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Posts posted by abacab

  1. 10 hours ago, CosmicDolphin said:

    And I am saying it should be part of that core application

    My reference to the core application maybe wasn't clear enough. I was referring to BandLab fixing the existing core features, before adding any major new ones (and this is just an observation/interpretation of what they have been doing, not my suggestion/opinion as to what they should do).

    Just some additional observations,  this "Integrated Sampler" feature request has been on the Cakewalk FR list for many years without any hint of getting implemented. The dev's focus for a long time has been in  looking for the easiest features to implement, which have the broadest user appeal. Such as those that would benefit the majority of users. For example, the requests from the notation users for an improved score editor have also been ignored for like forever.  The conclusion was that not enough Cakewalk users would benefit from a better notation system, and the risk to a major overhaul to implement it  might mean breaking other things in the process.

    But by comparison, I also have Studio One, and I think PreSonus just did a great job with the version 4 update.  By updating Impact XT, Sample One XT, and adding the drum editing and pattern sequencing tools, they have listened to their users that had been requesting more tools for electronic music producers.

    I just don't think that Cakewalk is ready to move in that direction just yet, and as a free product now it's probably limited in the development cycle budget and what to spend it on. Fixing existing bugs is probably a higher priority for the foreseeable future. Although it would be nice to see some cool new features in Cakewalk that would broaden the appeal and make it competitive in all areas.   Fixing what it already has is probably job #1, before adding anything else.

    • Like 2
  2. As discussed in the old thread, the TX16Wx free software sampler is a good choice for a free plugin sampler. 

    It has a file browser, mapping editor, wave editor, and beat slicer.  Definitely worth a look!

    They have an inexpensive TX pro version that you can upgrade to that has additional features.


    TX16Wx Software Sampler is a plug-in for the creative musician, inspired and modeled after the best hardware samplers with all the ease and new exiting features of modern software.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Matthew Sorrels said:

    Just FYI Humble Bundle has updated the downloads for the Computer Music book bundle to have all the support zips with the supplements.  Download them from your account.


    Thanks for the heads-up!  Downloading now.  That's 4.1GB for the Audio Programming book and 1.0GB for the Csound Book...

  4. I would plug hard drives and audio interfaces directly into the computer.  A hub should work fine for low speed data devices like keyboards, mice, and MIDI controllers.

    I would select the same port types that your existing  USB devices have.

  5. I would definitely say that Loom is probably worth $19 for the additive synthesis. It is quite unique and you can get some sounds with it that you are unlikely to find anywhere else. There are 30 sound shaping modules that you can build a sound from by combining them in the 10 available module slots per patch.  There is one Wave module that allows you to import wave files and process them.  Creates a vocoder like sound with vocal recordings.  Lots of fun!

    But if you already own ANY Air instrument, I would recommend the Air Instrument Expansion Pack 3 Complete upgrade for $74.99.  Might as well get them all!  :D


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  6. Here's a thread from the old Cakewalk forum that discussed this idea: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Sonar-really-needs-a-sampler-m3499083.aspx

    I'm not opposed to the suggestion, as several other popular DAWs already have that feature, but I think that BandLab is focusing development for now on getting the Cakewalk core application as stable as possible. They have not yet released any of the former add-on instruments (Rapture Pro, Z3TA+2) from the old Cakewalk collection. And they would probably do that first, before creating any new ones. Even if it was going to happen. my guess is that it would be a long way off at this point.

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  7. 8 hours ago, Skeptik said:

    Speaking of this topic, why did Cakewalk fall through?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't they owned by Gibson?  What happened to the company?


    Also, on another note, something that kind of pisses me off.  I bought Sonar Platinum for $600 and less than 5 months later it's completely free.  I will be pissed off about that for years to come. >:(

    I bought Sonar Platinum lifetime also.   Gibson was the parent company then, and that is who you should take up any grievances for former licenses with. Cakewalk Inc. as a company is no more.  BandLab has not acquired any of the Cakewalk business obligations. As far as I know that rests with Gibson. Good luck, and get in line with the rest of Gibson's creditors.

