode with comments like that.
  6. I now understand why so many Romanians were keen to come to the UK.
  7. @Notes_NortonI've emebed them for you.
  8. If there's a video on YouTube, it must be true. That's how the internet works isn't it?
  9. A lot of people with zero knowledge have got a surprising amount to say about Covid-19.
  10. This track always comes to mind whenever anybody mentions Jethro Tull:
  11. Does this mean I don't have to sign up for and install every freebie that's going ... ... Does not compute! Does not compute! Does not ...
  12. It would only get in the way.
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