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Everything posted by abacab

  1. After a disastrous experience with something from Voyetra on my first PC back in 1997, I found Cakewalk Professional 6 boxed in a computer store, then soon upgraded to Pro Audio 9. My first PC was a Pentium 1 running Windows 95, using a Sound Blaster Live (2 in/2 out) connected to a home stereo for monitors, and one of those serial joystick/MIDI adapter thingies for my Korg workstation MIDI in/out. I was also using an external mixer to mix audio output from the PC with the audio output from my Korg.
  2. Well said! I experienced this when running a linear phase plugin in my project (which definitely needs a "look ahead" buffer). A simple workaround in my case was to use the "non linear" mode setting that the plugin offered. Then it is a simple matter to switch the mode setting back later after recording is done and you are ready to mix.
  3. If that is the case, it sounds like a serious bug (or a non-standard MIDI implementation) in the ARIA player (which I do not own). Even if the keyboard modulation controller (CC 1) is returned to zero when released, that should not effect the MIDI channel volume in the ARIA player (which should relate to either CC 7 volume, or CC 11 expression).
  4. I have the Roland A300 and agree that their spring loaded PB/Mod lever can be annoying. But by default it should not be sending the MIDI volume. Download the free MIDI-OX tool and see what MIDI controller you are sending with your Mod wheel. You should only be seeing CC: Modulation event in the MIDI input monitor when you push the Mod lever up. http://www.midiox.com/?http://midiox.com/moxdown.htm http://www.nortonmusic.com/midi_cc.html
  5. V2 & V3 can exist side by side, so why not try V3 out?
  6. That's possible, however I haven't seen that yet , and maybe the reason I may have missed that is I have another instrument that's from Soniccouture that qualifies me. I had it before DrumMic'a and just assumed that NI only shows one qualifying instrument in the crossgrade dialogue page, and not all that you may have available. But I have seen many posts from folks that used DrumMic'a to get the crossgrade. I will probably wait another year for K6, as I spent my upgrade budget on a SampleTank 4 Max crossgrade this year.
  7. FYI, didn't see it mentioned here yet, but the free Sennheiser DrumMic'a is a qualifying instrument for the NI Kontakt crossgrade deals: https://en-us.sennheiser.com/drummica Works with the Kontakt Player, and once you have it registered in your NI account, you should be able to access the crossgrade pricing.
  8. The real problem will be in the future when new plugins are developed in VST3 only, and if some hosts are not yet fully capable of supporting them. Steinberg has issued a retirement statement for the VST2 development kit for 2018 onward... https://www.steinberg.net/en/newsandevents/news/newsdetail/article/vst-2-coming-to-an-end-4727.html
  9. It is surprising that there are still any current hosts that only support VST2. I have a couple of them.
  10. I skimmed the manual and the comparison list a couple years ago, as well as ran the Elements 30 day trial. I was interested mainly in using the chord track, and other composing tools like the circle of fifths, etc., but I ended up getting Tracktion Waveform for it's MIDI pattern generator tools instead. I was looking into other music creativity tools that Cakewalk Sonar lacked, rather than another full featured DAW for tracking and mixing. Waveform has some cool capabilities, but sometimes I wish I had gotten Elements instead. As far as track limits go, 64 MIDI tracks is probably more than I need.
  11. How handicapped do you find Elements only as far as MIDI features go?
  12. If you are feeling cheap, you can install Win 10 and run it indefinitely without activating it with a product key. There will be a nag on the desktop, and a few cosmetic restrictions, but otherwise fully functional. To do this, you basically you just skip past the prompt to enter a key. You can install Home or Pro. You Don’t Need a Product Key to Install and Use Windows 10 https://www.howtogeek.com/244678/you-dont-need-a-product-key-to-install-and-use-windows-10/ You can also upgrade to the paid version of either Home or Pro later, depending on which edition you have already installed for free. Note: The original MS offer for a free upgrade to an activated copy of Win10 has been expired for a while.
  13. I would suggest learning both ways to do it. It will make troubleshooting easier down the road if you run into issues with routing MIDI data. Plus it will better enable you to take advantage of multi-timbral, multi-out plugins where they make sense to use. Then just choose what you need for any project.
  14. That's a catchy tune! Did you play on that or what?
  15. Have you been able to record audio directly using TX16Wx with Cakewalk? I have never been able to get the audio input working in TX16Wx, unless I use something else like Reaper.
  16. Funny, but that's what I think of Reaper, Reason, and Samplitude.
  17. It's great that you had an image to roll back to! It sounds like something got corrupted during the upgrade process. It's weird how some systems are affected during some upgrades, while others are not. That's why I always image my system before any update!
  18. Yep, if there are any problems with registry entries, I would be careful. A plug-in reset/rescan, and or uninstall/re-install of the troubled plug-ins would probably be the best advice. Regarding Windows upgrades, one extra precaution that I always take is to disable or remove my antivirus during the upgrade process. I don't want to take a chance of anything 3rd party interfering with updates to the Windows registry or system files. Some AV programs have some aggressive "protection" features, that may include registry and system files. I prefer to let Windows have full control of access during this delicate process. Does that really help? I can't prove it, but I don't recall any recent "glitches" after upgrades since I have been using Win 10 and following that practice.
  19. abacab

    Cakewalk and Chromebook

    Although this won't help with Cakewalk, it's still an interesting development... Google has announced that future Chromebooks will be able to run Linux applications on the ChromeOS. Don't know how much performance this will yield for DAW apps, as Chromebooks are generally low spec machines, but there are a few DAWs that can run on Linux. https://www.wired.com/story/run-linux-apps-any-chromebook/
  20. That's strange. I upgraded to 1809 a few months ago, and have not seen this issue. If you go to "Utilities > Cakewalk Plug-in Manager > VST Instruments (VSTi) > Addictive Drums 2" and click on "Plug-in Properties", do you see the option "Configure as synth" checked? Also I find it necessary to run the XLN installer after EVERY Windows upgrade. The license need to be refreshed as it thinks the computer ID has been changed (it has).
  21. I tried the Cubase Elements 9 trial a couple years ago. I seem to recall that most of the MIDI tools like chord track and chord assistant were intact in Elements, but the Pro version has more features for audio editing and mixing. So just for MIDI, Elements is probably OK. Check out the trial, no dongle required for Elements.
  22. LOL! Reminds me of a quote that I heard ... “There's a sucker born every minute.” -- P. T. Barnum
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