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Everything posted by Johnbee58

  1. Beagle-You know I hear and I understand and I appreciate where you're coming from. Nice mix too. ? ? John
  2. Yeah, I think you have something there. I don't remember it being quite as much of an issue back with Sonar X3. Bakers, take heed if you're looking in. ? John B
  3. Agree that the lead is a tad stiff, but not real far off. Lovely tune and arrangement. ? John B
  4. This might be more of a Windows question than a Cakewalk question, but it involves the Start Screen. When I launch CbB and go to the Start Screen and choose "Existing Project" and open the Cakewalk Project folder from there, I find that the projects are for some reason listed haphazardly, at least at the immediate top and I would like them in alphabetical order. I have most of my newer projects in various folders with the word "ALBUM" in front. (Ex. folder name ALBUMNew-ALBUMFaith Songs-ALBUM2020Songs etc.) I like having them in this order because it keeps the newer songs closer to the top and I don't have to dive for them as much. But of late, even the ALBUMS are scattered all over the pull down menu. Is there a way to organize this better? I do find that after drilling down about a third of the way the list seems to become more alphabetized. Thanks! ?John B
  5. Thanks guys! ? I tried this and it works. In fact, it takes it to a much simpler process than before. I store all of my projects with the Console view up to so all I have to do is pull that down a bit to see the timeline, click on the "magnifyer" and it has everything selected for me, tracks and all. ? JB
  6. OK. What is the easiest and best way to create a sub-range? These markers are new to me. Thanks! ? JB
  7. Johnbee58

    Free Flight

    I enjoyed this very much. The music is very relaxing and has a reassuring tone to it which says to me "The world is still here. We will all get back to normal soon". I don't know if that's what you wanted to convey here, but it's all lovely and well put together and I love the video! ?John B
  8. I've started using the marker feature recently. I use it moistly to mark the beginning and end of a song. It's quite useful, but I have a small issue with it and maybe it's just my ignorance of how to use it. I have the beginning and end of the song marked where I want those points to occur. I push shift+alt+4 and that brings up the Marker Manager. The begin and end points on the time line are highlighted blue. So, I go to export and the final results are as if I didn't use the markers, IOW any empty space before and after the beginning and end still come up in the resulting WAV. I can only get this to work correctly if after pushing the shift+alt+4, I click on the highlighted timeline end-begin points and re highlight them. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks ?John B
  9. Yes! The music captures the overall gloom and the pic and vids capture everything else. Terrible year for the entire globe with this virus. I was tempted a few times to write a "coronavirus" song, as many have, but resisted. I find it better to use my creativity to try to forget about it. I'm not knocking others who have expressed their frustrations about it in song or other artistic ways. Everybody has their own way of coping. My heart goes out to all who have suffered in any way from this terrible worldwide situation. My thoughts and prayers are that we all soon come out of this stronger. ? John B
  10. I could almost imagine this playing amongst the holiday tunes on the local 24 hour Christmas music channel on my cable TV. Very professional. ? John B
  11. @Lynn Wilson@DeeringAmps@David Sprouse@kurt soderquist@noynekker@daryl1968 @bjornpdx Thanks so much, guys! @noynekker I've been continuing to make music since I took leave in March. I plan on putting up another tune or two in the near future, but I don't plan on being here with as much intensity as before. ? JB
  12. Hey, haven't you heard? Santa is immune to Covid, and he isn't a spreader either! The only person in the world who can get way with it. This is very entertaining. Clever lyrics and your bluesy musical style always makes my feet move. ? John B
  13. Johnbee58


    This is a unique touch, especially for you, Lynn. Unusual & pleasing. Your husky and strong vocal really stand out and the effect voc was an ear catcher. Confused a bit though. In the description here you said it's about your wife but in SC you said it was about the election. Perhaps both? ? John B
  14. Johnbee58


    Sad lyric line well executed by you. Almost a "tear jerker". Nice work on the video. I really enjoy the "old film" effect. I enjoyed the listen. ? John B
  15. Great vocal and guitar work. Mix is crystal clear. I can hear everything. Very well balanced. The lyrical content held my interest throughout. Overall, a great effort. ? John B
  16. Recorded with CbB featuring Toontrack EZ Drummer 2 & EZ Keys, Trilian Bass, Session Strings Pro 2, Xpand2 and DX7V synths (I think I got everything). Dedicated to and about the 9 Muses who, according to Greek mythology, are where all musical and artistic creativity comes from. I hope all are well and surviving the pandemic. https://www.soundclick.com/music/songInfo.cfm?songID=14152928 ? John B
  17. Don't hold your breath. Neither me nor my cacophony is enjoyed very well here.
  18. Cacophony at it's best! But cacophony is very popular on this forum, isn't it?
  19. Thanks Bill & Lynn for your suggestions. ?JB
  20. Hello; I use the Waves SSL E Channel in almost every channel in a project. I'd like to know if there's a way to load this (or any plugin, for that matter) into every channel with one operation instead of going into each channel separately. Thanks ? John B
  21. Kinda what I thought, but just wanted to make sure. Thanks! ? JB
  22. Hi! I've never really delved too deep "under the hood" of the program to learn what a "Wave Picture Cache"is. Could someone please explain it to me? I'd appreciate it. ? John B
  23. I figured it out. John V's post gave me a clue. The other night I was working on the project on a different computer with a different controller. Then, today I put that project on a flash drive and opened it on a different computer with a different keyboard controller. The INPUTs were messed up. I checked the dropdown for the controller and "virtual controller" was ticked but there was no tick for my controller on my main music computer, which uses a Nektar Impact LX 61. I went into the input for the instrument and ticked "INPUT LX61" and now it works. Mystery solved. Thanks! ?
  24. I do, as a habit, use Auto Punch, but it's not enabled when I'm trying to add this data. I've also double checked the Record/MIDI "Zero Controllers" to make sure that was unticked and it is. Still no joy. ? JB
  25. No. That's not it. Was on Overwrite since the beginning of the project. Maybe it happened because I started it on one computer and switched to another and something got corrupted. ?
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