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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. @SteveStrummerUK Motorhead are the exception.
  2. ... they really need to change their name to just Hayseed.
  3. Because I've not got a spare £1000 laying around, I have to make do with 303 emulations, which I use rather a lot ... ACIEEEEED!!!
  4. Isn't that just unfettered capitalism of which many Americans seem so very fond? He's not a dick, he's an American hero.
  5. It's a few degrees cooler outside than it is in my house at the moment (it's now 9.40 pm in the UK). I've put one together and I'm heading out to the garden with some chilled out tunes ...
  6. Winter! Winter! I'm melting in the heat and you give me Winter. ?
  7. It's starting to get out of control and infecting other threads.
  8. Me too. * * Plenty of ... er, "Smilies" might have been involved.
  9. Bollocks. pwal beat me to it. I was seconds too late.
  10. It's way too hot for my liking ...
  11. There's a lot of info here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_Philippines#Statistics & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_in_the_Philippines#Cases It's pretty grim in a lot of places around the world.
  12. This has been a long, long, long, long, ... ... long running request. But I'm totally with you on this. And I'll be sure to check out your tutorials.
  13. I think I may have missed out a "but".
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