    But I am just glad that Cakewalk software isn't dead yet. I have been a Cakewalk user for 20 years, and that is what got me started with DAWs. The Cakewalk intellectual property, but not the business obligations, of the former Cakewalk company was purchased last year by BandLab. 

    All I can say is thank you to BandLab. Otherwise the alternative would have been money down the drain. I look forward to a  productive  partnership with the new owners of the Cakewalk brand and software.  :D


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  8. Probably the most obvious culprit here would be a conflict with installed drivers. Drivers seem to be one the biggest troublemakers in an audio computer system.

    It would be helpful to post your system specs, software versions,  and any audio hardware in use. Obviously everyone here is not having this issue with Cakewalk, or else you would be reading about it daily. ;)

  9. 4 hours ago, Greg Graves said:

    Please let me know how this goes, as it is my current understanding that SPLAT and likely BandlabCake are tied to your mobo ID signature, and WILL NOT migrate.  Hope I am wrong here, but would really like to know.

    Not really sure what you are asking here. There is not to my knowledge, and never has been a migration tool to move Sonar from one computer to another.  It has always been a hands on project, with many variables depending on how the user has configured his machine to use various folders and drives for content and files, etc.

    The OP had asked how to move things across to a new computer. Yes, activation is one part of that, but should not be an issue. 

    The activation is tied  to your computer ID, but is easily accommodated with the existing install/activation methods for any computer:

    1. Old versions of Sonar (up through the X series of Sonar, prior to Platinum and the CCC "connected" applications) used the serial # and registration code in your Cakewalk account. As far as I know this will activate completely offline, so no server access required.

    2. The Platinum era Cakewalk "connected" software primarily used the Cakewalk Command Center (CCC) to register and activate all Cakewalk software.  There was also an "offline" activation option, but activation was still required.

    3. Cakewalk by BandLab requires the use of BandLab Assistant for all downloads and activations of the current Cakewalk software.

    If you have a previous  version of Sonar with plugins that you would like to use in Cakewalk by Bandlab, it is recommended to install that first, so that CbB will scan and include those plugins when you install CbB.


  10. I bought W8 for the MIDI pattern generator in 2017, and upgraded to W9 in 2018 for the chord track  that works with the pattern generator. That really completed the pattern feature that began with W8. It's a cool tool.

    But I don't see any major MIDI enhancements coming with W10, so I will probably hold out on upgrading this year. I have what I need, until something else interesting comes along. I use this as a secondary DAW, mostly just as a creative idea generating tool. It stands out as unique in that regard.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Misha said:

    One older article I found online on subject "More cores - less frequency vs more frequency less cores" had this:

    " Faster clock speeds means more responsiveness when running heavy linear tasks such as running single-threaded applications. Most programs still function in a linear fashion, making use of only one core. In these cases, clock speed is king."

    Can anybody shine a light this and if it relates to Cakewalk on how it handles VST plugins and tracking? If I have to choose between:  more cores - less frequency vs more frequency less cores, what would be a better choice?

    Particulary i7 7600U  2 CPU cores with Hyper-Threading support clocked at 2.8 - 3.9 GHz (2 core Turbo also 3.9 GHz) vs i7-8650U four cores but at a lower base frequency of 1.9 GHz. The Turbo Boost can go up to 4,2 GHz ?

    Main concern is which of these CPUs  will handle better multiple instances of VST on separate tracks and tracking (no "bouncing" or archiving or freezing advise please. This is a specific CPU question)

    Thank you.

    Well since that is a mobile CPU, it will never achieve the performance of a desktop equivalent.  That is a dual core CPU.


    The low end desktop i7-7700T CPU for that generation offered 4 cores, and 8 threads.

