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Everything posted by Wibbles

  1. It's The Fall now all the way until 21 December.
  2. I wonder where I might have seen that one before? Although to be fair, you did say you were going to nick it a while back.
  3. That's one of the few things you can't blame God for. He only put in personal appearances in the old testament which was originally in Hebrew. Written Hebrew had no vowels, so "becan" was written as "bcn". Either way, it was a definite no-no, until Christians decided to ignore the bits of the old testament that they didn't like*. * Along with a lot of retcon to pathe the way for their messiah.
  4. I notice Jesse hides the Coffee House when showing the forum.
  5. More like a ludicrously expensive techno-corkscrew marketed to *****s.
  6. Damn ... that ruined what I was going to post.
  7. They don't know the difference between a flute and a recorder.
  8. pwalpwal seems to be playing his own game again of ignoring the last song posted and going for the penultimate song. So I'll go with craigb's post and "valentine":
  9. Not for the first time. On my copy of the album it's labelled "Rabbit on the Moon Remix" not "Bloody Valentine Edit"
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