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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. Honestly I don't know what the make of the SDD is on my system. Back in 2021 I special ordered a Dell desktop PC for dedicated music production. It's a certain type of SDD. I don't remember what they call them but the drive is about the size of a stick of chewing gum. ?JB
  2. Not entirely. When I'm creating a song everything is on the SDD. After the project is completed and I'm satisfied with the mix I do a double backup to a Seagate external HDD and a cloud storage service I rent. I have run completed projects off of the Seagate successfully but extensive work I always do on the internal SDD. But to directly answer your question, yes all the elements for creation are on the same drive. ?JB
  3. @DeeringAmps Using another drive is not an option for me, but the one I'm using is an SSD. ?JB
  4. Thanks, @John Vere, & @mark skinner. I started a support ticket with Spectrasonics who asked me to send a screen shot of the diagnostics screen. Should be hearing from them shortly. Could it also be a Windows 10 issue? ? ?John B
  5. I've been taking notice of late that when I go to save something in CbB using the Save in the Edit menu it hangs for a few seconds and just closes the program without saving anything. I've just lost a half hours work because of this. Any ideas as to what all of a sudden is causing this behavior? I'm using Trilian Bass module when this is happening. Switching to ctrl+S seems to work OK......for now. Thanks John B.?
  6. @Jesse ScreedThank you so much for the feedback, Jesse! ?John B Also, thanks to @AndyB01 & @Ross Smithe for the positive reaction. ?JB
  7. @Larry T.Thanks so much for checking it out, Larry. ?John B.
  8. Sol; I have this problem too. I just do as Tom suggested and it seems to work for me. Hopefully Toontrack will address this soon. I have brought this to their attention. ?John B
  9. Johnbee58


    I've been on this planet almost 68 years and I'm still appalled by some of the depravity of the human race and how horrible we can treat each other. Great acoustic guitar sound. ?John B
  10. @treeshaThanks so much for listening, treesha! ?John B
  11. @Lynn WilsonThanks so much, Lynn. I can imagine you getting quite a bit of use from SA samples. I think you'd like them! ?John B
  12. @Bajan Blue Thanks for the feedback, Nigel. I'll investigate the shaker. ?John B
  13. Thanks @noynekker for listening and commenting. ?
  14. Thanks @bjornpdx! Actually, I made a slideshow video for this song, but now that I've "redone" the music I'm going to have to update it before I put it back up on YT. In the video I picture and identify several birds. So, since you're a "birder" I'll try to remember to PM you when I re post it back to YT.? ?John B
  15. @jack c.Thanks so much, Jack! ?
  16. It's a great song. Agree that the vocal effects get in the way of being able to understand what you're singing and I'd love to understand more of it. I did understand a few lines ("Did I break wind?" is hilarious ?). Also, the lead guitar is a bit too loud. I'd pull it back just a bit. Otherwise, great! Being a senior citizen myself at almost 68 I can appreciate where this is going. ?John B
  17. Never heard you sing before. You have a great voice. I think everything in your plans for the orchestration worked out great. Wondering what you're using for the strings. ?John B
  18. Very enjoyable and relaxing. The sounds are all well balanced and mixed. I can hear everything. The puppy's hiney is adorable. ?John B
  19. A ruling against Sheeran would've changed the entire climate of copyright law. Nobody would be able to write any song without fear of being sued by somebody. Then, as Rick Beato put it, (paraphrasing) every song that possibly could've been written would already be written. ?John B
  20. The judge ruled fairly and correctly. Sheeran did NOT rip off Marvin Gaye! https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/ed-sheeran-marvin-gaye-trial-updates-latest-b2332248.html ?John B
  21. Johnbee58

    The Open Road

    Soothing. Would make an excellent musical backdrop for a travel documentary of some kind. ?John B
  22. Intensely melancholy. Great use of effects and great arrangement. ?John B
  23. I posted this before a few years ago. I don't remember how it was received but I'm posting it again because I recently bought a sample library called "Light as a Flautist" by Straight Ahead Samples and I wanted to try it out right away without having to wait for another idea to come by. This song has a flute duet so I just replaced the original samples I used with the new sample library. If you never heard of Straight Ahead Samples you should check it out, The sampling technology is amazing. I also have the tenor sax program which I featured in the last song I posted. So, I hope you can enjoy "The Songbird". ? John B https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14593334 Straight Ahead Samples Info https://www.straightaheadsamples.com/
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