    Mobile CPU's are designed with lower power consumption (improved battery life) and lower heat output (small enclosure with limited ventilation) as design criteria. Performance is not as high priority in a mobile application as in a desktop.

    I'm not passing judgement, just stating the technical reality. It is what it is.  If you are limited to two cores, then you are probably going to want the fastest clock that you can get.


  12. 1 hour ago, Ray Olson said:

    Sorry for the delay, been travelling. Thanks for all of the suggestions so far. Yeah, I should have provided my configuration: I'm using the latest SONAR Platinum, with a Tascam US 16 x08 USB audio interface and a Nektar Impact 49 keyboard. Do you need my VST list?

    Jim, you mentioned creating an "up-to-date back image file". Can you explain a bit more, not sure what you mean?

    Maybe the best way would be to trade out hard drives? That's not ideal if I would like to get an SSD drive but maybe the safest. I guess I thought this would have come up before and there might be some "tool" to do this. Let me know what you think, and thanks again!

    You will need to download the hardware drivers for your audio interface, and MIDI keyboards, and install them on the new computer after you have Windows up and running.

    Then install Sonar and the bundled Cakewalk plugins onto your fresh new Windows 10 computer.

    > VST list: As mentioned earlier  your Sonar plugins should install themselves without issue, except for the XLN Audio Addictive Drums 2, and the Celemony Melodyne.  They both use 3rd party accounts and you must have those activated on the 3rd party sites, and follow their install procedures.

    You will need to make that VST list for any additional 3rd party plugins that you own, and determine for each company if you can just copy the VST .dll file over to your new VST folder, or whether you need to install  their plugin manager to download, install, and authorize each plugin from your account onto  the new computer. Some examples of plugin managers are those used by Waves, Native Instruments, Arturia, XLN Audio,  etc. They actually make life easier than the one-off plugin installers. Some plugins just use Windows installers/uninstallers and you will need to check on those. Some plugin install utilities use a Windows installer routine to create folders for presets, sample libraries, etc., plus sometimes Windows registry entries, so you cannot just copy them from one computer to another and expect them to work.

    > Jim suggested an image file backup, and I couldn't agree more.   I would suggest you start a new thread about disk imaging if you have never done that before. It can get rather involved and could sidetrack this discussion. The end result of an image is that you have a restorable disk "image", similar to a disk clone, but in a file format stored on an external drive. You can create this image of your new computer after you have set it up, and if you have problems you can always roll your hard drive back to a stored "image" without having to go back to zero. No swapping drives needed. The image backs up all files/folders on your disk so no need to backup individual files/folders separately.

    > Trade out hard drives? I would avoid this if you can. Easier if you can just keep your old system up and running until you are happy with the new one.  You will sleep better knowing that your data is still on the old computer until you get everything you need copied over and configured on the new computer.  Maybe after you have done this migration dance once or twice, you might want to take shortcuts, but I would not recommend that to a first timer. Hey, no offense,  we all started there! :D


  13. If it is a bus powered interface, it should come on with the computer power when you power on your PC.

    It it uses an AC power supply, then I would run it from the same power strip as the computer, and switch them on together.

    Either way, power your audio interface  on (and leave it on) whenever the computer starts up. That assures that Windows loads the drivers.

  14. I have no issues with the Tracktion interface. I find it rather intuitive. But I struggle with the UI in Reaper, FL Studio, and Reason. So I understand UI preference and workflow is a personal thing.

    If you really want different, try Ableton Live!  I like that one too, but have to read the manual to do anything.

    And bottom line is that most DAWs offer a demo version, so there's really no reason to get stuck and unhappy that you bought something you struggle with.

  15. 8 hours ago, Kenny Wilson said:

    I'm happily updated and I'm very impressed with how  well you guys are working together .

    all the best ,


    Welcome to Cake World 2.0 Kenny!  :D

    And now that you have your first "Like", you have some real street cred around here!

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